CDZ Should these be a right for every American citizen?

By the way, it was "legal" for Hitler to round up all the Jews and kill them but it was still murder. Are you saying that when the government takes my money and gives it to the welfare queens that is it not thievery because it is "legal"? If you really believe that then you are really a confused Moon Bat
It may have been legal, but it was morally wrong. Paying taxes, part of which goes to help disabled and elderly, is both legally and moraly right.

Your case would be more understandable if you advocated abolishing taxes at all. Millions of dollars out of your taxes go to some 'friendly' or 'important' businesses to bail them out or give them some contracts. And that is legal thievery.
Carter forced a lot of businesses under....anyone would have been a huge improvement
We only had 2 choices...
1] Carter or another Democrat Clone of Carter
2] Reagan or another Republican Clone of Reagan

And that's why Middle Class America is shrinking.
It may have been legal, but it was morally wrong. Paying taxes, part of which goes to help disabled and elderly, is both legally and moraly right.

Your case would be more understandable if you advocated abolishing taxes at all. Millions of dollars out of your taxes go to some 'friendly' or 'important' businesses to bail them out or give them some contracts. And that is legal thievery.
How can the government taking the money that I worked hard for and giving it to somebody else that didn't do jackshit be considered morally right? It is simple thievery.

The filthy ass government has the ability to take my money but it ain't right to give it away to somebody else.
Paying taxes, part of which goes to help disabled and elderly, is both legally and moraly right.
And thus, you not only support state-enforced involuntary servitude - you believe it is the morally right thing to do.
How can the government taking the money that I worked hard for and giving it to somebody else that didn't do jackshit be considered morally right? It is simple thievery.

The filthy ass government has the ability to take my money but it ain't right to give it away to somebody else.
And that is why you should oppose taxes as a whole. Taking your money and spending them on 'projects' which you can't control is thievery.
And thus, you not only support state-enforced involuntary servitude - you believe it is the morally right thing to do.
You are so often repeating 'state enforced involuntary servitude' that the time has come to explain what it actually means. Are abiding by laws and paying taxes also included in this?
12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income
This can be done only under certain conditions. If a person has worked five years and paid insurance fees. And only for a limited period of time, six months.
And that is why you should oppose taxes as a whole. Taking your money and spending them on 'projects' which you can't control is thievery.

You are confused.

There are some functions of government that are legitimate; defense, courts, police etc.

Welfare ain't one of them.
All these people who get Social Security checks and have collected unemployment checks, hypocrisy much?
Because it is thievery. I've explained that to you several times on this thread.
So, taking you taxes to build a road you will never use is okay for you. But taking your taxes to finance food stamps for some disabled people is thievery. Got it.
You are so often repeating 'state enforced involuntary servitude' that the time has come to explain what it actually means.
The term is self-explanatory.
You support the state forcing people to provide goods and sevices to others w/o compensation.,
That's state enforced involuntary servitude.
The term is self-explanatory.
You support the state forcing people to provide goods and sevices to others w/o compensation.,
That's state enforced involuntary servitude.
And you support the state taking your taxes to build a road you will never use for what purpose?
And you support the state taking your taxes to build a road you will never use for what purpose?
Oh look - red herring.
Thank you for your admission that you do support involuntary servitude.
At some point of falling into evil behavior, one forfeits one's humanity. I cannot claim to know exactly where this line is, but when one commits the act of intentionally murdering another human being, in the absence of serious mitigating circumstances, then one has absolutely crossed that line and no longer deserved to be considered human.
After having met several series killers the line I would draw is those that enjoy the act of killing. They are not human and may never have been human.

There are those that intentionally take human life as a last resort, or out of all options are still human. Those who derive enjoyment from the act of murder cannot be fixed. They cannot be rehabilitated. They cannot be made safe. Put them down quickly, mechanically, they deserve no compassion, sympathy or empathy.

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