CDZ Should Those Who Don't Pay into the System Be Able to Vote?

I think you need to look at some history. Your non=taxpayers would equate to feudal peasants, the people protecting the paying class could do anything they wanted to the peasants who would have no recourse. Another example would be Japan, Samurai could do anything they wanted to a peasant with no consequences. As Mao said "power flows from the barrel of a gun".
I have looked into history. Not halfstory as you have done. If we aren't bound by laws, we can do what we want. And since we have guns too, all your talk is moot.
Well, the concept of psychological incentive exists.

If you are paying into a system, you're going to view the perspective of how that system spends its money differently than if you didn't. If you're successful in the system, you'll care more about it being maintained. Those who aren't successful often don't care if the system collapses, and actually can prefer it to exhibit a sort of power over the successful.
It's not true just because your gut tells you it's true. Are there any studies out there?

Also, once the non-payers out number the payers.. then you get people like Bernie Sanders who only exist by promising free things to people until we're bankrupt. We should put safeguards so con-men like this can't thrive.
We the voters are the only safeguard and we have generally failed. Bernie promised the rich would pay for free stuff and Trump promised Mexico would pay for a wall. Both are very popular with a large portion of the electorate.
The only constitutional qualification, now by law, is one simply has to be an American citizen to legally vote. I agree with that.
Those that have no skin in the game, that's an issue on it's own.

As far as voting goes, you're talking about discrimination. There are few things that I support in the area of discrimination. Voting is not one of them. Including those in prison should be able to vote. IMO.

If the politicians want to win their elections, they need to do a better job at running the country. When they promise to balance the budget (as Trump did), they should at least try to balance the budget. When they say they're going to take troops out of Afghanistan, they should do that.

And when the voters see their favorite candidate not doing those things they promised, they should vote for someone else next time. Maybe even a party other than the top two.
Just FYI I'm not fully committed to the idea of this thread, but there are absolute merits to it, especially with the size of our welfare state. If you get far more people who will only vote for things they are given for free. It's a slippery slope, and once we start sliding, we'll have the poor takers punishing the earners so much that the earners will stop earning, and society will crash.
Just FYI I'm not fully committed to the idea of this thread, but there are absolute merits to it, especially with the size of our welfare state. If you get far more people who will only vote for things they are given for free. It's a slippery slope, and once we start sliding, we'll have the poor takers punishing the earners so much that the earners will stop earning, and society will crash.
Sure, when does that happen?

The rich in this country have been living large on the tax breaks paid by taxpayers since reagan.
The rich have zero worries, zero concerns that average workers have. Imagine telling a person who is working hard just to barely, barely scrape by that his or her vote is going to be taken away. There is no way to justify it and leaving the wealthy to make all the decisions ends in total collapse of the nation...
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?
What do you mean by "non-payers?"

Who is paying what for what?

Income taxes? So older people who worked all their lives shouldn't be allowed to vote?
How about military people with families earning too little? should they vote?

IN the beginning only property owning White males could vote?
What other wonderful things would you like to bring back from that period?

Should Those Who Don't Pay into the System Be Able to Vote?​


Only property owners should be entered into the voting franchise..."Skin in the game" and all that.

No buy-in, you can't play the game.
So people in the military, LE, first responders, shouldn't be allowed to vote?
You are delusional--in all things, blacks have taken more in government beanies than they ever paid in.
Should we ask the people of Rosewood? No, wait...
How about the people they infected with syphilis? No wait...

Seems the prices were paid long before you got here.
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?
What does the constitution say about people voting?
Make it simple, file a tax return ,or extension, and vote. No tax return, no vote! No voter identification no vote. So how is this racist or an example of voter suppression?
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?
Rights are not dependent on income or class.

Is this any different than politicians promising huge tax cuts and special interest loopholes to buy votes?
Make it simple, file a tax return ,or extension, and vote. No tax return, no vote! No voter identification no vote. So how is this racist or an example of voter suppression?
Any eligible voter should be able to cast a ballot and not fight you maga fuckups to do so.
Any eligible voter should be able to cast a ballot and not fight you maga fuckups to do so.
So anyone can vote, regardless of citizenship? Are you for real? No country permits the crap your spewing. You are kidding me, so naive. Talk about stupid. Otto you take the cake.
So then people who don't pay into the system should not have to abide by laws passed by people they didn't have the right to vote for.
The idea would be that people would actually try to improve themselves. What we have isa system where people vote for people to pay them off. Good ideas go awry.
The idea would be that people would actually try to improve themselves. What we have isa system where people vote for people to pay them off. Good ideas go awry.
People can make those choices for themselves. What you doing is marginalizing poverty and creating a class of citizens without rights based solely on your perception of how they vote, live and think.
I liked the Founding Fathers model. Only White land owning men were allowed to vote.

I would be willing to add some White women to that if they were married to a White land owning man and would sign an oath certifying that they weren't a dingbat soccer mom.
So anyone can vote, regardless of citizenship? Are you for real? No country permits the crap your spewing. You are kidding me, so naive. Talk about stupid. Otto you take the cake.
Do you not understand the meaning of eligible?

Are you that white and fucked up?

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