CDZ Should Those Who Don't Pay into the System Be Able to Vote?

Otto just how do you define eligible, what validation standards and verifications do you visualize to insure eligibility? The constitution is very clear in that only American citizens are allowed to vote, it says nothing about financial or social standards. Show proof of citizenship? Your against voter ID’s, furthermore you say if a person fails to inform the Sec of States office that they have moved are racist tactics designed to suppress the vote. Should a person be allowed to vote if they are not willing to be held accountable for insuring the Secretary of States office is Informed of ones relocation? Your required to inform DMV, your bank, social security office……
this thread concerns ones views on if a person that does not pay taxes or file a tax return should be eligibility to vote. I believe if one is a citizen, can prove it, files a tax return, then they should be allowed to vote while at the same time believe one must be held accountable and responsible for protecting their sacred right to vote. Alexis de Tocqueville in his treatise on America observed that a Democratic Republic can flourish and will continue to do so until the number of those without outnumber those that have.

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