CDZ Should Those Who Don't Pay into the System Be Able to Vote?

You are delusional--in all things, blacks have taken more in government beanies than they ever paid in.

From its inception, the country’s legal foundations, political architecture, and civic fabric were designed to privilege the well-being of those who declared themselves white at the expense of Native Americans, African Americans, and other people of color. Generation after generation, as the baldest tactics were challenged, white America creatively renewed and reworked this pact to protect ourselves from political disempowerment, economic uncertainty, legal jeopardy, and physical violence. When the weight of the blood spilled by over 750,000 Americans shattered outright slavery, white America picked up the shards, fashioning them into a ramshackle but effective system of sharecropping, lynching, convict leasing, segregationist Jim Crow laws, restrictive immigration policies, appeals to “states’ rights,” voter suppression, and mass incarceration.

Robert P. Jones

Go back and read about the New Deal, and the G.I. Bill. Tax money paid for those programs. Blacks paid taxes and got excluded from most of the benefits. Welfare started in 1935. Blacks were excluded for 30 years. Whites have received welfare for 86 years.
Illegal aliens don't belong here so they get no vote. Go home. Immigrants we have invited to work here get no vote either. Only citizens should be able to vote. That is one of the provisions immigrants are under when they come here. This has nothing with who did what to build this country. This is all about maintaining order, which this administration is doing an abysmal job of.
If you pay sales, property and federal taxes then you are paying into the system…

When you buy gas you are paying into the system.

So whenever someone pays taxes they deserve a voice and be allowed to vote as long as they meet the Constitutional requirements…
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?
First, you'll never find anyone who doesn't pay taxes since even those kids pay sales taxes. Second, the logical extension of your philosophy is the more you pay in taxes the more votes you get. I don't want my country and my life run by a few billionaires.
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Don't We have a lot of seniors who worked all there adult life's and paid taxes, In there retirement live on SS and savings, but don't have enough money that they owe taxes beyond sales tax. So now you want to punish them for not being rich?
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Should Those Who Don't Pay into the System Be Able to Vote?​


Only property owners should be entered into the voting franchise..."Skin in the game" and all that.

No buy-in, you can't play the game.
Property owners should be the only ones to vote. This land isn't your land if you don't own anything
Back on why your picking on seniors? Many sell there homes go into senior living and rentals when they can not handle the up keep any longer. We should punish them for that?
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No, because the police would have no jurisdiction over them.
I think you need to look at some history. Your non=taxpayers would equate to feudal peasants, the people protecting the paying class could do anything they wanted to the peasants who would have no recourse. Another example would be Japan, Samurai could do anything they wanted to a peasant with no consequences. As Mao said "power flows from the barrel of a gun".
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?
I agree, non payers should not have the right to vote. Also, I would ban busing to the polls, un-solicited mail in ballots, and maintain a strict bi-partisian poll work force. I would also mandate ID's for voting and all ballots in American English.

IOW if you've got no job or income and living off government hand outs, if you can't get your ass to the polls and don't solicit an absentee ballot, if you can't produce an adequate I.D. and/or not a citizen of the U.S. you would have 0 rights to vote.
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First, you'll never find anyone who doesn't pay taxes since even those kids pay sales taxes. Second, the logical extension of your philosophy is the more you pay in taxes the more votes you get. I don't want my country and my life run by a few billionaires.
A. It already is
B. Hundreds of millions of people pay taxes on their income.
C. The more you pay = the more votes you get? No. It's If you pay, you vote.
If you pay sales, property and federal taxes then you are paying into the system…

When you buy gas you are paying into the system.

So whenever someone pays taxes they deserve a voice and be allowed to vote as long as they meet the Constitutional requirements…
I think it should be if you're taxed on income. If you have no income and are just taking from the government, you're "paying into the system by buying gas" is easily offset by your welfare.
As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers..
There's a line at the gas station. The non-payers are driving away with their gas, and the paying customers are being arrested for trespassing or loitering or smoking a cigarette too close to the gas pump or something like that.

Funny how the liquor store always stays in business while they charge the customers with open container laws, furnishing alcohol to minors, cursing and swearing in public etc.
A. It already is
B. Hundreds of millions of people pay taxes on their income.
C. The more you pay = the more votes you get? No. It's If you pay, you vote.
So if I pay a dollar I get the same vote as a billionaire? Doesn't seem so different from the way it is now.
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No. Requiring someone to pay taxes in order to vote is the definition of a poll tax, and is in violation of the 24th Amendment.

It also violates the entire concept of our nation. Government cannot be run as a business, whose goal is to make money, but instead has the goal "to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." Terms such as "common" and "general," not to mention the Articles and Amendments of the document itself, mean that everyone gets a voice, not just those with money. That's what makes us a republic rather than an aristocracy.
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?
Can you offer an example of someone who does not pay any tax?
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So if I pay a dollar I get the same vote as a billionaire? Doesn't seem so different from the way it is now.
Well, the concept of psychological incentive exists.

If you are paying into a system, you're going to view the perspective of how that system spends its money differently than if you didn't. If you're successful in the system, you'll care more about it being maintained. Those who aren't successful often don't care if the system collapses, and actually can prefer it to exhibit a sort of power over the successful.

Also, once the non-payers out number the payers.. then you get people like Bernie Sanders who only exist by promising free things to people until we're bankrupt. We should put safeguards so con-men like this can't thrive.
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The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?

The only constitutional qualification, now by law, is one simply has to be an American citizen to legally vote. I agree with that.
Those that have no skin in the game, that's an issue on it's own.

As far as voting goes, you're talking about discrimination. There are few things that I support in the area of discrimination. Voting is not one of them. Including those in prison should be able to vote. IMO.

If the politicians want to win their elections, they need to do a better job at running the country. When they promise to balance the budget (as Trump did), they should at least try to balance the budget. When they say they're going to take troops out of Afghanistan, they should do that.

And when the voters see their favorite candidate not doing those things they promised, they should vote for someone else next time. Maybe even a party other than the top two.
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