Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?

There is a long list of silly things the right made up and tried to make stick. Did you know she has been accused of being responsible for the murder of 96 people? If she had done 1/10 or even 1/100 of the things she has been accused of, I would be a right winger too.

maybe not 96, but clearly 4. At the consulate in Benghazi. Her incompetence is the direct cause of their deaths.

Not what all those investigations found. Are the right wingers who did those investigations lying to protect her?

Wrong, that is exactly what the investigations found. But I get it, you would defend the hildebeast if she pissed in your coffee.
WRONG, that's what the 5 investigations the Repubs had found, ZERO WRONG DOING....the Repubs were so upset that the investigations found NOTHING, that they called for a 6th investigation, just hoping and praying they can make this 6th one last till the Election....

We're on to YOU!

What they found was incompetence, negiigence, and political manipulation, as well as out and out lies about the whole thing being caused by a video.

But I get it, you would support the hildebeast if she shit in your mashed potatoes.

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