CDZ Should Trump And The GOP Preempt Democrats By Expanding the Supreme Court ?


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
Democrats will win back the Senate in the future, probably after Trump's 2nd term ends, the GOP not really having a suitable replacement candidate to run and imo they can't keep the evangelical vote forever in their pockets.

That being the case, should Trump and the GOP go ahead and expand the SC while they can still appoint the new Judges and head off a major future disaster when the Dems get control? It would be harder for them to expand it even more without it becoming a farce. I'm on the fence on this, it's just a topic that came up while drinking our morning coffee and the diner the other day shooting the bull. As a partisan strategy it would appear viable.
Democrats will win back the Senate in the future, probably after Trump's 2nd term ends, the GOP not really having a suitable replacement candidate to run and imo they can't keep the evangelical vote forever in their pockets.

That being the case, should Trump and the GOP go ahead and expand the SC while they can still appoint the new Judges and head off a major future disaster when the Dems get control? It would be harder for them to expand it even more without it becoming a farce. I'm on the fence on this, it's just a topic that came up while drinking our morning coffee and the diner the other day shooting the bull. As a partisan strategy it would appear viable.

should Trump and the GOP go ahead and expand the SC while they can still appoint the new Judges and head off a major future disaster when the Dems get control?
Not a good strategy whatsoever. That thought has the potential to make a complete mockery and demise of at least one
executive branch. The potential of having an never ending count of justices by playing that game.
Democrats will win back the Senate in the future, probably after Trump's 2nd term ends, the GOP not really having a suitable replacement candidate to run and imo they can't keep the evangelical vote forever in their pockets.

That being the case, should Trump and the GOP go ahead and expand the SC while they can still appoint the new Judges and head off a major future disaster when the Dems get control? It would be harder for them to expand it even more without it becoming a farce. I'm on the fence on this, it's just a topic that came up while drinking our morning coffee and the diner the other day shooting the bull. As a partisan strategy it would appear viable.
NO. Not just NO but HELL NO!
First off why go down a road just because the crazies want to take it?
As was once said would you jump off a cliff because someone else did?

The whole idea of increasing the size of the courts is just butthurt stupid. If you loose a game of baseball do you play with fourteen players on the field next time? If you lose again do you go to twenty?
Now imagine if the idiots increase the Court to ten, then the next party increases it to twelve. Where does it stop?
NO. Possible inexcusable behavior on the Dems part does not mean the GOP should do it first. The Supreme Court should not be politicized any further than it already is. I realize what it means if the Dems and Biden's gutless waffling on the issue means that if they have enough votes in the Senate to do it then they probably will if they take control of the Senate. What's to prevent the GOP from upping the number of justices rom 15 to 21 or whatever, when they take back the Senate? And I believe they will cuz the Dems always go too far when they govern. I don't know when the madness will finally end, I used to think a 2nd civil war was nonsense but now I'm not so sure.
Not a good strategy whatsoever. That thought has the potential to make a complete mockery and demise of at least one
executive branch. The potential of having an never ending count of justices by playing that game.

It might; on the other hand it might also stop Democrats from evr making that threat again as well, and split their Party over that particular issue and make it impossible for them to pack the Court themselves. In fact they may reverse course and reduce it back to its present size.
NO. Possible inexcusable behavior on the Dems part does not mean the GOP should do it first. The Supreme Court should not be politicized any further than it already is. I realize what it means if the Dems and Biden's gutless waffling on the issue means that if they have enough votes in the Senate to do it then they probably will if they take control of the Senate. What's to prevent the GOP from upping the number of justices rom 15 to 21 or whatever, when they take back the Senate? And I believe they will cuz the Dems always go too far when they govern. I don't know when the madness will finally end, I used to think a 2nd civil war was nonsense but now I'm not so sure.

The thing is the Democrats will do it if they win, that's the whole point of going ahead with the expansion.
NO. Possible inexcusable behavior on the Dems part does not mean the GOP should do it first. The Supreme Court should not be politicized any further than it already is. I realize what it means if the Dems and Biden's gutless waffling on the issue means that if they have enough votes in the Senate to do it then they probably will if they take control of the Senate. What's to prevent the GOP from upping the number of justices rom 15 to 21 or whatever, when they take back the Senate? And I believe they will cuz the Dems always go too far when they govern. I don't know when the madness will finally end, I used to think a 2nd civil war was nonsense but now I'm not so sure.

The thing is the Democrats will do it if they win, that's the whole point of going ahead with the expansion.

Here's the thing: if the GOP does it first then they are on the hook for the consequences and will be forever branded for the damage done to our system of gov't. And make no mistake, there will be negative consequences. But if the Dems do it first then the responsibility for that falls on them instead, which IMHO would mean a repeat of the 2010 shellacking they took in that election.
Great idea, lets keep messing with Everything just to get our way. next all lay down & kick your feet & hold your breath till you turn blue. that should fix it.
Democrats will win back the Senate in the future, probably after Trump's 2nd term ends, the GOP not really having a suitable replacement candidate to run and imo they can't keep the evangelical vote forever in their pockets.

That being the case, should Trump and the GOP go ahead and expand the SC while they can still appoint the new Judges and head off a major future disaster when the Dems get control? It would be harder for them to expand it even more without it becoming a farce. I'm on the fence on this, it's just a topic that came up while drinking our morning coffee and the diner the other day shooting the bull. As a partisan strategy it would appear viable.

The entire idea is stupid.

Whomever wins and is sworn in on 1/20...they should announce their intention to get an amendment to the Constitution ratified that sets the US Supreme Court to 9 judges. I would prefer that it also forces a floor vote by the Senate within 90 days of nomination but if it is just a limit to the number of justices..count me in.

The entire idea just needs to die.

Keep in mind...the idea of packing the court is not limited to the high court...why not just create a few hundred new federal district courts while you're at it? We'll end up with more courts than we have citizens eventually. Perhaps we can all take turns being judges....

Anyway...the idea is stupid.
Democrats will win back the Senate in the future, probably after Trump's 2nd term ends, the GOP not really having a suitable replacement candidate to run and imo they can't keep the evangelical vote forever in their pockets.

That being the case, should Trump and the GOP go ahead and expand the SC while they can still appoint the new Judges and head off a major future disaster when the Dems get control? It would be harder for them to expand it even more without it becoming a farce. I'm on the fence on this, it's just a topic that came up while drinking our morning coffee and the diner the other day shooting the bull. As a partisan strategy it would appear viable.

The entire idea is stupid.

Whomever wins and is sworn in on 1/20...they should announce their intention to get an amendment to the Constitution ratified that sets the US Supreme Court to 9 judges. I would prefer that it also forces a floor vote by the Senate within 90 days of nomination but if it is just a limit to the number of justices..count me in.

The entire idea just needs to die.

Keep in mind...the idea of packing the court is not limited to the high court...why not just create a few hundred new federal district courts while you're at it? We'll end up with more courts than we have citizens eventually. Perhaps we can all take turns being judges....

Anyway...the idea is stupid.

Well, it's the Democrats' idea so yeah, I agree. Left it out of the OP, but they also intend to pack the Senate, by granting statehood to Puerto Rico and District of Columbia, given Democrats 4 more Senators, so even if the GOP loses no seats the Dems can add 4 to their side, breaking the deadlock. Several GOP Senators and Congressmen have expressed support for the PR statehood thing, so there is that to consider, since they're related
Republicans have already made a mockery of the SCOTUS.

Actually your beloved Lincoln's SC did that with his Court packing racket, appointing the most corrupt Court in U.S. history, starting the Chase Court era. They also started the ' judicial activism' racket that made the 'Gilded Age' so gilded and Wall Street Friendly. Black people of course loved them some o that GOP corruption then, and for decades afterwards.
Democrats will win back the Senate in the future, probably after Trump's 2nd term ends, the GOP not really having a suitable replacement candidate to run and imo they can't keep the evangelical vote forever in their pockets.

That being the case, should Trump and the GOP go ahead and expand the SC while they can still appoint the new Judges and head off a major future disaster when the Dems get control? It would be harder for them to expand it even more without it becoming a farce. I'm on the fence on this, it's just a topic that came up while drinking our morning coffee and the diner the other day shooting the bull. As a partisan strategy it would appear viable.
This thread didn't age well...did it?
Democrats will win back the Senate in the future, probably after Trump's 2nd term ends, the GOP not really having a suitable replacement candidate to run and imo they can't keep the evangelical vote forever in their pockets.

That being the case, should Trump and the GOP go ahead and expand the SC while they can still appoint the new Judges and head off a major future disaster when the Dems get control? It would be harder for them to expand it even more without it becoming a farce. I'm on the fence on this, it's just a topic that came up while drinking our morning coffee and the diner the other day shooting the bull. As a partisan strategy it would appear viable.
This thread didn't age well...did it?

Actually recent events and SCOTUS rulings show that it was exactly what Trump should have done, with the exception of not taking any more advice from GOP hacks and making his own choices.

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