Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

I don't dismiss it...but in general desk jobs are no more stressful than many demanding physical jobs.

Try diagnosing a faulty furnace on a roof in a snowstorm. Get it wrong and not only are customers screaming but you could literally blow shit up.

I'm not saying that people with desk jobs shouldn't be able to retire at a decent age...but generally they can stay at it longer under most conditions...and those people are the ones trying to screw over people who DO have demanding physical jobs

Not true at all. People with desk jobs suffer stress, heart problems, and more. Their health is far worse than those with outside jobs.

Proper health choices, exercise, diet, can help the health of those who work indoors and outdoors, and their personal choices have far more to do with their overall health than does the nature of their employment.
SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.
Both programs need to be phased out. Ensure that those who were forced to pay in all their lives recoup at least some of their losses, but otherwise kill this nonsense and move on.
I suppose, but I’m not a conservative.

Classic Liberals (not Progressives) with Conservative leanings have a tendency to agree
that running around the world messing with other people is not the best idea.

What we have on Capitol Hill now is a bunch of Assclowns.

I'm working beyond the full retirement age. I get paid well and enjoy my job so it makes sense.

I've delayed taking Social Security to increase my monthly payment later but I think that's a mistake. I'm going to start my Social Security as soon as I can make it happen; I'd be better off putting it in the bank rather than letting the government hold it until I need it.
You know there is no SS Trust Fund do you?

It is mostly IOUs..................Really!!
Thanks to WHO. ? No... not some World Health Organization.
But 40 years of Democrat House control of Congress.
It took Newt Gingrich just a year or two to straighten
out and Have 4 consecutive Balanced Budgets.
There were no audits of Social Security when Democrats
abused it.That is why Al Gore made a big stink about
his " Lock Box " theory.The SS Trust Fund obviously was
invaded by House Democrats for their pet projects.
It's historically common knowledge when ever Congress
has a budget surplus it's spent faster than when reported
on paper.
Thanks to WHO. ? No... not some World Health Organization.
But 40 years of Democrat House control of Congress.
It took Newt Gingrich just a year or two to straighten
out and Have 4 consecutive Balanced Budgets.
There were no audits of Social Security when Democrats
abused it.That is why Al Gore made a big stink about
his " Lock Box " theory.The SS Trust Fund obviously was
invaded by House Democrats for their pet projects.
It's historically common knowledge when ever Congress
has a budget surplus it's spent faster than when reported
on paper.
None of that is accurate and you have no understanding of the subject
I don’t give a shit what you said. I responded appropriately
I have done both kinds of work. I had to take a pay cut and go behind a desk because my body could no longer take the punishment. Not everyone can do that and yes there was a little more stress to it but mostly because I came late to the game.

Not nearly enough to put me back out in the field though even though it paid better

Classic Liberals (not Progressives) with Conservative leanings have a tendency to agree
that running around the world messing with other people is not the best idea.

What we have on Capitol Hill now is a bunch of Assclowns.

Very few classical liberals left.
Okay, so you get more people into the system with immigration. Then how do we support them when they get older? Even more immigration?

Everything looks good in theory, but how many people do you think we can have in this country before we collapse? I think we have too many people here now, and the solution is not to keep bringing in more and more people.
That is actually the theory. It is how all Ponzi schemes work - never ending growth is necessary for the system to continue to operate.

We certainly do not have to many people though, people are the worlds greatest asset. However, I agree that to sustain the program indefinitely, we are going to need to privatize it and make it a savings program rather than an insurance product. Insurance is moronic for something that has near 100% chance of happening. That is another complete reimagining of what SS really is though.

I just do not see that ever happening. Uncle Sam sees SS as a MASSIVE funding instrument and there is zero chance that they give up any source of income let alone one so massive.
The problem is not how many old people there are, or are not. As well as the problem isn't when retirement age is.
The problem is keeping our corrupt government out of it. We have for years had a federal government drunk on spending and drunk on providing favors to pad their own pockets.

Meanwhile... we just keep throwing rocks at each other like school children always blaming the other side. Never looking at our own
We as a nation had the very real opportunity to fix soc and sec and medicare - without altering eligibilty age - in the 2000 election. W wanted to cut taxes instead. And I voted for W, but it was more about voting against Gore, but really, could anyone have been worse than W.

Even now, we could simply not cap taxes on income. But the progressives worry more about people who NEVER worked, and both parties are paid off by the 1% to not raise their taxes
Weather or not it is constitutional, I have zero doubt the current court would uphold a law that removes the cap.

Essentially, the constitutionality of the measure is worthy of discussion but does not represent a realistic scenario.
I don't see why it would be unconstitutional unless the SC decided to change the const, which is possible.
I put myself in the position to retire early but my sister put herself in a position where she has to get full SS in order to retire. She complains about working all the time as her company works her to death. And what if she doesn't make it to retirement age? She's going to be tortured until the day she dies.
Sorry to hear of your disability but good on you for planning well. Your sister has plenty of company, but as you stated, there are options that could allow her to leave a job that she hates. Both my wife and I came from poor families and had very similar goals to be financially independent. But oddly it doesn't run in the family with either of us. My brother would be in dire straits without both military and SS retirements. My wife has brothers and sisters who are also far from secure. Planning and money management seems to be a very individual thing.
We as a nation had the very real opportunity to fix soc and sec and medicare - without altering eligibilty age - in the 2000 election. W wanted to cut taxes instead. And I voted for W, but it was more about voting against Gore, but really, could anyone have been worse than W.

Even now, we could simply not cap taxes on income. But the progressives worry more about people who NEVER worked, and both parties are paid off by the 1% to not raise their taxes
It's not the 1% in this case.
It is the 45%. Republicans.
Conservatives, like myself, are a hard no on raising taxes. Not when we repeatedly see our government wasting $100s of Billions like it is a used paper cup. You take the unconscious "Build back Better". The EXACT thing the federal government does so they can spend $billions on pet projects and pay backs. Pick out something everyone can agree with (in this case infrastructure) - name the bill after that, only talk about that, when anyone complains about it - say "oh so you are against infrastructure??!!" and then make a bill that is overwhelmingly pork spending and only pocket change for what the bill is names after.

So. No. Not raising taxes.

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