Should the US stay in Afghanistan? Change my mind


Jun 3, 2021
Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.
Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.

Well we should have stayed long enough to keep Americans from being trapped behind radical Muslim lines.....
Yes, for the same reason we have troops in Korea, Europe and elsewhere on the globe. To keep our enemies in check we and other democratic countries must be the world police against enemies of freedom and democracy. We are now in a global war with terrorist and there supporters let us not become complacent ..
Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.

Agree with you; 100% on this.
All american civilians should have been out last year when they first found out about the draw down Drumpf planned.
Biden had 8 months to get Americans out.

Biden is to weak and pathetic to get them out.

Biden is just a ccp puppet that doesn't make any decisions.
Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.
I say let’s tell them this is their wake up call ad to what it would be like forever. Then go back in and move Taliban away from airport and passage to it. Guys all over the place with shoulder rocket launchers is no way to do anything.
Asclepias There was absolutely no reason for Biden to order an immediate withdrawal. It Donald Trump were still President our border would be under control, our cities would be under control and Afghanistan would be under control. Your personal hatred for Donald Trump means nothing. He was a true American President who understood what needed to be done.
Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.
What were we doing over there for twenty years if not helping the Government be able to take care of itself?
When the Bush/Cheney administration declared war on the Afghan Taliban, countless U.S. progressives predicted the end results would be what is currently happening.

Once involved in making war on the Taliban, the United States was taking on an eternal commitment.

But, Dubya convinced the Bushbots he could do what no army has done during the millennia of Afghan history, occupy, control, and win a war against Afghan defenders.

Like every other military before, the United States, the GOP, and every other war monger across this nation lost. These losers join Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the Soviets' Red Army, just to name a few, who tried, but eventually failed their missions in Afghanistan.

The United States' Afghan adventure was a loser before the troops left their home bases. The only winners, the major stockholders and corporate officers in the defense industry. They are the most disappointed Americans to see the war in Afghanistan come to its inevitable conclusion.

But it's not their concern for the oppressed Afghan people under Taliban rule. It's the fact that ending that most profitable conflict is going to cut into the corporate bottom line, and their quarterly bonuses. An example of U.S. patriotism at its finest.


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