Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?

In other words you are just whining about something you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about.

Thank you for disqualifying yourself from your own thread.

Have a nice day.

Interesting that Dr. Ben Carson almost verbatim used my words in describing this situation this morning on FOX news with Chris Wallace.
unFortunately you can't send you asinine statement to a special wiper what would erase your crap from USMB

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.

Apparently Hillary hasn't seen one either. At least that is what she said.

Why does every right winger statement have to be a lie, even about the most obvious things?
In other words you are just whining about something you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about.

Thank you for disqualifying yourself from your own thread.

Have a nice day.

Interesting that Dr. Ben Carson almost verbatim used my words in describing this situation this morning on FOX news with Chris Wallace.
unFortunately you can't send you asinine statement to a special wiper what would erase your crap from USMB

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.

Apparently Hillary hasn't seen one either. At least that is what she said.

Why does every right winger statement have to be a lie, even about the most obvious things?

"I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received," Clinton told reporters in Winterset, Iowa.

RELATED: Clinton emails contained classified information, official says

Because it was not identified, it is unclear whether Clinton realized she was potentially compromising classified information. The inspector general reviewed a "limited sampling" of her emails, and among those 40 reviewed, found that "four contained classified (intelligence community) information," inspector general Charles McCullough wrote in a letter to Congress.

(Inspector General) McCullough said in the past that "none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings," but that some "should have been handled as classified, appropriately marked, and transmitted via a secure network." The State Department has told McCullough that "there are potentially hundreds of classified emails within the approximately 30,000 provided by former Secretary Clinton."

That comment was in relation to her personal server, dumbass.
In other words you are just whining about something you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about.

Thank you for disqualifying yourself from your own thread.

Have a nice day.

Interesting that Dr. Ben Carson almost verbatim used my words in describing this situation this morning on FOX news with Chris Wallace.
unFortunately you can't send you asinine statement to a special wiper what would erase your crap from USMB

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.
Hillary must be insane too, since she claims she's never seen a classified document either

Hillary claims she has never seen a classified document? You must have gotten that ridiculous claim from someone who is even crazier than the average right winger. I don't suppose they gave you a link to where she said that did they?, I just figured it out on my own since she claims none of the docs she received were classified.

Sounds like something you figured out for yourself dumbass. When she made that remark, it was in relation to her personal account.
Interesting that Dr. Ben Carson almost verbatim used my words in describing this situation this morning on FOX news with Chris Wallace.
unFortunately you can't send you asinine statement to a special wiper what would erase your crap from USMB

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.
Hillary must be insane too, since she claims she's never seen a classified document either

Hillary claims she has never seen a classified document? You must have gotten that ridiculous claim from someone who is even crazier than the average right winger. I don't suppose they gave you a link to where she said that did they?, I just figured it out on my own since she claims none of the docs she received were classified.

Sounds like something you figured out for yourself dumbass. When she made that remark, it was in relation to her personal account.
For one, the regulation Republicans are talking about wasn't signed by Obama until two years AFTER she left office. And number two, well there is no number two. This is much ado about nothing. Republicans won't stop until they turn her into a martyr.
If it was sent as unclassified and later classified by State, the problem isn't in the Clinton camp.

thats their story today, what will it be tomorrow when that is disproven.

I know you love the bitch, but get real, she broke the law by doing govt business on a private server and then destroying it. If there was nothing to hide, why destroy it? Will these idiots ever learn that its the cover up that brings them down?
You hate women too?

Maybe if you got laid more often you'd become a moderate conservative

How does pointing out Hillary's crimes equal.hating women?
Pointing out unproven accusations of crimes that Hillary may, or may not have committed does equal hating women.

The fact that Hillary is a irrelevant

Redfish thinks feminine terms are an insult to a male, which means women are inferior to him. If women were equal, being called a woman, if you're a man, is not an insult.

You're crazy. It has nothing to do with her sex, or obama's race. It has to do with corruption, lying, and incompetence. The same things would be said about them if they were both lilley white men.

I hate to inform you, but all criticism of dems is not based on race or sex. That is just another dem/lib failed talking point, the american people see through your bullshit.
I never said all criticism of dems is based on race or sex.

Just the criticism that comes from you
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me
I can think of a million reasons to NOT vote for her, and hope the GOP concentrates on the good ones

The GOP can no longer tell the difference between the truth and a lie.
God, I wish I could say that wasn't true about Democrats too
We're getting better. We can pretty much tell now when Republicans lie. We just assume everything they say is a lie.
I think that both sides believe what they say, when it comes to people like us on this site. But on both sides, the political strategy/consulting/PR that orchestrate campaigns provide consistent misleading information, desgined to have us all come to false or misleading conclusions about the other side.

This Obama and Hillary hatred from righties is a perfect example of that.

What rational American would believe he's a secret Muslim Kenyan, if not for the daily reinforcement of resentments that allow that lapse of reason from righty media.

Withour righty media you'd seem insane saying stuff like that
In other words you are just whining about something you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about.

Thank you for disqualifying yourself from your own thread.

Have a nice day.

Interesting that Dr. Ben Carson almost verbatim used my words in describing this situation this morning on FOX news with Chris Wallace.
unFortunately you can't send you asinine statement to a special wiper what would erase your crap from USMB

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.
Hillary must be insane too, since she claims she's never seen a classified document either

Hillary claims she has never seen a classified document? You must have gotten that ridiculous claim from someone who is even crazier than the average right winger. I don't suppose they gave you a link to where she said that did they?, I just figured it out on my own since she claims none of the docs she received were classified.
Don't be surprised at this. The Hillary sycophants will continue denying guilt no matter what happens to her. Look at how they still carry on about Bubba being persecuted for having an affair, even after his backers had to cough up 90 grand and he lost his law license for a while because he lied in court and filed false affidavits.
Interesting that Dr. Ben Carson almost verbatim used my words in describing this situation this morning on FOX news with Chris Wallace.
unFortunately you can't send you asinine statement to a special wiper what would erase your crap from USMB

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.
Hillary must be insane too, since she claims she's never seen a classified document either

Hillary claims she has never seen a classified document? You must have gotten that ridiculous claim from someone who is even crazier than the average right winger. I don't suppose they gave you a link to where she said that did they?, I just figured it out on my own since she claims none of the docs she received were classified.
Don't be surprised at this. The Hillary sycophants will continue denying guilt no matter what happens to her. Look at how they still carry on about Bubba being persecuted for having an affair, even after his backers had to cough up 90 grand and he lost his law license for a while because he lied in court and filed false affidavits.

ya, the clintonbots wanna make a big deal about if they were marked, or unmarked.
Then they challenge ops if they know the diff between classified and unclassified.
Really doesn't matter cuz, Gen petraeus's emails were not classified...not one
The documents weren't marked classified, it even said so a couple of posts back.

As far as the information? Well, if she wasn't in on the meeting where the information was decided to be classified, she wouldn't know until after the fact.

And, like someone else pointed out, the regulation that they are saying she broke didn't come into effect until 2 YEARS AFTER she left office.
It seems you and the rest don't understand politics.
Certainly, nothing like this has ever happened to the republicans.

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.
Hillary must be insane too, since she claims she's never seen a classified document either

Hillary claims she has never seen a classified document? You must have gotten that ridiculous claim from someone who is even crazier than the average right winger. I don't suppose they gave you a link to where she said that did they?, I just figured it out on my own since she claims none of the docs she received were classified.
Don't be surprised at this. The Hillary sycophants will continue denying guilt no matter what happens to her. Look at how they still carry on about Bubba being persecuted for having an affair, even after his backers had to cough up 90 grand and he lost his law license for a while because he lied in court and filed false affidavits.

ya, the clintonbots wanna make a big deal about if they were marked, or unmarked.
Then they challenge ops if they know the diff between classified and unclassified.
Really doesn't matter cuz, Gen petraeus's emails were not classified...not one
Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.
Hillary must be insane too, since she claims she's never seen a classified document either

Hillary claims she has never seen a classified document? You must have gotten that ridiculous claim from someone who is even crazier than the average right winger. I don't suppose they gave you a link to where she said that did they?, I just figured it out on my own since she claims none of the docs she received were classified.
Don't be surprised at this. The Hillary sycophants will continue denying guilt no matter what happens to her. Look at how they still carry on about Bubba being persecuted for having an affair, even after his backers had to cough up 90 grand and he lost his law license for a while because he lied in court and filed false affidavits.

ya, the clintonbots wanna make a big deal about if they were marked, or unmarked.
Then they challenge ops if they know the diff between classified and unclassified.
Really doesn't matter cuz, Gen petraeus's emails were not classified...not one
It literally doesn't make a hill of beans difference if anyone on here knows what's classified or not. What matters is, did the Secretary of State know or not? Personally, I don't want as president either a Secretary who claims to know, should have known, but did NOT know or one who DID know and didn't care.
The documents weren't marked classified, it even said so a couple of posts back.

As far as the information? Well, if she wasn't in on the meeting where the information was decided to be classified, she wouldn't know until after the fact.

And, like someone else pointed out, the regulation that they are saying she broke didn't come into effect until 2 YEARS AFTER she left office.
She was Secretary of State, someone I expect should know. She would certainly expect those who reported to her to know.
Interesting that Dr. Ben Carson almost verbatim used my words in describing this situation this morning on FOX news with Chris Wallace.
unFortunately you can't send you asinine statement to a special wiper what would erase your crap from USMB

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.

Apparently Hillary hasn't seen one either. At least that is what she said.

Why does every right winger statement have to be a lie, even about the most obvious things?
Interesting that Dr. Ben Carson almost verbatim used my words in describing this situation this morning on FOX news with Chris Wallace.
unFortunately you can't send you asinine statement to a special wiper what would erase your crap from USMB

Carson obviously knows even less about classified documents than you do.

Which isn't at all surprising since he has probably never seen one in his entire life and neither have you given the inanity of your posts.

Apparently Hillary hasn't seen one either. At least that is what she said.

Why does every right winger statement have to be a lie, even about the most obvious things?

"I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received," Clinton told reporters in Winterset, Iowa.

RELATED: Clinton emails contained classified information, official says

Because it was not identified, it is unclear whether Clinton realized she was potentially compromising classified information. The inspector general reviewed a "limited sampling" of her emails, and among those 40 reviewed, found that "four contained classified (intelligence community) information," inspector general Charles McCullough wrote in a letter to Congress.

(Inspector General) McCullough said in the past that "none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings," but that some "should have been handled as classified, appropriately marked, and transmitted via a secure network." The State Department has told McCullough that "there are potentially hundreds of classified emails within the approximately 30,000 provided by former Secretary Clinton."

That comment was in relation to her personal server, dumbass.

Are you referring to the personal server that she was sending and receiving classified government documents in violation of the rules in place at the time?
So the OP is an expert on classifying documents.

Let's start with the simple stuff.

You can classify the following information into Top Secret, Confidential, Personal and Public.

Phone number
Drivers License
Credit Card Number
Tax Return
School Records
Birth Certificate

How would you classify each of the above?

How would you assess the security awareness of someone willing to outsource a server with classified material to be hosted by a non-certified hosting company? Did they at least partition the drive to encrypt with AES 256? Did they do penetration testing and ongoing forensics to ensure no hacking?
The documents weren't marked classified, it even said so a couple of posts back.

As far as the information? Well, if she wasn't in on the meeting where the information was decided to be classified, she wouldn't know until after the fact.

And, like someone else pointed out, the regulation that they are saying she broke didn't come into effect until 2 YEARS AFTER she left office.

She sure went to a lot of trouble to get some experts wipe her server clean. I didn't know her yoga lessons and plans for Chelsea's wedding were that secret. That is what she initially said she deleted.
Personal on a server that was used for conducting all of Hillary's government business... All emails should have been retained, just like the requirements for a government server. The government OWNED that server when she did that.

What about "private" bothers you? Clinton owned that server not the government and there was no law against it, just like when GW and the RNC dumped 22 million email.
And of course none of the chumps have heard of that, and if they have they don't care. Only the most dishonest, disastrous, and corrupt administration ever...

Nothing pales in comparison to what Republicans have done in this country over 40 years. The first president that had to resign, A president that had over 100 felony convictions, a president that lied us into war and made torture common, That's a history of disaster and anyone foolish enough to vote for one deserves all that they get.


Clinton impeached for lying under oath
Kennedy and Johnson, 58,000 dead americans in viet nam for nothing
Carter. the very definition of incompetent
Obama, doubled the national debt in 8 years, ran up more debt than all previous presidents combined

Waterboarding is not torture
Nixon resigned rather than drag the country through shit over a meaningless breakin or a political office
If Bush lied, so did both clintons, kerry, gore, the UN, the UK, the EU, Germany, france, saudi arabia, Spain, Israel, and Russia.

This is nothing less than partisan tripe.

Clinton now ranks at number 8 in all time presidential rankings, which shows the contempt that historians view Republican actions against him.
Nixon committed treason when he sabotaged the Paris Peace talks and did so to win the 1968 election. Stopping the talks killed an additional 21,319 American soldiers and resulted in an additional 102,000 wounded.
Carter got the prisoners released, Reagan took the credit.
The debt is up due to spending on social programs and the debt is also up because people are paying less taxes and bills do not get paid. This is a complex issue best answered by the fact that congress initiates all spending and if you want to blame something there it is.
Waterboarding is torture and is against laws in most civilized countries and is the reason why Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld cannot travel internationally.
Nixon resigned because he knew he was caught and had no support of fellow Republicans. If he stayed he would have been impeached and jailed.
Bush lied and people died.

Partisan hype? Your post defines partisan hype. Not a word of your post is true. Its all dem/lib talking point lies.

But lets just focus on viet nam. Kennedy started it, Johnson escalated it, and Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. 58,000 americans died for NOTHING.
thats their story today, what will it be tomorrow when that is disproven.

I know you love the bitch, but get real, she broke the law by doing govt business on a private server and then destroying it. If there was nothing to hide, why destroy it? Will these idiots ever learn that its the cover up that brings them down?
You hate women too?

Maybe if you got laid more often you'd become a moderate conservative

How does pointing out Hillary's crimes equal.hating women?
Pointing out unproven accusations of crimes that Hillary may, or may not have committed does equal hating women.

The fact that Hillary is a irrelevant

Redfish thinks feminine terms are an insult to a male, which means women are inferior to him. If women were equal, being called a woman, if you're a man, is not an insult.

You're crazy. It has nothing to do with her sex, or obama's race. It has to do with corruption, lying, and incompetence. The same things would be said about them if they were both lilley white men.

I hate to inform you, but all criticism of dems is not based on race or sex. That is just another dem/lib failed talking point, the american people see through your bullshit.
I never said all criticism of dems is based on race or sex.

Just the criticism that comes from you

Bullshit. Having the balls to say that a black man or a white woman is a corrupt incompetent fool does not make one racist.

Refusing to call out minorities, or women, for mistakes is true racism or sexism.
What about "private" bothers you? Clinton owned that server not the government and there was no law against it, just like when GW and the RNC dumped 22 million email.
And of course none of the chumps have heard of that, and if they have they don't care. Only the most dishonest, disastrous, and corrupt administration ever...

Nothing pales in comparison to what Republicans have done in this country over 40 years. The first president that had to resign, A president that had over 100 felony convictions, a president that lied us into war and made torture common, That's a history of disaster and anyone foolish enough to vote for one deserves all that they get.


Clinton impeached for lying under oath
Kennedy and Johnson, 58,000 dead americans in viet nam for nothing
Carter. the very definition of incompetent
Obama, doubled the national debt in 8 years, ran up more debt than all previous presidents combined

Waterboarding is not torture
Nixon resigned rather than drag the country through shit over a meaningless breakin or a political office
If Bush lied, so did both clintons, kerry, gore, the UN, the UK, the EU, Germany, france, saudi arabia, Spain, Israel, and Russia.

This is nothing less than partisan tripe.

Clinton now ranks at number 8 in all time presidential rankings, which shows the contempt that historians view Republican actions against him.
Nixon committed treason when he sabotaged the Paris Peace talks and did so to win the 1968 election. Stopping the talks killed an additional 21,319 American soldiers and resulted in an additional 102,000 wounded.
Carter got the prisoners released, Reagan took the credit.
The debt is up due to spending on social programs and the debt is also up because people are paying less taxes and bills do not get paid. This is a complex issue best answered by the fact that congress initiates all spending and if you want to blame something there it is.
Waterboarding is torture and is against laws in most civilized countries and is the reason why Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld cannot travel internationally.
Nixon resigned because he knew he was caught and had no support of fellow Republicans. If he stayed he would have been impeached and jailed.
Bush lied and people died.

Partisan hype? Your post defines partisan hype. Not a word of your post is true. Its all dem/lib talking point lies.

But lets just focus on viet nam. Kennedy started it, Johnson escalated it, and Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. 58,000 americans died for NOTHING.

Eisenhower started it, Kennedy escalated it, Johnson bungled it and Nixon continued it for political gain. I agree 58,000 Americans died for nothing. Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain—And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest | Smart News | Smithsonian

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