Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Third world country, uber-corrupt government, shitty laws and regulations.
This was a program cooked up in AMERICA by right wing "free marketeers" who made the rules and built the program

Corruption is not a bug in a system like's a FEATURE
Once again you illustrate that you're too stupid to realize the very little effort it takes to learn about the market and investing with a long term strategy.
Ya know what's hilarious about this?

Look at who Bernie Madoff scammed. people who had been investing all their lives and knew how the system worked (supposedly)

People far more educated in the market than most Americans
This was a program cooked up in AMERICA by right wing "free marketeers" who made the rules and built the program

Corruption is not a bug in a system like's a FEATURE
The idea and the program of implementation are not the same things.


And if the government that implements a plan is corrupt then the plan is corrupted by the government. The plan itself isn;t corrupt.

Our politicians have raped Social Security already and you want them to keep doing it.

Social Security keeps poor people poor
Wrong again.

Anyone and I mean anyone can buy an indexed mutual fund without any involvement from any investment firms.

Anyone and I do mean anyone can do just a little research and have a solid understanding of asset allocation and long term investing.

You're making the mistake of thinking that everyone is as stupid as you are.
That’s the whole problem with leftists. They think Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves, and thus the government must rescue them in every aspect of their lives, which translates into control and little choice.

It’s a key difference between Dems and Republicans.
Ya know what's hilarious about this?

Look at who Bernie Madoff scammed. people who had been investing all their lives and knew how the system worked (supposedly)

People far more educated in the market than most Americans
He used the idea of overly high quick returns to dupe people

That won't work in an IRA type savings vehicle because for one the contributions are small monthly amounts AND the money is not available for large cash withdrawals that a guy like Madoff wanted.

Stop being such an ignoramous.
That’s the whole problem with leftists. They think Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves, and thus the government must rescue them in every aspect of their lives, which translates into control and little choice.

It’s a key difference between Dems and Republicans.
Republicans are no better.

REagan was first in line on the train rape of the Social Security trust fund
That’s the whole problem with leftists. They think Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves, and thus the government must rescue them in every aspect of their lives, which translates into control and little choice.

It’s a key difference between Dems and Republicans.
Don't be an idiot. Most Americans only know enough about investing to really fuck Bernie Madoff showed us
Don't be an idiot. Most Americans only know enough about investing to really fuck up
Easily remedied.

ANYONE, even a moron such as yourself, can learn the basics of long term investing with a minimal investment of time.
Easily remedied.

ANYONE, even a moron such as yourself, can learn the basics of long term investing with a minimal investment of time.
Yea...and anyone can read a book and become a professional gambler...
Yea...people who had the experience to know better...

The size of the contribution means nothing. The fact that you would even say that speaks to your own lack of knowledge ...or dishonesty
Of course it does.

You know nothing of MAdoff's Ponzi scam

Large amounts of CASH were necessary.

You're not going to get the attention of a guy like Madoff with a $400 a month installment plan
Don't be an idiot. Most Americans only know enough about investing to really fuck Bernie Madoff showed us
You really think that Americans are so stupid and incompetent that they can’t grasp the very basics of asset allocation? It’s something that could be taught in a morning seminar.
You're not going to get the attention of a guy like Madoff with a $400 a month installment plan
Hardly the issue

Grifters work on many small investments or a few large ones...the concept is the same
You really think that Americans are so stupid and incompetent that they can’t grasp the very basics of asset allocation? It’s something that could be taught in a morning seminar.
Not to mention the restrictions placed on any type of qualified retirement account are more than enough of a deterrent for early withdrawals
You really think that Americans are so stupid and incompetent that they can’t grasp the very basics of asset allocation? It’s something that could be taught in a morning seminar.

I've watched people screw up often over the years. For instance I know a lot of people that panicked when the market collapsed in 08 and again in 2020 and sold when the market dived...only to lock in their losses.

I've seen others buy annuities they got talked into that failed rather spectacularly.
Hardly the issue

Grifters work on many small investments or a few large ones...the concept is the same

This will be a qualified retirement plan subject to oversight far above and beyond any private savings account.

The money would be deducted from paychecks and automatically deposited into a person's retirement accounts. Early withdrawals are severely penalized in these types of accounts.

I'm running out of synonyms for Moron, I better break out the Thesaurus

I've watched people screw up often over the years. For instance I know a lot of people that panicked when the market collapsed in 08 and again in 2020 and sold when the market dived...only to lock in their losses.

I've seen others buy annuities they go talked into that failed rather spectacularly.
If you even learned a little about investing you'd have ;earned that annuities are a fools game.

A guaranteed return equals a guaranteed loss

I learned that before I was 18

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