Should White America Prepare For Civil War?

I didn't watch the vid. But from seeing the news, Antifa, the bullshit going on with the infighting amongst americans especially if they are caucasian even with caucasians against caucasians for being caucasians and renamed nazi's....yeah. I think a civil war has already started. Don't you?
If you aren't prepared already, you were stupid to begin with and won't survive anyway.
If you aren't prepared already, you were stupid to begin with and won't survive anyway.
Well it isn't 'white America', it is the alt-right white scared/angries. And they have been getting ready for civil war all their lives.

They are called Preppers. The whacks who are terrified of life so dig a deep hole to hide in. They aren't new, there were Preppers over a hundred years ago, during both world wars, during the cold war, and all the time in between when living meant you had to die at some point and by god they were going to horde 10,000 rounds of .22 ammo to hold off death and in fact kill death itself, so they of course won't have to die.

There are also Marauders. People who find where Preppers are hold up with their stores of food and water and they take their shit.

Then we have the normals. People that watch their kids grow up and enjoy ice cream now and then. Children are by definition normals. They get scared during scary movies but they don't dig holes in the back yard waiting for the end of the world. Funny how children just instinctively know shit.
What is it about right wingers and 20 minute videos? Do you think anyone is going to slog through that?

If you don't think so listen to what this young lady has to say.

Well if you're saturated in the Media propaganda and ESPECIALLY drunk on Alex Jones -- you probably should believe that. And sometimes I THINK that's what's going to happen. That the 2 warring parties are dragging us all into their "death grudge match" and taking the Republic down the drain.

BUT --- here's a couple things I know.

1) We are NOT Europe, should never yearn to BE Europe, and we STILL VALUE our national sovereignty. Those guys have fucked themselves royally by allowing the EU to load them up with permanently segregated lower class and have DESIGNED their immigration to be segregated on purpose.

2) Not just White Americans are affected by the awful results of IGNORING immigration. policy and controls. So IF a war was to come HERE -- It wouldn't be Whites against everyone else. Asians, Blacks, Samoans, Hispanics ALL have similar concepts of REASONABLE controls on immigration. I learned this from a couple decades in California. Where the 3rd generation and longer Hispanics DREADED the type of Southern Border immigration that was going on. It was a different kind of Hispanic immigrant that they feared and loathed as much as White people did. Same deal with the ever peaceful, long timer, American Muslims. Who understand that REASONABLE questions and requirements should be put on any LARGE mass immigration from certain regions.

3) The most IMPORTANT question that should be asked of immigrants was NEVER ASKED in Europe. And that question is -- WHY --- do you want to choose SWEDEN as a new homeland. (for example). Because those MILLIONS of folks FLEEING a deteriorating Mid East don't HAVE a preference. Don't KNOW about the cultural differences and they don't fucking care. They just want to SURVIVE.. And the stupid Euros accommodate them by placing them in pre-designed ghettos so that they CONTINUE to practice the vile CULTURAL practices of their Homeland and in exchange are PROTECTED from offense by the native culture.

It's a CULTURAL war that might be looming on immigration. NOT a race war..

If you don't think so listen to what this young lady has to say.

That is what the far left wants, they need the divided America in order to stay in power..

Although now all those far left politicians that did not denounce the tearing down of statues could loos their seats in Washington.
War has already been declared against the white race but only one side is fighting (so far).
Well it isn't 'white America', it is the alt-right white scared/angries. And they have been getting ready for civil war all their lives.

They are called Preppers. The whacks who are terrified of life so dig a deep hole to hide in. They aren't new, there were Preppers over a hundred years ago, during both world wars, during the cold war, and all the time in between when living meant you had to die at some point and by god they were going to horde 10,000 rounds of .22 ammo to hold off death and in fact kill death itself, so they of course won't have to die.

There are also Marauders. People who find where Preppers are hold up with their stores of food and water and they take their shit.

Then we have the normals. People that watch their kids grow up and enjoy ice cream now and then. Children are by definition normals. They get scared during scary movies but they don't dig holes in the back yard waiting for the end of the world. Funny how children just instinctively know shit.
War has already been declared against the white race but only one side is fighting (so far).

Maybe that is because what they're calling the "normals" are those kids who are housed in jails and prisons. America has more prisons than colleges with over 7 MILLION people in prison or jail at any given time and another 14 MILLION + with a criminal record and locked out of the system.

Perhaps the "normals" include those 14 percent of Americans on SSRIs... the legal (sic) drugs found in every mass murder that jihadists don't commit. Why do you suppose so many MILLIONS of white people are being prescribed drugs for depression and anxiety? WHY are they anxious and depressed?

Maybe the "normals" include those who have gotten involved in inter-racial relationships or homosexual relationships and have abandoned their own culture.

In any event when you take out the whites that are on drugs (whether legal or illegal), incarcerated, involved in homesexuality or inter-racial relationships, and those who are being pursued for making their opinions public, you don't have enough people to wage a war against a pack of cub scouts.
What is it about right wingers and 20 minute videos? Do you think anyone is going to slog through that?

Why wouldn't they? People spend more time than that reading posts they disagree with on the Internet and there is little possibility that they will learn anything there. Twenty minutes is less than the amount of time you spend each day watching commercials on tv.

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