Should we avoid killing their families?

or should we bomb the shit out of them. Donald wants to know.

Suicide Attack Kills 6 American Service Members

When the enemy kills some of your soldiers,

is that terrorism, or just the reality of war?
When they strap a bomb onto their chest and detonate it in the center of the soldiers, it is terrorism.

You're an idiot. Killing enemy soldiers is not terrorism.
So when our troops take them out (even if they're wearing civilian clothes), it's not "terrorism"....

I want to thank you for being brave enough to admit that...

Now give some serious thought to whose side you're on...
or should we bomb the shit out of them. Donald wants to know.

Suicide Attack Kills 6 American Service Members

When the enemy kills some of your soldiers,

is that terrorism, or just the reality of war?
When they strap a bomb onto their chest and detonate it in the center of the soldiers, it is terrorism.

You're an idiot. Killing enemy soldiers is not terrorism.
So when our troops take them out (even if they're wearing civilian clothes), it's not "terrorism"....

I want to thank you for being brave enough to admit that...

Now give some serious thought to whose side you're on...

You wanted a war with Islamist extremists, you're getting it. In war you attack, and the enemy counterattacks, and vice versa.
or should we bomb the shit out of them. Donald wants to know.

Suicide Attack Kills 6 American Service Members

When the enemy kills some of your soldiers,

is that terrorism, or just the reality of war?
When they strap a bomb onto their chest and detonate it in the center of the soldiers, it is terrorism.

You're an idiot. Killing enemy soldiers is not terrorism.
So when our troops take them out (even if they're wearing civilian clothes), it's not "terrorism"....

I want to thank you for being brave enough to admit that...

Now give some serious thought to whose side you're on...

who wanted a war???
What do you do if the ISIS terrorist is an American Citizen whose American family has due process protection under the United States Constitution? Do they get a trial or do you have a Washington bureaucrat slaughter the parents, aunts, uncles and babies of the terrorist?

We know that Republicans would typically destroy the Constitution in a situation like this (because they tend to opt for the false illusion of safety over the principals of freedom, especially when those principals are inconvenient).

What do you do with Saudi Arabia, the home of the 9/11 terrorists? Should we stop funding the radical Saudi regime, as Carter recommended? Should we conduct an inquiry into why Bush flew prominent Saudis (including members of the Bin Laden family) out of the country after 9/11? What happens to a Republican president who protects those families by flying them out of the country? Should he face a Grand Jury?

Republicans who listen to talk radio and support Trump don't know that we've been funding the Saudis heavily for close to 50 fucking years, and they don't know that this funding and weaponization went into overdrive under Reagan. They simply don't understand the region, which is why they are vulnerable to crass orange haired baboons who call for the bombing of evil doers (but give no specific plans for creating a stable middle east). The Trumpians and Cruzies know nothing about all the groups fighting in Syria, and they don't realize that Trump and Cruz are not going to carpet bomb embedded terrorists living in heavily civilian areas with hundreds of thousands of innocent people. If they demolished whole civilian populations - if they made of a blood bath of innocent babies and non-combatants - the terrorist blowback would haunt generations of Americans, and the scale of the human tragedy would end our moral credibility and make it impossible to form working coalitions with much needed allies (which is necessary to solve the problem of global terrorism)

We haven't heard any real solutions, just more tough-talking-applause-lines from the people who failed to defend the eastern seaboard on September 11, 2001. Remember those people? I'm talking about the people whose execution of national security principals was so corrupt that they launched a war against a country who had nothing to do with 9/11 - and they did it with a degree of incompetence and mismanagement that should exclude any future claims to the presidency. But sure, lets trust the same voters and their leaders to fix the problem they created.

God help us.
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or should we bomb the shit out of them. Donald wants to know.

Suicide Attack Kills 6 American Service Members

When the enemy kills some of your soldiers,

is that terrorism, or just the reality of war?
When they strap a bomb onto their chest and detonate it in the center of the soldiers, it is terrorism.

You're an idiot. Killing enemy soldiers is not terrorism.
Yes it is idiot when you are using suicide bombers. To difficult for you to understand what that means?
What do you do if the ISIS terrorist is an American Citizen whose American family has due process protection under the United States Constitution? Do they get a trial or do you have a Washington bureaucrat slaughter the parents, aunts, uncles and babies of the terrorist?

We know that Republicans would typically destroy the Constitution in a situation like this (because they tend to opt for the false illusion of safety over the principals of freedom, especially when those principals are inconvenient).

What do you do with Saudi Arabia, the home of the 9/11 terrorists? Should we stop funding the radical Saudi regime, as Carter recommended? Should we conduct an inquiry into why Bush flew prominent Saudis (including members of the Bin Laden family) out of the country after 9/11? What happens to a Republican president who protects those families by flying them out of the country? Should he face a Grand Jury?

Republicans who listen to talk radio and support Trump don't know that we've been funding the Saudis heavily for close to 50 fucking years, and they don't know that this funding and weaponization went into overdrive under Reagan. They simply don't understand the region, which is why they are vulnerable to crass orange haired baboons who call for the bombing of evil doers (but give no specific plans for creating a stable middle east). The Trumpians and Cruzies know nothing about all the groups fighting in Syria, and they don't realize that Trump and Cruz are not going to carpet bomb embedded terrorists living in heavily civilian areas with hundreds of thousands of innocent people. If they demolished whole civilian populations - if they made of a blood bath of innocent babies and non-combatants - the terrorist blowback would haunt generations of Americans, and the scale of the human tragedy would end our moral credibility and make it impossible to form working coalitions with much needed allies (which is necessary to solve the problem of global terrorism)

We haven't heard any real solutions, just more tough-talking-applause-lines from the people who failed to defend the eastern seaboard on September 11, 2001. Remember those people? I'm talking about the people whose execution of national security principals was so corrupt that they launched a war against a country who had nothing to do with 9/11 - and they did it with a degree of incompetence and mismanagement that should exclude any future claims to the presidency. But sure, lets trust the same voters and their leaders to fix the problem they created.

God help us.

Calm down Prince're stuck in the bbbbut bush hysteria. You blame America for opposing a force of loons who have plagued the world for over a thousand years. Either they fix their problem or we fix it for them....simple as that.
We need to get back to his mindset, no rules

or should we bomb the shit out of them. Donald wants to know.

Suicide Attack Kills 6 American Service Members
Trump doesn't just want to kill the families of terrorists. He wants to bomb anyone who is held captive by ISISBOOMBAH.

And so does Cruz. He wants to deliberately carpet bomb innocents.

They are clueless dumbasses.

The world is a HARD PLACE...someone has to do the HARD WORK to finish the job, not just kick the can down the road.... Collateral Damage.... What was it 184,000 civilians when the bomb dropped on Japan, and how long did it take them to surrender after the second bomb?....Muslim's are MUCH dumber than Japs, it will take half a billion of them......Mecca first....GO The Donald and/or Ted Cruz!!!!


And it didn't cost us a single American life to do this!
Nuking a holy site now, eh?

How do you think a billion Catholics would feel if someone nuked the Vatican. Do you think they would be like, "Gosh, I guess we should all be nice to the guys who did that"?

You'd have a billion pissed off Muslims on your hands, dumbass.
Makes it easier to see who to shoot.

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