Should there be concerns about illegals who have not been vaccinated spreading disease into the US?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The Colonials gave smallpox to the Native Americans. If I lived in one of these sanctuary cities, I would be concerned....especially if I was one of these anti-vaccine morons.
The Colonials gave smallpox to the Native Americans. If I lived in one of these sanctuary cities, I would be concerned....especially if I was one of these anti-vaccine morons.

Here in the wetback capital of Mexifornia The Party Of Filth tell us that all wetbacks are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers in great health...they tell us they are essential to Mexifornias existence and prosperity.....The weird thing is; they can’t SHOW US how or where that’s proven to be true.
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Yes, with new arrivals crossing our border from the Congo, you can add Ebola to the list of coming attractions.
The Colonials gave smallpox to the Native Americans. If I lived in one of these sanctuary cities, I would be concerned....especially if I was one of these anti-vaccine morons.

Here in the wetback capital of Mexifornia The Party Of Filth tell us that all wetbacks are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers in great health...they tell us they are essential to Mexifornias existence and prosperity.....The weird thing is; they can’t SHOW US how or where that’s true.

Every single illegal immigrant is going to cure cancer, right?

It willl be interesting to see what happens when thee is a pandemic outbreak of disease and the children of these fucking anti vaccine cuckoos start dropping like flies.

Map: Measles outbreak strikes California
The Colonials gave smallpox to the Native Americans. If I lived in one of these sanctuary cities, I would be concerned....especially if I was one of these anti-vaccine morons.

Here in the wetback capital of Mexifornia The Party Of Filth tell us that all wetbacks are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers in great health...they tell us they are essential to Mexifornias existence and prosperity.....The weird thing is; they can’t SHOW US how or where that’s true.

Every single illegal immigrant is going to cure cancer, right?

It willl be interesting to see what happens when thee is a pandemic outbreak of disease and the children of these fucking anti vaccine cuckoos start dropping like flies.

Map: Measles outbreak strikes California

Trust me, I dream daily that we discover a killer disease that only beaners are carriers of and that it only spreads to LefTards.

I could see an outbreak of smallpox or the fucking plague easily happen in the squalor in San Fran and LA.

San Fran is so fucked in the head that you will get a $300 ticket if you let your dog shit on the sidewalk, but a naked human shitting next to your dog is ignored.

Wrap your head about that cvnty liberal pretzel logic.

They are absolute fucking morons.
The Colonials gave smallpox to the Native Americans. If I lived in one of these sanctuary cities, I would be concerned....especially if I was one of these anti-vaccine morons.

Here in the wetback capital of Mexifornia The Party Of Filth tell us that all wetbacks are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers in great health...they tell us they are essential to Mexifornias existence and prosperity.....The weird thing is; they can’t SHOW US how or where that’s true.

Every single illegal immigrant is going to cure cancer, right?

It willl be interesting to see what happens when thee is a pandemic outbreak of disease and the children of these fucking anti vaccine cuckoos start dropping like flies.

Map: Measles outbreak strikes California

Trust me, I dream daily that we discover a killer disease that only beaners are carriers of and that it only spreads to LefTards.

I could see an outbreak of smallpox or the fucking plague easily happen in the squalor in San Fran and LA.

San Fran is so fucked in the head that you will get a $300 ticket if you let your dog shit on the sidewalk, but a naked human shitting next to your dog is ignored.

Wrap your head about that cvnty liberal pretzel logic.

They are absolute fucking morons.
That’s why the state is in such bad shape.
I'm more worried about them getting their hands on ballots. More democrooks is worse than a disease.
Ilegal Immigrants who have not been inoculated combined with American children who have not been inoculated is the perfect storm for a serious outbreak of disease in these municipalities that have a high number of illegals....just something for you sanctimonious left wing cvnts to ponder.
It’s going to happen, there is a 100% chance.

You assholes will blame Trump, but it’s your fault.

There is shit, human feces all over the streets of San Fran and LA right now.

Seems you sanctuary city cvnts should have planned a little better for the FAKE CARAVAN THAT ISNT COMING.:113:
The Colonials gave smallpox to the Native Americans. If I lived in one of these sanctuary cities, I would be concerned....especially if I was one of these anti-vaccine morons.
South American folks have higher vaccination rates than the US.

Of course they don't have any American republicans either.
You assholes will blame Trump, but it’s your fault
Of course we will. Who do you think is bringing all these immigrants to the border to prove there is a crisis?

I mean, use your head man. tRump says there's a crisis, people point out that illegal immigration is actually down. No crisis. Then all.of the sudden it jumps through the roof. Coincidence?

Probably not.
You assholes will blame Trump, but it’s your fault
Of course we will. Who do you think is bringing all these immigrants to the border to prove there is a crisis?

I mean, use your head man. tRump says there's a crisis, people point out that illegal immigration is actually down. No crisis. Then all.of the sudden it jumps through the roof. Coincidence?

Probably not.

You're deranged.
You and your ilk denied it was a crisis when it had already become one!
You assholes will blame Trump, but it’s your fault
Of course we will. Who do you think is bringing all these immigrants to the border to prove there is a crisis?

I mean, use your head man. tRump says there's a crisis, people point out that illegal immigration is actually down. No crisis. Then all.of the sudden it jumps through the roof. Coincidence?

Probably not.
Saying that illegal immigration is actually down was actually a lie and it still is.
Trump was absolutely correct to follow my advise and release Illegals into CA Sanctuary cities
The Colonials gave smallpox to the Native Americans. If I lived in one of these sanctuary cities, I would be concerned....especially if I was one of these anti-vaccine morons.

There already ARE concerns about them. We're seeing cases of diseases - clusters of them - that most American doctors have never seen outside a med school class on them, simply because they haven't happened here in so long. And no, those anti-vax lunatics are not helping in the slightest.

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