Should Women Be Drafted ?

Pearl harbor, 9-11, terrorist infiltrating the US

Every radical/terrorist and illegal is an invasion. Drugs, gangs, smuggling, human trafficking..............

When men are in combat, women might be needed in guard units for natural disasters and security back home.

Drafted or not, women fill the gaps when men are fighting, in the field and at home.

It is our country and our military, why should women be called to serve?

i think it is hard to say "that's women's work" about much of anything in 2016. So, no, if you are going to have front line combat units, you are going to have women in them.
Many positions in all branches are non-combat, that does not mean they won't be in danger.

There are supply or clerical positions but at home or close to field. Repair of vehicles and aircraft, electronics, medical staff for MASH units, clergy, moral, communications, translation, legal, even laundry and mess. Women can cook , clean and peel potatoes as well as man. They don't have to marching out there with a pack and rifle.

There are base jobs back home as well that need to be filled while the men are in the field. Even basic training and tech schools need to be staffed.
I realize that.......generally though if you have a draft you are drafting to fill combat ranks......ergo under a draft women would be on the front line and your Army would suffer....

I considered myself an asset not a liability when I served. Drafted does not always mean front lines.

There are many reason a person might not be fit for drafting into combat or support services. If women are drafted, they will be put where they can do the most good.
And dont get me wrong, I am not disparaging the women who choose to doubt you were an asset....that was your choice, much different than grabbing the avg teen girl and saying you're a soldier now. Once you start drafting women there will be no way to keep them out of frontline units......

With a draft, they would still have to pass the physicals and basic training, and it necessary tech school.

Women that don't meet the requirements can be rejected. you know what the failure rate would dont have time for games like that,,,monetary waste would sap money from alrdy stretched defense budget

Men drafted had to go through the process. Drafting did not automatically mean accepted or combat.
Women wanted the right to join combat units if they wanted to. That lasted about ten seconds. Now women can be drafted into combat units whether they want it or not.
I realize that.......generally though if you have a draft you are drafting to fill combat ranks......ergo under a draft women would be on the front line and your Army would suffer....

I considered myself an asset not a liability when I served. Drafted does not always mean front lines.

There are many reason a person might not be fit for drafting into combat or support services. If women are drafted, they will be put where they can do the most good.
And dont get me wrong, I am not disparaging the women who choose to doubt you were an asset....that was your choice, much different than grabbing the avg teen girl and saying you're a soldier now. Once you start drafting women there will be no way to keep them out of frontline units......

With a draft, they would still have to pass the physicals and basic training, and it necessary tech school.

Women that don't meet the requirements can be rejected. you know what the failure rate would dont have time for games like that,,,monetary waste would sap money from alrdy stretched defense budget

Men drafted had to go through the process. Drafting did not automatically mean accepted or combat.

Any guy kept could be used in combat.........cant wait for the howling of lib parents as their daughter goes off to war courtesy of feminists...who only want whats best for them ya know
I considered myself an asset not a liability when I served. Drafted does not always mean front lines.

There are many reason a person might not be fit for drafting into combat or support services. If women are drafted, they will be put where they can do the most good.
And dont get me wrong, I am not disparaging the women who choose to doubt you were an asset....that was your choice, much different than grabbing the avg teen girl and saying you're a soldier now. Once you start drafting women there will be no way to keep them out of frontline units......

With a draft, they would still have to pass the physicals and basic training, and it necessary tech school.

Women that don't meet the requirements can be rejected. you know what the failure rate would dont have time for games like that,,,monetary waste would sap money from alrdy stretched defense budget

Men drafted had to go through the process. Drafting did not automatically mean accepted or combat.

Any guy kept could be used in combat.........cant wait for the howling of lib parents as their daughter goes off to war courtesy of feminists...who only want whats best for them ya know

Women live through war in every conflict zone. Women take up arms to defend their family and homes.
In syria and iraq, it is not feminism, but a matter of life and death. In Israel it is matter protecting their country and people.
Women die in war all the time, why should they not do so with a gun?
How many women have bee captured, raped, enslaved or killed in this century so far? Why deny them a right to save their own lives and those of their neighbors, families and friends?

You would rather they be raped, beheaded or abused that go down fighting?

Women have fought in the revolutionary war, the civil war and have served in some form with every war we have fought. A uniform and gun only makes it official, but women will still be fighting in some way and serving the armed forces and the country.

Why not pay them for their service in combat zones?

Why should other countries put women in combat but not the US? Is our country less worthy or are women less valued for what they can do? Iran and Libya have women fighters, even Saudi has a woman fighter pilot, ironically she can't drive, but she can fight.

Not letting them fight or not drafting them to service in or out of combat is be littling their ability and value. You are afraid of women dying? Women die in war whether they are fighting or not.

If women can be policemen or special forces in the military, why should they not be drafted?

If women can be fighter pilots, chopper pilots, and server in tank units, why should they not be drafted?

Are women so much less than men?
I considered myself an asset not a liability when I served. Drafted does not always mean front lines.

There are many reason a person might not be fit for drafting into combat or support services. If women are drafted, they will be put where they can do the most good.
And dont get me wrong, I am not disparaging the women who choose to doubt you were an asset....that was your choice, much different than grabbing the avg teen girl and saying you're a soldier now. Once you start drafting women there will be no way to keep them out of frontline units......

With a draft, they would still have to pass the physicals and basic training, and it necessary tech school.

Women that don't meet the requirements can be rejected. you know what the failure rate would dont have time for games like that,,,monetary waste would sap money from alrdy stretched defense budget

Men drafted had to go through the process. Drafting did not automatically mean accepted or combat.

Any guy kept could be used in combat.........cant wait for the howling of lib parents as their daughter goes off to war courtesy of feminists...who only want whats best for them ya know

War is hell but women are not less capable of dealing with it

I would worry whether it was my son or my daughter going into combat, but I also know I would be proud of them no matter.
And dont get me wrong, I am not disparaging the women who choose to doubt you were an asset....that was your choice, much different than grabbing the avg teen girl and saying you're a soldier now. Once you start drafting women there will be no way to keep them out of frontline units......

With a draft, they would still have to pass the physicals and basic training, and it necessary tech school.

Women that don't meet the requirements can be rejected. you know what the failure rate would dont have time for games like that,,,monetary waste would sap money from alrdy stretched defense budget

Men drafted had to go through the process. Drafting did not automatically mean accepted or combat.

Any guy kept could be used in combat.........cant wait for the howling of lib parents as their daughter goes off to war courtesy of feminists...who only want whats best for them ya know

War is hell but women are not less capable of dealing with it

I would worry whether it was my son or my daughter going into combat, but I also know I would be proud of them no matter.

Yes...yes they are and all the happy talk in the world doesn't change reality...........
I don't believe so. The only women I knew in the military, worthless. I cannot even imagine a bull-dike manning the rails never mind commanding a ship. Stay the hell out of the military.

And queers will be getting the boot under President Trump as well. The Libberoids can try their fucking warped "social experiments" on some other branch of government, before they're closed by President Trump as well.


Should women be drafted? GOP spars on issue in South Carolina -

Yes. If they demand equal treatment in the military, they should be made to register for the selective service; just like the men they sought to stand equally with. Equality is a double edged sword.

The phrase "be careful what you wish for" would apply here.
I don't believe so. The only women I knew in the military, worthless. I cannot even imagine a bull-dike manning the rails never mind commanding a ship. Stay the hell out of the military.

And queers will be getting the boot under President Trump as well. The Libberoids can try their fucking warped "social experiments" on some other branch of government, before they're closed by President Trump as well.


Should women be drafted? GOP spars on issue in South Carolina -

This is the underlying issue:
The military's real problem: Fewer Americans are joining

It's all dressed up with a bow on top.

Men are not disposable. My son is not disposable.

I guarantee that there will be women intentionally getting pregnant. All of these pro war hot shots will find ways to circumvent their children from going. Once women are faced with this task there will be a change in attitude and thought towards war, military actions and screwing around in other countries for "democracy". Many women will begin to study foreign policy.

Let's get this ball rolling.
I don't believe so. The only women I knew in the military, worthless. I cannot even imagine a bull-dike manning the rails never mind commanding a ship. Stay the hell out of the military.

And queers will be getting the boot under President Trump as well. The Libberoids can try their fucking warped "social experiments" on some other branch of government, before they're closed by President Trump as well.


Should women be drafted? GOP spars on issue in South Carolina -
I have found lifers are for the most part worthless idiots who were lifers because they couldn't hack it on the outside
I have found lifers are for the most part worthless idiots who were lifers because they couldn't hack it on the outside

After a highly successful career as a lifer, shiteater, I had another successful 20 year career as a civilian, working for a manufacturer. Great times. Just retired (again) - also have 100% VA disability. So, between that, two retirements and two 401Ks from two successful career - I think I've made it. But, I truly appreciate your opinion on "what you've found." You've also found sucking dick to be profitable - but, that's your life.
Yes. If they demand equal treatment in the military, they should be made to register for the selective service; just like the men they sought to stand equally with. Equality is a double edged sword.

The phrase "be careful what you wish for" would apply here.

Well, they could all sit on the couch, eating Twinkies(TM) and playing video games all day.
It's my understanding that women wanted to be allowed into combat roles because they are automatically ineligible for certain promotions without combat experience. Military women were hitting an insurmountable glass ceiling on the clamber to the top. Of course it's fair to draft women, that's a given, but if men don't want to be in combat situations with women, why not have all female combat units? That's how they handled the black soldiers until World War II because whitey wasn't ready to have a black man fighting beside him.
The other possible solution is to find a way to promote military women with some sort of equivalent experience other than combat.
No one should be drafted, male or female, unless America is attached directly. But in that case you really wouldn't need a draft as people would freely fight to keep their homes.
I don't believe so. The only women I knew in the military, worthless. I cannot even imagine a bull-dike manning the rails never mind commanding a ship. Stay the hell out of the military.

And queers will be getting the boot under President Trump as well. The Libberoids can try their fucking warped "social experiments" on some other branch of government, before they're closed by President Trump as well.


Should women be drafted? GOP spars on issue in South Carolina -
I have found lifers are for the most part worthless idiots who were lifers because they couldn't hack it on the outside

Without lifers, who would train the newbies I ask. Lifers are the backbone of the military services.
I don't believe so. The only women I knew in the military, worthless. I cannot even imagine a bull-dike manning the rails never mind commanding a ship. Stay the hell out of the military.

And queers will be getting the boot under President Trump as well. The Libberoids can try their fucking warped "social experiments" on some other branch of government, before they're closed by President Trump as well.


Should women be drafted? GOP spars on issue in South Carolina -

hey Chief How about these women?

I'm not sure I myself would have volunteered for these dangerous jobs. And they were volunteers too.

Women With Guns: The Red Army Female Snipers of World War II | Defense Media Network

The female Top Guns of World War II

Women Airforce Service Pilots
Hey Senior Chief: Another women going to war link. Navy peacetime pussies like you and I have no right to question a woman's bravery or ability.

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