Should the US stay in Afghanistan? Change my mind

Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.
Given the fact more than 150,000 U.S. troops are in hundreds of bases in more than 50 countries almost continuously, I believe keeping 3,000 armed and ready to attack or defend troops in Afghanistan would be the only prudent decision for the present. As reported, not one soldier died in Afghanistan in the last 18 months of Trump's presidency, those troops were probably doing far greater good for those people, for stability in the Middle East, and for the USA itself than most any other U.S. troops stationed around the globe.
What were we doing over there for twenty years if not helping the Government be able to take care of itself?
Look, there are two separate issues here. You will get no argument from me that over the last 20 years we screwed up in Afghanistan. We allowed corruption to rule the day and did nothing about it. That does not exonerate Biden from the incredibly stupid and inept withdrawal that has left our people, our military assets, our sensitive information and the Afghan interpreters at great risk.
Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.
I have no desire to see us stay in Afghanistan. I simply want to see a peaceful withdrawal where all Americans and those who supported our efforts there are successfully removed.

What we have due to Joe Biden is even more embarrassing than our withdrawal from Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War.

We are now the laughing stock of the world.
Mistakes are always made. His mistake was an optics one. He sat there and said the Afghans wouldnt fold that fast. They set a world record in folding.
If Joe didn't lie, maybe more Americans would have left. Joe and his supporters have blood on their hands.
Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.

people need to make their own destiny. If they don't, what is created will not be theirs and they won't care for it.
Hell Naw! We been over there babysitting them for 20 years now. Come on its about time they take care of themselves! For real they like a 40 year old still living at home expecting their parents to tale care of them. Like they are a bunch of babies and relied on the US for to long and to much that they cant take care of themselves any more.

The only reason to stay was to save face for the president, which ever president. One of them had to take the plunge and get out, Biden did it.

He's getting criticism because it's easy. What's not easy is making the right decision.

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