CDZ Should these be a right for every American citizen?

I am not talking about the poor in general. I am talking about people who can't support themselves. Is that so hard to understand?
LOL - how in the world are you defining poor? Seems not being able to support yourself is the crux of it.
LOL - how in the world are you defining poor? Seems not being able to support yourself is the crux of it.
Between not being able to support yourself and not wanting to support yourself at own expense there is a great distance.
Some people can't be responsible for that. Is that so hard to understand?
Some people take offense to being forced to provide goods and services to be consumed by others.
Is that so hard to understand?
The money that I earned is my money. Is that too hard for you to understand?
Well, no, isn't hard. That is your view and I have a right to disagree. I don't think that a wolf pack is a good model for human society.
Well, no, isn't hard. That is your view and I have a right to disagree. I don't think that a wolf pack is a good model for human society.

A Tony Soprano criminal enterprise of stealing is a very bad model.

It is wrong to use the government to take money from one person and give it to somebody else that didn't nothing to earn it.

Being against that kind of thievery is against civilization. Even the Bile said 3,000 years ago "They Shall Not Steal". Using the government to do your stealing in no different than Tony Soprano shaking down people to get his share.
Is it okay when he is forced to pay for repairing of some road he will never use?
Your question does not negate the fact that because you believe he should be forced to pay for good and services to be consumed by others, you -do- believe his money belongs to someone else.

But, to address your question and illustrate its irrelevance to the issue:
He, like the rest of us, makes use of the infrastructure we all pay for, directly and indirectly.
The same cannot be said for the gallon of milk the state forced him to buy, to be consumed by someone else.

-You- support state-enforced involuntary servitude.
I am not talking about the poor in general. I am talking about people who can't support themselves. Is that so hard to understand?
Conservatives along with the vast majority of people support helping folks who CANNOT support themselves with a safety net.

What reasonable people refuse to do is support helping folks who DO NOT WANT to support themselves and want a HAMMOCK, not a safety net.

I don't believe in that. But there is such a thing as taxes. I think you also pay them.
Wow, yep, there are taxes.

The problem is that today, the taxes being taken from us and our great-grandchildren is being taken to pay others to NOT work. Why too are we suddenly paying folks $300.00 a month simply for having had kids?

Why is that the responsibility of your great-grandchildren?
Is it okay when he is forced to pay for repairing of some road he will never use?
As you know, there is a substantial gas tax which is used for new roads and maintaining them. There is also an excise tax on all truck tires.
Which only means I have put more thought into it than you

This is a lie.

Even if the claim, above, was not a lie, this STILL does not prove your claim, because there's no necessary relationship between the elimination of federal social programs and the preference "to live in a nation where the poor and incompetent suffer and die in the gutter.".

Thus: Your statement is a lie.


So sadly typical of the far-left. They reach out for the prison of two ideas. They try to say if you are opposed to some excessive welfare programs, you want people to starve in the street.

As a staunch Conservative, I believe that the truly needy need a safety net. We cannot in good conscience, provide a hammock.

Thousands of businesses are closing because they cannot find help because President Joe Biden is paying them to NOT work. How is that good for anyone?

Is it okay when he is forced to pay for repairing of some road he will never use?
Many cons are worried about social spending, while the nation is committing suicide. They claim to believe in the constitution and cite it as the reason why social spending should be terminated, ignoring the massive spending and benefits showered on big corporations and the ultra wealthy.

At any rate, it’s all wasted effort. The nation is too far gone.

When a demented President can make law and no one opposes it, you know it’s over.

Biden’s Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000?​

Buried on page 168 of the House Democrats’ 2,465-page mega bill is a tenfold increase in fines for employers that “willfully,” “repeatedly,” or even seriously violate a section of labor law that deals with hazards, death, or serious physical harm to their employees.

The increased fines on employers could run as high as $70,000 for serious infractions, and $700,000 for willful or repeated violations—almost three-quarters of a million dollars for eachfine. If enacted into law, vax enforcement could bankrupt non-compliant companies even more quickly than the $14,000 OSHA fine anticipated under Biden’s announced mandate.

Biden’s Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000?
Many cons are worried about social spending, while the nation is committing suicide. They claim to believe in the constitution and cite it as the reason why social spending should be terminated, ignoring the massive spending and benefits showered on big corporations and the ultra wealthy.
Nothing here changes the fact your statemented was a lie, as proven by the fact you made said statement knowing you could not prove it true.
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A Tony Soprano criminal enterprise of stealing is a very bad model.

It is wrong to use the government to take money from one person and give it to somebody else that didn't nothing to earn it.

Being against that kind of thievery is against civilization. Even the Bile said 3,000 years ago "They Shall Not Steal". Using the government to do your stealing in no different than Tony Soprano shaking down people to get his share.
The Bible also said 'give to the Ceaser what is Ceaser's'. No one steals your money. Paying taxes is not stealing. On the contrary, not paying them is so.
, to address your question and illustrate its irrelevance to the issue:
He, like the rest of us, makes use of the infrastructure we all pay for, directly and indirectly.
The same cannot be said for the gallon of milk the state forced him to buy, to be consumed by someone else
If this gallon of milk won't be buyed, it will be poured down on the ground. And the farmer won't get the money and won't spend them on some goods being produced by other workers. All in economy is intertwined.
The Bible also said 'give to the Ceaser what is Ceaser's'. No one steals your money. Paying taxes is not stealing. On the contrary, not paying them is so.
As long as we're using taxation to manipulate society (rather than to fund government), it's corrupt. It's worse than stealing.

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