Should Trump Officially Declare War On Iran??

The democrats feel sorry for Iran when they kill hundreds of Americans and we take out their top terrorist. What's really funny is that the Democrats and the MSM totally ignore the fact that Iran could come to the negotiating table. No, all they can say is that Trump MAY have started a war. What a bunch of fucking traitors. Everyone knows that if Obumster was President they'd be having a collective Marxist orgasm.
So how does something Congress passed in 2002 give the President the right to do what he did 18 years later??

Or do you think a president can do whatever he wants when he wants??

The President is Commander in Chief. That's what you lefties said when Obama took out Bin Laden.
Obama pulled out a significant number of troops because the Iraqi government asked them to pull did you respond to that??

Idiot, I was against the war in Iraq back in 2003...I was against it then for the same reason dic suckers like you claim to be against it now...why the fuck do you think I would change my position on that??

That’s how neocons acted yes. How did the leftwing media act when President Trump ordered a withdraw in Syria from the Turkish border? They howled it was the end of the world and we were “betraying” the Kurds.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

If Iran does something really stupid, and *if* President Trump decides to go to war against them, he isn’t going to make the same stupid mistakes Bush did, like using ground troops to police Muslim cities. Instead he’ll destroy their navy, and bomb the shit out of them to humiliate them.
And what is Trump going to accomplish, world peace? STFU

We won’t have world peace until all of Islam is contained to the Middle East and they kill each other off.
Good luck with that war monger.
The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.
Trump's attack was terrorism.
The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.
Trump's attack was terrorism.

I have no doubt it terrified the likes of you.
Do you believe things are going to escalate further? I really hope not.
The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.
Trump's attack was terrorism.

I have no doubt it terrified the likes of you.
No, I live in a safe country.
The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.

Trump can't officially declare war. Only Congress can.
You can’t fix stupid.

Uncle loves the stupid.
That must be why you're here...

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That’s right. I’m here to educate the ignorant. Are you learning anything?

Even Tucker is trying to educate the ignorant.

Tucker Carlson Comes Out Against Trump’s Iran Strike
Tucker is a very smart articulate man, who has been against war or confrontation with any country for the longest time. On the Iran issue unfortunately he is wrong and it's possible it's due to his ignorance in the matter, or he could just be inflexible on these kinds of issues, as is Rand Paul.
Yes, the Empire is always right. Right?


Oh good grief! :blahblah: All you people ever have when you can't discuss something is to call others you disagree with Nazi's or Racists or some such BS...It really shows your lack of intelect...:fu:
Do you believe things are going to escalate further? I really hope not.
I was watching a guy on DW talking from Israel and it is worrying them big time. Way to go Donnie.
It must have been some left wing whacko. Israelis are praising he exeutopm of Soleimani. In fact, someare grumbling that Israel should not have waited for the US to do it.
The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.

Unless we have an objective and an exit plan, and really commit to the horrors of war, we need not start another war.

Who says we are getting into war? Only Leftists who want to side with our enemies....

Trump: "We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war."

“We are a peace-loving nation and my administration remains firmly committed to establishing peace and harmony among the nations in the world,” Trump said. “We do not seek war, we do not seek nation-building, we do not seek regime change, but as president I will never hesitate to defend the safety of the American people.”

Trump: 'We took action last night to stop a war'

Since LBJ we quit fighting wars to win at all costs, this will just add. Letting human shields and hiding in Mosques alter our attacks doesn’t work. We either go in and destroy with a goal or we are wasting American lives.

Now that I will agree with you on.
Do you believe things are going to escalate further? I really hope not.
I was watching a guy on DW talking from Israel and it is worrying them big time. Way to go Donnie.
It must have been some left wing whacko. Israelis are praising he exeutopm of Soleimani. In fact, someare grumbling that Israel should not have waited for the US to do it.
Doesn't change the fact that people are tired of conflict. No matter the political persuasion. It disrupts life on all fronts.
Do you believe things are going to escalate further? I really hope not.
I was watching a guy on DW talking from Israel and it is worrying them big time. Way to go Donnie.
It must have been some left wing whacko. Israelis are praising he exeutopm of Soleimani. In fact, someare grumbling that Israel should not have waited for the US to do it.
Doesn't change the fact that people are tired of conflict. No matter the political persuasion. It disrupts life on all fronts.
Israelis are certainly tired of conflict, but Israel's enemies are not, so Israel must stand ready to meet any threat, hopefully preemptively. Despite all of this, international polls find Israelis to be among the happiest people on Earth.
If the Iraqi government asks the US to pull out, and President Trump complies, you lefties will be screaming how he retreated and created a void in Iraq which will only lead to more war there.
Obama pulled out a significant number of troops because the Iraqi government asked them to pull did you respond to that??

Idiot, I was against the war in Iraq back in 2003...I was against it then for the same reason dic suckers like you claim to be against it now...why the fuck do you think I would change my position on that??

That’s how neocons acted yes. How did the leftwing media act when President Trump ordered a withdraw in Syria from the Turkish border? They howled it was the end of the world and we were “betraying” the Kurds.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

If Iran does something really stupid, and *if* President Trump decides to go to war against them, he isn’t going to make the same stupid mistakes Bush did, like using ground troops to police Muslim cities. Instead he’ll destroy their navy, and bomb the shit out of them to humiliate them.
And what is Trump going to accomplish, world peace? STFU
If the Iraqi government asks the US to pull out, and President Trump complies, you lefties will be screaming how he retreated and created a void in Iraq which will only lead to more war there.
Obama pulled out a significant number of troops because the Iraqi government asked them to pull did you respond to that??

Idiot, I was against the war in Iraq back in 2003...I was against it then for the same reason dic suckers like you claim to be against it now...why the fuck do you think I would change my position on that??

That’s how neocons acted yes. How did the leftwing media act when President Trump ordered a withdraw in Syria from the Turkish border? They howled it was the end of the world and we were “betraying” the Kurds.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

If Iran does something really stupid, and *if* President Trump decides to go to war against them, he isn’t going to make the same stupid mistakes Bush did, like using ground troops to police Muslim cities. Instead he’ll destroy their navy, and bomb the shit out of them to humiliate them.
And what is Trump going to accomplish, world peace? STFU

If the Iraqi government asks the US to pull out, and President Trump complies, you lefties will be screaming how he retreated and created a void in Iraq which will only lead to more war there.
Obama pulled out a significant number of troops because the Iraqi government asked them to pull did you respond to that??

Idiot, I was against the war in Iraq back in 2003...I was against it then for the same reason dic suckers like you claim to be against it now...why the fuck do you think I would change my position on that??

That’s how neocons acted yes. How did the leftwing media act when President Trump ordered a withdraw in Syria from the Turkish border? They howled it was the end of the world and we were “betraying” the Kurds.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

If Iran does something really stupid, and *if* President Trump decides to go to war against them, he isn’t going to make the same stupid mistakes Bush did, like using ground troops to police Muslim cities. Instead he’ll destroy their navy, and bomb the shit out of them to humiliate them.
And what is Trump going to accomplish, world peace? STFU

So make up your mind you clueless asshole. You are upset because Trump shakes Kim's hand but then you're upset because Trump takes out a mass murderer.
Which Trump is it that you're not ready to criticize? The one who gets along with world leaders or one who doesn't? Alternatively you can simply admit that you're going to criticize everything he does no matter what it is. We already know this.

Obama pulled out a significant number of troops because the Iraqi government asked them to pull did you respond to that??

Idiot, I was against the war in Iraq back in 2003...I was against it then for the same reason dic suckers like you claim to be against it now...why the fuck do you think I would change my position on that??

That’s how neocons acted yes. How did the leftwing media act when President Trump ordered a withdraw in Syria from the Turkish border? They howled it was the end of the world and we were “betraying” the Kurds.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

If Iran does something really stupid, and *if* President Trump decides to go to war against them, he isn’t going to make the same stupid mistakes Bush did, like using ground troops to police Muslim cities. Instead he’ll destroy their navy, and bomb the shit out of them to humiliate them.
And what is Trump going to accomplish, world peace? STFU

We won’t have world peace until all of Islam is contained to the Middle East and they kill each other off.
We will never have world peace. Humans have tried to kill each other for one reason or another since ancient days. Look at how Democrats are behaving today, they have turned into cult of insane, irrational, radical anti American tribe with socialistic tendencies that will literally do anything, including trample all over our rights and everything this country stands for, just to achieve power. I doubt there will ever be "peace" with the Democrats ever again. As the older, more rational traditional Democrats retire or die, the crazy radical AOC types will rise to power, and basically at that point we are talking civil war and eventual destruction of this country and our way of life from within.

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