Should Violent Rioters Be Expelled From America ?

If Milwaukee was east Syria and America was more like Syria, we would bomb the shit out of the nuts. If they want to live in a burned out town of rubble then start dropping drone bombs on the rioters heads and go from there. If it's good enough for trouble makers in other countries, then why not our own?
Fortunately the United States is nothing like Syria.

But your contempt for due process and the rule of law is noted.

you are one naïve mofu s0n............

You think if the shit going on in Milwaukee spreads, white guys are going to sit back and just let due process happen?:spinner: are exactly the type Eastwood was talking about last week Clint Eastwood blasts ‘pussy generation,’ praises Trump for ‘saying what’s on his mind’

Among're in the vast minority s0n!!

"Due process.":rofl::rofl::rofl::up:
Should Violent Rioters Be Expelled From America ?
Maybe instead of over crowding jails and prisons with people who display violent tendencies maybe America should pick a under developed country and export all violent offenders to that failing country. Let's see how much the trouble makers feel their lives matter when they find themselves in a place where they don't matter at all. Then the justice department can upgrade the criminal's status to shoot on sight if caught trying to reenter the U.S. without proper documents.
Sounds crazy right? But nobody can get some people from rioting and there may need to be tougher laws and longer jail terms for most offenders to reverse the mentality that seems to be becoming the way of life in America. Insurance doesn't cover everything. And low life young adults with criminal acts on their minds aren't making America the beautiful country it could be. If being shot for fleeing police not eough of a deterrent than what is? Crime would go way down if these criminals were half a world away.
Just a thought.
The latest incident...
Milwaukee burns.

Milwaukee officials plead for calm after police shooting sparks violence | Fox News

Violence Erupts in Milwaukee After Fatal Police Shooting

Sounds like it's against International law.

How about this, people actually vote for politicians who give a damn, sort the country out, and have a country that's worthy?

Just a thought.
Most of the cities with all of these problems are run entirely by democrats. Many with black mayors & police chiefs.

The problem isn't so much the politicians as it is the heathens who live in those shitholes. They have no respect for life, human dignity or the property of others and you think a political philosophy is going to change that?

Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

The problem isn't just with the cities, it's a problem of the whole damn country which is falling apart at the seems because no one is willing to do anything to make anything better. The US has become so individualistic that everyone, even the politicians, are only in it for themselves.

Every empire has come to an end, and generally they come to an end for the very same reasons. Selfishness.
I won't argue the overall point you just made but it does nothing to negate my post.

Your point is trying to point the blame at the other team. It does nothing to try and fix the problems.

The main problem isn't just "the other team", it's both teams.
Nonsense. My point was that "your" team says it will make things better but in the end nothing is different because "your" team ignores the root of the problem and that problem isn't politics or political philosophy. The problem is the community & the residents of that community. The culture
Sounds like it's against International law.

How about this, people actually vote for politicians who give a damn, sort the country out, and have a country that's worthy?

Just a thought.
Most of the cities with all of these problems are run entirely by democrats. Many with black mayors & police chiefs.

The problem isn't so much the politicians as it is the heathens who live in those shitholes. They have no respect for life, human dignity or the property of others and you think a political philosophy is going to change that?

Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

The problem isn't just with the cities, it's a problem of the whole damn country which is falling apart at the seems because no one is willing to do anything to make anything better. The US has become so individualistic that everyone, even the politicians, are only in it for themselves.

Every empire has come to an end, and generally they come to an end for the very same reasons. Selfishness.
I won't argue the overall point you just made but it does nothing to negate my post.

Your point is trying to point the blame at the other team. It does nothing to try and fix the problems.

The main problem isn't just "the other team", it's both teams.
Nonsense. My point was that "your" team says it will make things better but in the end nothing is different because "your" team ignores the root of the problem and that problem isn't politics or political philosophy. The problem is the community & the residents of that community. The culture

The community and the residents of that community vote for the politicians who do nothing, who don't change the way people vote, so that nothing every changes, right?
Most of the cities with all of these problems are run entirely by democrats. Many with black mayors & police chiefs.

The problem isn't so much the politicians as it is the heathens who live in those shitholes. They have no respect for life, human dignity or the property of others and you think a political philosophy is going to change that?

Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

The problem isn't just with the cities, it's a problem of the whole damn country which is falling apart at the seems because no one is willing to do anything to make anything better. The US has become so individualistic that everyone, even the politicians, are only in it for themselves.

Every empire has come to an end, and generally they come to an end for the very same reasons. Selfishness.
I won't argue the overall point you just made but it does nothing to negate my post.

Your point is trying to point the blame at the other team. It does nothing to try and fix the problems.

The main problem isn't just "the other team", it's both teams.
Nonsense. My point was that "your" team says it will make things better but in the end nothing is different because "your" team ignores the root of the problem and that problem isn't politics or political philosophy. The problem is the community & the residents of that community. The culture

The community and the residents of that community vote for the politicians who do nothing, who don't change the way people vote, so that nothing every changes, right?
The people of that community vote for others to fix what can only be fixed by the voters themselves. That is the take away from these situations but no one is smart enough to grasp it.
The problem isn't just with the cities, it's a problem of the whole damn country which is falling apart at the seems because no one is willing to do anything to make anything better. The US has become so individualistic that everyone, even the politicians, are only in it for themselves.

Every empire has come to an end, and generally they come to an end for the very same reasons. Selfishness.
I won't argue the overall point you just made but it does nothing to negate my post.

Your point is trying to point the blame at the other team. It does nothing to try and fix the problems.

The main problem isn't just "the other team", it's both teams.
Nonsense. My point was that "your" team says it will make things better but in the end nothing is different because "your" team ignores the root of the problem and that problem isn't politics or political philosophy. The problem is the community & the residents of that community. The culture

The community and the residents of that community vote for the politicians who do nothing, who don't change the way people vote, so that nothing every changes, right?
The people of that community vote for others to fix what can only be fixed by the voters themselves. That is the take away from these situations but no one is smart enough to grasp it.

Well I disagree with you. Having seen how things can work. The problem is that people are all thinking individually, selfishly, and the politicians have managed to play on this and get what they want.
If Milwaukee was east Syria and America was more like Syria, we would bomb the shit out of the nuts. If they want to live in a burned out town of rubble then start dropping drone bombs on the rioters heads and go from there. If it's good enough for trouble makers in other countries, then why not our own?
Make a deal with the Brits and send them to this little island where they can be isolated until they learn to act civilized.
Should Violent Rioters Be Expelled From America ?
Maybe instead of over crowding jails and prisons with people who display violent tendencies maybe America should pick a under developed country and export all violent offenders to that failing country. Let's see how much the trouble makers feel their lives matter when they find themselves in a place where they don't matter at all. Then the justice department can upgrade the criminal's status to shoot on sight if caught trying to reenter the U.S. without proper documents.
Sounds crazy right? But nobody can get some people from rioting and there may need to be tougher laws and longer jail terms for most offenders to reverse the mentality that seems to be becoming the way of life in America. Insurance doesn't cover everything. And low life young adults with criminal acts on their minds aren't making America the beautiful country it could be. If being shot for fleeing police not eough of a deterrent than what is? Crime would go way down if these criminals were half a world away.
Just a thought.
The latest incident...
Milwaukee burns.

Milwaukee officials plead for calm after police shooting sparks violence | Fox News

Violence Erupts in Milwaukee After Fatal Police Shooting
No, they should be summarily executed.
I won't argue the overall point you just made but it does nothing to negate my post.

Your point is trying to point the blame at the other team. It does nothing to try and fix the problems.

The main problem isn't just "the other team", it's both teams.
Nonsense. My point was that "your" team says it will make things better but in the end nothing is different because "your" team ignores the root of the problem and that problem isn't politics or political philosophy. The problem is the community & the residents of that community. The culture

The community and the residents of that community vote for the politicians who do nothing, who don't change the way people vote, so that nothing every changes, right?
The people of that community vote for others to fix what can only be fixed by the voters themselves. That is the take away from these situations but no one is smart enough to grasp it.

Well I disagree with you. Having seen how things can work. The problem is that people are all thinking individually, selfishly, and the politicians have managed to play on this and get what they want.
Doesn't matter if you agree with me, I KNOW I am right. Politicians can not fix the breakdown of the social fabric of our nation.
Your point is trying to point the blame at the other team. It does nothing to try and fix the problems.

The main problem isn't just "the other team", it's both teams.
Nonsense. My point was that "your" team says it will make things better but in the end nothing is different because "your" team ignores the root of the problem and that problem isn't politics or political philosophy. The problem is the community & the residents of that community. The culture

The community and the residents of that community vote for the politicians who do nothing, who don't change the way people vote, so that nothing every changes, right?
The people of that community vote for others to fix what can only be fixed by the voters themselves. That is the take away from these situations but no one is smart enough to grasp it.

Well I disagree with you. Having seen how things can work. The problem is that people are all thinking individually, selfishly, and the politicians have managed to play on this and get what they want.
Doesn't matter if you agree with me, I KNOW I am right. Politicians can not fix the breakdown of the social fabric of our nation.

You might know you're right, I see people who "know they're right" all the damn time, and they're so wrong it's ridiculous.

The problem in the US is that politicians seem to follow the people, and the people are selfish, and so the politicians are selfish and make their money and use money to keep themselves in power.

The problem comes when people don't have any expectations in what politicians should be, then it breaks down. Democracy has changed, it's gone from the politicians doing what was right, to the politicians telling the people what is right.

But then again, if the people keep electing the same crap, they'll get the same crap.
Politicians can never talk peace and sensibility into people who are brought up with mental issues due to poor upbringing. International laws could be changed one day. All countries or a majority could decide to do the same. Drop off the fools in west Syria and let them reevaluate their place in humanity and personal moral values and convictions. Which the mentally challenged appear to exhibit on a regular basis. If criminals didn't commit crimes then there wouldn't be a need.

I guess with people with your views around nothing is ever going to change.
My views are what I see the media reflects. If people didn't riot and burn towns wouldn't that make life better?
Justice may not always be served to your liking but counter measures are a deterrent. The justice system is too lenient at times. If a guy throwing a molotov cocktail or brick at law enforcement was hit by a drone missile wouldn't deter hostile acts by over breeding mentally inept individuals , then what is your answer?

Your views are how you interpret what you see.

Yes, it'd be better of people didn't burn towns.

Maybe it'd be even better of people didn't have a reason to burn towns down, don't you think?

You say the justice system is too lenient, yet the US has the second largest prison population per capita in the world. So there must be a problem elsewhere.

My answer is to not be reactionary and to solve the problems before they become problems.

Sure. It's not my fault you'll ignore those reasons.

People don't just go around burning things down and risk going to prison for nothing you know.


These are not the peaceful protests of MLK...

If the current aggressive stance continues against the government and it's lawfully appointed officials do you really think the aggressive party is going to be given the choice of going to prison?

The people in Ferguson and Baltimore were allowed by the government officials to riot, loot, and burn, the town down.

What do you think would have happened if the people in Ferguson and Baltimore had attempted to descend on the city government centers where the government officials were barricaded behind quickly erected concrete slabs and police in full gear?

*****SAD SMILE*****

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Nonsense. My point was that "your" team says it will make things better but in the end nothing is different because "your" team ignores the root of the problem and that problem isn't politics or political philosophy. The problem is the community & the residents of that community. The culture

The community and the residents of that community vote for the politicians who do nothing, who don't change the way people vote, so that nothing every changes, right?
The people of that community vote for others to fix what can only be fixed by the voters themselves. That is the take away from these situations but no one is smart enough to grasp it.

Well I disagree with you. Having seen how things can work. The problem is that people are all thinking individually, selfishly, and the politicians have managed to play on this and get what they want.
Doesn't matter if you agree with me, I KNOW I am right. Politicians can not fix the breakdown of the social fabric of our nation.

You might know you're right, I see people who "know they're right" all the damn time, and they're so wrong it's ridiculous.

The problem in the US is that politicians seem to follow the people, and the people are selfish, and so the politicians are selfish and make their money and use money to keep themselves in power.

The problem comes when people don't have any expectations in what politicians should be, then it breaks down. Democracy has changed, it's gone from the politicians doing what was right, to the politicians telling the people what is right.

But then again, if the people keep electing the same crap, they'll get the same crap.
So based on our past interactions in this thread if you're going to put the rubber to the road and live up to your own expectations of what the "people" should do, you're going to vote for someone other than Hillary right? Or has the past couple of hours just been a bunch of hot air?
Should Violent Rioters Be Expelled From America ?
Maybe instead of over crowding jails and prisons with people who display violent tendencies maybe America should pick a under developed country and export all violent offenders to that failing country. Let's see how much the trouble makers feel their lives matter when they find themselves in a place where they don't matter at all. Then the justice department can upgrade the criminal's status to shoot on sight if caught trying to reenter the U.S. without proper documents.
Sounds crazy right? But nobody can get some people from rioting and there may need to be tougher laws and longer jail terms for most offenders to reverse the mentality that seems to be becoming the way of life in America. Insurance doesn't cover everything. And low life young adults with criminal acts on their minds aren't making America the beautiful country it could be. If being shot for fleeing police not eough of a deterrent than what is? Crime would go way down if these criminals were half a world away.
Just a thought.
The latest incident...
Milwaukee burns.

Milwaukee officials plead for calm after police shooting sparks violence | Fox News

Violence Erupts in Milwaukee After Fatal Police Shooting
There are two problems with your suggestion. First, you can't deport a US citizens because they have committed crimes. We do have a constitution and laws that prevent that. Secondly, the country you deport a person to must accept that person. Although we have agreements with most countries that require them to accept their citizens back if deported, they do not have to accept our trash that we deem not fit to live here.
Should Violent Rioters Be Expelled From America ?
Maybe instead of over crowding jails and prisons with people who display violent tendencies maybe America should pick a under developed country and export all violent offenders to that failing country. Let's see how much the trouble makers feel their lives matter when they find themselves in a place where they don't matter at all. Then the justice department can upgrade the criminal's status to shoot on sight if caught trying to reenter the U.S. without proper documents.
Sounds crazy right? But nobody can get some people from rioting and there may need to be tougher laws and longer jail terms for most offenders to reverse the mentality that seems to be becoming the way of life in America. Insurance doesn't cover everything. And low life young adults with criminal acts on their minds aren't making America the beautiful country it could be. If being shot for fleeing police not eough of a deterrent than what is? Crime would go way down if these criminals were half a world away.
Just a thought.
The latest incident...
Milwaukee burns.

Milwaukee officials plead for calm after police shooting sparks violence | Fox News

Violence Erupts in Milwaukee After Fatal Police Shooting
There are two problems with your suggestion. First, you can't deport a US citizens because they have committed crimes. We do have a constitution and laws that prevent that. Secondly, the country you deport a person to must accept that person. Although we have agreements with most countries that require them to accept their citizens back if deported, they do not have to accept our trash that we deem not fit to live here.

Still a US territory last time I checked.

No bars and no prison guards.

Additionally they'll also get lots of sunshine, a beautiful beach to go swimming, and not have to be woke up by trains going by...


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The community and the residents of that community vote for the politicians who do nothing, who don't change the way people vote, so that nothing every changes, right?
The people of that community vote for others to fix what can only be fixed by the voters themselves. That is the take away from these situations but no one is smart enough to grasp it.

Well I disagree with you. Having seen how things can work. The problem is that people are all thinking individually, selfishly, and the politicians have managed to play on this and get what they want.
Doesn't matter if you agree with me, I KNOW I am right. Politicians can not fix the breakdown of the social fabric of our nation.

You might know you're right, I see people who "know they're right" all the damn time, and they're so wrong it's ridiculous.

The problem in the US is that politicians seem to follow the people, and the people are selfish, and so the politicians are selfish and make their money and use money to keep themselves in power.

The problem comes when people don't have any expectations in what politicians should be, then it breaks down. Democracy has changed, it's gone from the politicians doing what was right, to the politicians telling the people what is right.

But then again, if the people keep electing the same crap, they'll get the same crap.
So based on our past interactions in this thread if you're going to put the rubber to the road and live up to your own expectations of what the "people" should do, you're going to vote for someone other than Hillary right? Or has the past couple of hours just been a bunch of hot air?

I've never voted Democrat or Republican, so..... I doubt I'll be starting any time soon.
Should Violent Rioters Be Expelled From America ?
Maybe instead of over crowding jails and prisons with people who display violent tendencies maybe America should pick a under developed country and export all violent offenders to that failing country. Let's see how much the trouble makers feel their lives matter when they find themselves in a place where they don't matter at all. Then the justice department can upgrade the criminal's status to shoot on sight if caught trying to reenter the U.S. without proper documents.
Sounds crazy right? But nobody can get some people from rioting and there may need to be tougher laws and longer jail terms for most offenders to reverse the mentality that seems to be becoming the way of life in America. Insurance doesn't cover everything. And low life young adults with criminal acts on their minds aren't making America the beautiful country it could be. If being shot for fleeing police not eough of a deterrent than what is? Crime would go way down if these criminals were half a world away.
Just a thought.
The latest incident...
Milwaukee burns.

Milwaukee officials plead for calm after police shooting sparks violence | Fox News

Violence Erupts in Milwaukee After Fatal Police Shooting
There are two problems with your suggestion. First, you can't deport a US citizens because they have committed crimes. We do have a constitution and laws that prevent that. Secondly, the country you deport a person to must accept that person. Although we have agreements with most countries that require them to accept their citizens back if deported, they do not have to accept our trash that we deem not fit to live here.

Still a US territory last time I checked.

No bars and no prison guards.

Additionally they'll also get lots of sunshine, a beautiful beach to go swimming, and not have to be woke up by trains going by...



Nope it's the Republic of the Marshall Islands. I doubt that they would accept our trash because they are just a little pissed at us for destroying 3 of their islands that they had inhabited for over 3,000 years.
Should Violent Rioters Be Expelled From America ?
Maybe instead of over crowding jails and prisons with people who display violent tendencies maybe America should pick a under developed country and export all violent offenders to that failing country. Let's see how much the trouble makers feel their lives matter when they find themselves in a place where they don't matter at all. Then the justice department can upgrade the criminal's status to shoot on sight if caught trying to reenter the U.S. without proper documents.
Sounds crazy right? But nobody can get some people from rioting and there may need to be tougher laws and longer jail terms for most offenders to reverse the mentality that seems to be becoming the way of life in America. Insurance doesn't cover everything. And low life young adults with criminal acts on their minds aren't making America the beautiful country it could be. If being shot for fleeing police not eough of a deterrent than what is? Crime would go way down if these criminals were half a world away.
Just a thought.
The latest incident...
Milwaukee burns.

Milwaukee officials plead for calm after police shooting sparks violence | Fox News

Violence Erupts in Milwaukee After Fatal Police Shooting

Antartica ?
Should Violent Rioters Be Expelled From America ?
Maybe instead of over crowding jails and prisons with people who display violent tendencies maybe America should pick a under developed country and export all violent offenders to that failing country. Let's see how much the trouble makers feel their lives matter when they find themselves in a place where they don't matter at all. Then the justice department can upgrade the criminal's status to shoot on sight if caught trying to reenter the U.S. without proper documents.
Sounds crazy right? But nobody can get some people from rioting and there may need to be tougher laws and longer jail terms for most offenders to reverse the mentality that seems to be becoming the way of life in America. Insurance doesn't cover everything. And low life young adults with criminal acts on their minds aren't making America the beautiful country it could be. If being shot for fleeing police not eough of a deterrent than what is? Crime would go way down if these criminals were half a world away.
Just a thought.
The latest incident...
Milwaukee burns.

Milwaukee officials plead for calm after police shooting sparks violence | Fox News

Violence Erupts in Milwaukee After Fatal Police Shooting

Antartica ?
It would be far cheaper to build and maintain a prison in the US than in Antarctica, even better just send them to an existing prison in the US.

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