Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

Poor, demented, Wiener ... can't you just accept the fact that Republicans also commit voter fraud?

  • Villamaino will serve 4 months in prison

    Villamaino pleaded guilty to voter fraud charges Monday. He admitted to changing the party affiliations and requesting absentee ballots of nearly 300 people in East Longmeadow, a move that could have improved his chances of winning the Republican Primary for State Representative.

  • Signature-Gatherer Arrested In Voter Fraud

    An investigation in 2006 led to felony charges against twelve people in Orange County when voters were fraudulently registered as Republicans or had their party affiliations switched after being asked to signed petitions on unrelated matters. The chairman of the Orange County Republican Party said at the time that the party did not know about the illegal activities. At least four of the twelve have been convicted, receiving three years' probation and for some short jail terms.

  • Republican Indiana Secretary Of State Convicted Of Voter Fraud

    Yesterday, a jury found Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White (R) guilty on six felony counts of voter fraud, theft, and perjury. The conviction cost White his job, though he plans to ask the judge to reduce the charges to misdemeanors and hopes to perhaps regain the position.

  • Voter fraud seemed like a good idea at the time

    A Nevada Republican arrested for voter fraud in the 2012 election, after claiming she was trying to test the system’s integrity, pled guilty and accepted a plea deal Thursday, forcing her to pay almost $2,500 and promise to stay out of trouble.

  • Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme

    Paul E. Schurick, the 2010 campaign manager for former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., was convicted Tuesday by a Baltimore jury of four counts stemming from a robocall that prosecutors said was intended to suppress the black vote.

  • Head of CA GOP Voter Registration Firm Pleads Guilty to fraud

    The owner of a voter-registration company pleaded guilty Tuesday to voter-registration fraud, according to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office. Laguna Beach resident Mark Jacoby, who collects signatures for petition drives, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and was sentenced to three years' probation and 30 days of service with the California Department of Transportation.
Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

YES !!

along with the long term unemployed, they will vote for the one who promises them a money pot.., the pot they will never see !

You have just set up a system in which someone has an incentive to make you poor so they can have a dictatorship.

your dumb as a box of round rocks

awwwww, come on how about square rocks ? you are not too bright your self, that should be "you're" or "you are" :lmao:

explain how keeping low life, low information, low I.Q. and criminals from voting will cause a dictatorship ?
Please explain how they legally bought the government. Please provide proof that our government is being run by corporations. Please provide evidence of your accusation that the President, Congress, and the SCOTUS sell themselves to the highest bidder.

Really? You really can't see it? Wow! The industrial military corporations own the pentagon. Over a trillion dollars a year goes to them. Big oil, pharmaceutical companies and tobacco get billions in subsidies. It's called corporate welfare. All of these corporate monsters buy congress and the White house every election with billions in campaign donations. Do you really believe Obama got all that campaign money from regular Joe's?

So if someone builds an F16 for our country he's a monster? If someone gets a tax cut, like deducting state sales tax or state income tax it's welfare.

Uh huh... yeah you are mentally unstable.
Even one of your fellow cons, Eisenhower warned of the industrial military complex turning the U.S. economy into a war based economy. Now without war, the U.S. economy goes into recession. All those bullets, bombs, tanks and fighter jets have to get used up, or military contractors have to lay off all those over payed employees. That's why Obama has kept the Afghan war going on and on. So yes, Ratheon, Boeing, GE and the like are just a bunch of evil monsters that steal the wealth of America.
Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Should corporations that receive government contracts, tax breaks, subsidies, bailouts, and favorable loans be barred from donating to political action committees?

Should public employee unions be allowed to donate to political action committees?

Do all of these amount to a conflict of interest with the American taxpayer?

The Reagan Family accepted government assistance during the Great Depression because there were not enough jobs for the jobless. Some think we should have let the Reagan's be crushed by the Depression, but FDR thought that it was worth investing in these great American Families because some of them may contain future scientists or even presidents. Should the Reagan's have been punished for the Wall Street crash which destroyed the economy and left the country with far fewer jobs than workers? Should they have forfeited their citizenship?

In the Soviet Union they use any excuse to destroy what little rights/powers the citizens have. The OP's views would be more at home there.

Here is a manual for destroying the economy, creating massive unemployment, and then disenfranchising the poor.
Our financial sector got their Washington puppets in both parties to deregulate the mortgage industry. It became the Wild West where they would allow the originator of a loan to simply sell it off without having to assume a shred of liability if it became non-paying. This was coupled with a complete relaxation of lending rules, which allowed them to collect handsome fees loaning money to non-credit-worthy borrowers (who became necessary patsies, allowing the industry to generate a conveyor belt of securitized fool's gold, to be sold all over the globe). Our great financial innovators also obliterated leverage rules, which allowed the industry to place bets without any requirement that they have sufficient capital to cover losses. Meaning: in addition to the trillions they made from selling securitized mortgages, they made additional trillions insuring this ponzi scheme with derivatives (CDOs etc). When the whole thing blew up, they got their Washington puppets to bail them out, while foreclosing on homeowners (who don't own any lobbyists). As a result of this mess, we had one of the biggest meltdowns in history and watched millions of jobs disappear. The OP wants to preserve the voting rights of the crooks who blew up the system, while taking away the Constitutional Rights of those who were destroyed by the crooks. The OP should move to the Soviet Union.
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The Reagan Family accepted government assistance during the Great Depression because there were not enough jobs for the jobless.

Be that as it may, the correct thing to do was to ABOLISH THE FUCKING FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD - the entity that caused the great depression.

But to use the GOVERNMENT created great depression in order to create a loyal faction of voters who would show their appreciation by voting democrat is criminal.

Be that as it may, the correct thing to do was to ABOLISH THE FUCKING FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD - the entity that caused the great depression.

Are you using Milton Friedman's argument that the Fed over-contracted the money supply? Or The Austrian one, that loose monetary policy caused Black Tuesday by over inflating asset values? Or?

I'm asking for specifics because we probably agree on this one, but I need to be sure what you mean. I realize the Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter and Ron Paul blame the government & the Fed for the Great Depression, but these people are notoriously thin on details, leaving their audience with rage but no facts.

But to use the GOVERNMENT created great depression in order to create a loyal faction of voters who would show their appreciation by voting democrat is criminal.

FDR didn't employ 20,000 Americans in the building of the Hoover Dam so he could create a class of dependents. He gave them jobs building needed infrastructure so we could fully settle the Southwest and create thriving cities (profit centers). He gave jobs to people who couldn't find work but wanted to contribute to this great nation. On the other hand, I agree with you that politicians often promise favors for votes, and FDR definitely was not immune to this.

I remember when Jimmy Carter said that we might have to sacrifice a little in order to transition to a world where we are less dependent on petroleum, which was becoming too scarce and concentrated in terrorist nations. Then Reagan came along and told voters everything they wanted to hear. He told them that no sacrifices need be made. Like a Washington politician, he handed out candy to the people. He said the Middle East would not be a problem, and he increased funding to Saudi Arabia, Iran and Hussein's Iraq. [It's on the public record. He actually removed Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so we could pour money and weapons into their hands] Meaning: we went all in on middle east petroleum. And life was great for a while, but now we're paying the price for listening to a Washington politician who promised us an easy answer. So yes, we have to be very careful of politicians bearing gifts.
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In a perfect world, only those who pay taxes should have any say, including a vote, on who will determine what taxes they pay.

And no, there is no way to deny anybody, including corporations and unions, the right to donate to whomever they wish. In a perfect world, however, those in the federal government would not have any ability to reward or benefit themselves or anybody else with anything that didn't benefit all equally and therefore no benefit could come anybody's way regardless of how much he/she/it contributes to a political candidate or PAC. That would take care of any conflict of interest with public employee unions as there would be no advantage to the politicians to pay public employees any more than what they were worth for the jobs that they do.
Does your perfect world also allow for those who pay the most tax having more of a voice (perhaps more votes) than those who pay less tax (less votes)?
Seems to me that IF the founding fathers had wanted only tax payers to have the vote, they would have made their feelings known in the Constitution. They did not do so. That tells me that every American citizen should have the vote regardless of whether they pay taxes or not.

Every American citizen does have the right to vote regardless of whether he pays taxes or not, hence inalienable rights.

Even underage citizens?
ACORN turned in people who were CHEATING their efforts to get voters voting.

You see it make NO sense to claim they were trying to fix elections.

there was no way what they were accused of can get false votes tallied.

they turned in the people themselves to the GOVERNMENT.

ACORN was following the laws by turning those people who cheated ACORN out of a days work.

A BIASED house and senate then pretended that was election cheating.

You IDIOTS lapped up those fucking lies.


because you wanted to pretend the left cheated so you can get cover for your DECADES long court record of cheating and being caught cheating by the courts.

right up to the SCOTUS decision just last year.

Only after they were caught.

Thats what crooks and criminals do, they point to someone else, just to get away or get better deal.
As long as one is a US citizen they should never be denied the right to vote. If we are going to say welfare then how about "should anyone that makes over $250,000 a year be denied the right to vote"? Those people will just vote themselves into making more and more and paying less.... Once we start eliminating groups, where does it stop?

So, felons should be allowed to vote? How about five years old kids, they're citizens too.

So allegedly 1 unidentified person yells something.. and you get to link it to all conservatives.. got it..

Hey you bunch of president assassinating loons on the left... you all belong in prison

See how that works??


I'm talking Ron Paul....not the idiot in the audience
Paul said if you don't have insurance it is your own essence...let em die

Note: No Republican at that debate disagreed

That was NOT Paul's point.
Well lets start with a military that protects their investments around the globe
Lets look at a legal system that protects their intellectual property
Lets look at an educational system that provides them with trained workers
Lets look at infrastructure that allows them to bring in supplies and distribute goods

And let's look at all the jobs we provide and how my employees all benefit from those things too. I employ dozens of people. If I shut down, they go home. Explain how those costs only get pegged on me.

You make a profit off of every employee

Business benefits more from our military presence around the globe than private citizens do

They also profit more from infrastructure

And what's the problem, they paid for it.
Every employee also profits off of me. I put in all the money, I take all the risk, and if we go bust I lose all my money. They get paid no matter what unless I go under.

And yet seriously, "I" am only to be grateful to them? Nothing coming back?

No wonder you lived paycheck to paycheck your whole life, now you live welfare check to welfare check. You're not a Marxist, you're an ignorant, greedy, envious, unappreciative loser who would starve if no one paid your bills.

I took a chance and started my own. I barley made a dime over the first two years....but the concept was sound and the model was working, so I stuck with it.

I did not take vacations for a few years....and for the first year, there was no such thing as a weekend.

I did not have "set hours"....I worked until I was done for the day.

By the third year I had a staff......their first day, they generated an income for waiting to see if they were successful as I did. They took no risk. Laid out no money to join me. They received a 66% contribution to their health insurance; received 2 weeks vacation; overtime when they worked beyond the set hours; a few breaks a day.

They received an education from left me to start his own and he still calls me for advice.

None could have worked for me if there was no infrastructure as many had to drive to work or take mass transit.

Seems to me, we all benefited.....but MY RISK is why I made more than they did.

I'm in the fifth year of my business. My goal is to take off two honest to goodness weeks a year. This year I came closest so far, I took a full week off in July and Christmas week I took off Christmas Day, Thursday and Friday. I'm the first online in the morning and the last in the parking lot at night. As you say, I work every weekend at least one day.

But "I" should just be grateful to my employees. RW is clueless. Then again, we're so completely out of his knowledge base, how would he not be?

You didn't build that. :eusa_whistle:
  • Thanks
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and being poor is s crime to you?

Stealing money from Peter to pay Paul is a crime to me. Being poor is a choice.

If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Nope, we have $17 trillion debt because Congress is spending too much.
Ame®icano;8449239 said:
Stealing money from Peter to pay Paul is a crime to me. Being poor is a choice.

If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Nope, we have $17 trillion debt because Congress is spending too much.
Raygun almost tripled the national debt. Shrub daddy almost doubled it again in only four years. Clinton balanced the budget. Shrub Jr. destroyed it in less than six months, and doubled the debt again, spending more than all presidents before him added together. And he did it with a republican congress. It's the president that submits the budget to the congress. It's the president's agenda that directs the countries spending. Raygun wasted $1.5 trillion dollars on a fantasy called "star wars", and building useless nukes. Shrub daddy wasted $2 trillion on Iraq "desert Storm". Shrub Jr. wasted $3 trillion on Iraq, and giving $3 trillion in welfare to millionaires. And Obama has spent $6 trillion cleaning up Shrub Jr.'s destruction of the economy.
Remember Shrub Jr.'s famous words....."I'm the decider."
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Really? You really can't see it? Wow! The industrial military corporations own the pentagon. Over a trillion dollars a year goes to them. Big oil, pharmaceutical companies and tobacco get billions in subsidies. It's called corporate welfare. All of these corporate monsters buy congress and the White house every election with billions in campaign donations. Do you really believe Obama got all that campaign money from regular Joe's?

So if someone builds an F16 for our country he's a monster? If someone gets a tax cut, like deducting state sales tax or state income tax it's welfare.

Uh huh... yeah you are mentally unstable.
Even one of your fellow cons, Eisenhower warned of the industrial military complex turning the U.S. economy into a war based economy. Now without war, the U.S. economy goes into recession. All those bullets, bombs, tanks and fighter jets have to get used up, or military contractors have to lay off all those over payed employees. That's why Obama has kept the Afghan war going on and on. So yes, Ratheon, Boeing, GE and the like are just a bunch of evil monsters that steal the wealth of America.

You say that like it's evil to bid for government contracts when you will benefit monetarily from the work. Does that only apply to military contracts, or also to the health care industry; education industry; federal, state and local construction projects; police fire and rescue; and all other contracts that the government bids out?

Seems to me some people just don't like it when people get paid to work. Seems to me most of those people are the ones sitting on their fat asses being paid to not work.

That said, I'd prefer we were not fighting around the world against fear uncertainty and doubt. Sun Tzu is laughing at us from the grave.
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Ame®icano;8449239 said:
If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Nope, we have $17 trillion debt because Congress is spending too much.
Raygun almost tripled the national debt. Shrub daddy almost doubled it again in only four years. Clinton balanced the budget. Shrub Jr. destroyed it in less than six months, and doubled the debt again, spending more than all presidents before him added together. And he did it with a republican congress. It's the president that submits the budget to the congress. It's the president's agenda that directs the countries spending. Raygun wasted $1.5 trillion dollars on a fantasy called "star wars", and building useless nukes. Shrub daddy wasted $2 trillion on Iraq "desert Storm". Shrub Jr. wasted $3 trillion on Iraq, and giving $3 trillion in welfare to millionaires. And Obama has spent $6 trillion cleaning up Shrub Jr.'s destruction of the economy.
Remember Shrub Jr.'s famous words....."I'm the decider."
Yeah, let's put out the fire by pouring gas on it. What a stupid f-ing statement.
Ame®icano;8449239 said:
Nope, we have $17 trillion debt because Congress is spending too much.
Raygun almost tripled the national debt. Shrub daddy almost doubled it again in only four years. Clinton balanced the budget. Shrub Jr. destroyed it in less than six months, and doubled the debt again, spending more than all presidents before him added together. And he did it with a republican congress. It's the president that submits the budget to the congress. It's the president's agenda that directs the countries spending. Raygun wasted $1.5 trillion dollars on a fantasy called "star wars", and building useless nukes. Shrub daddy wasted $2 trillion on Iraq "desert Storm". Shrub Jr. wasted $3 trillion on Iraq, and giving $3 trillion in welfare to millionaires. And Obama has spent $6 trillion cleaning up Shrub Jr.'s destruction of the economy.
Remember Shrub Jr.'s famous words....."I'm the decider."
Yeah, let's put out the fire by pouring gas on it. What a stupid f-ing statement.
Obviously you'd prefer another GREAT DEPRESSION. Nice one stupid.
So if someone builds an F16 for our country he's a monster? If someone gets a tax cut, like deducting state sales tax or state income tax it's welfare.

Uh huh... yeah you are mentally unstable.
Even one of your fellow cons, Eisenhower warned of the industrial military complex turning the U.S. economy into a war based economy. Now without war, the U.S. economy goes into recession. All those bullets, bombs, tanks and fighter jets have to get used up, or military contractors have to lay off all those over payed employees. That's why Obama has kept the Afghan war going on and on. So yes, Ratheon, Boeing, GE and the like are just a bunch of evil monsters that steal the wealth of America.

You say that like it's evil to bid for government contracts when you will benefit monetarily from the work. Does that only apply to military contracts, or also to the health care industry; education industry; federal, state and local construction projects; police fire and rescue; and all other contracts that the government bids out?

Seems to me some people just don't like it when people get paid to work. Seems to me most of those people are the ones sitting on their fat asses being paid to not work.

That said, I'd prefer we were not fighting around the world against fear uncertainty and doubt. Sun Tzu is laughing at us from the grave.
Stupid spending is stupid. Contracts for the war machine are okay with you, but cons object to contracts for fixing American infrastructure, like roads and bridge repair. Get a clue.
Ame®icano;8449239 said:
If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Nope, we have $17 trillion debt because Congress is spending too much.
Raygun almost tripled the national debt. Shrub daddy almost doubled it again in only four years. Clinton balanced the budget. Shrub Jr. destroyed it in less than six months, and doubled the debt again, spending more than all presidents before him added together. And he did it with a republican congress. It's the president that submits the budget to the congress. It's the president's agenda that directs the countries spending. Raygun wasted $1.5 trillion dollars on a fantasy called "star wars", and building useless nukes. Shrub daddy wasted $2 trillion on Iraq "desert Storm". Shrub Jr. wasted $3 trillion on Iraq, and giving $3 trillion in welfare to millionaires. And Obama has spent $6 trillion cleaning up Shrub Jr.'s destruction of the economy.
Remember Shrub Jr.'s famous words....."I'm the decider."

"Clinton balanced the budget."

Uhm... he didn't.

"Obama has spent $6 trillion cleaning up Shrub Jr.'s destruction of the economy."

And did economy recovered? Nope. $7 trillion gone. On cronyism, payback to donors.

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