Should Women Be Drafted ?

There are plenty of rugged women who could hold their own in combat training and they should have the opportunity to advance in the military same as men. And thanks, 2A, for the kind suggestion that women are only good for being blown up. It's that kind of attitude that will truly win the argument for you.

I wasn't referring to women....just a certain person who posted......

And no, women cannot hold their own in prolonged combat operations......
How many of the posters have daughters?
If you'll send your kids off to war, and potential death, that shouldn't matter, the box home is the same.
So......tell me again....if a woman is captured by isis...raped at the moment of capture...and held for several years.....does the Geneva convention contain provisions for P.O.W. daycare for her children born of rape by muslim terrorists....

Something you don't have to worry about with men.
my problem with women in combat is that if we ever fight a real war where the enemy captures a lot of our side, these women are going to be abused by the enemy sexually. This is something the Russians found out in WWII and the Israelis found out during their various wars with the Arabs.

So if you are willing to accept that, no problem. Just don't be surprised when it happens.

I would also be in favor of a MANDATORY two year National Service for all Americans from age 18-20. Just allow options other than military service and no bullshit religious exemptions.

We should also have a requirement that the children of the 1%ers be put in an extra-special airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. betcha we never fight another war after that.
There's been plenty of instances when women in the US military have been sexually abused by their fellow soldiers. No one will be surprised if the enemy behaves the same way, especially not the women.
my problem with women in combat is that if we ever fight a real war where the enemy captures a lot of our side, these women are going to be abused by the enemy sexually. This is something the Russians found out in WWII and the Israelis found out during their various wars with the Arabs.

So if you are willing to accept that, no problem. Just don't be surprised when it happens.

I would also be in favor of a MANDATORY two year National Service for all Americans from age 18-20. Just allow options other than military service and no bullshit religious exemptions.

We should also have a requirement that the children of the 1%ers be put in an extra-special airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. betcha we never fight another war after that.
There's been plenty of instances when women in the US military have been sexually abused by their fellow soldiers. No one will be surprised if the enemy behaves the same way, especially not the women.

What part of that post escaped you.....we are talking about a P.O.W. held for years who will possibly give birth to a child or more than adds a new layer of complication to war fighting that doesn't need to be there....
my problem with women in combat is that if we ever fight a real war where the enemy captures a lot of our side, these women are going to be abused by the enemy sexually. This is something the Russians found out in WWII and the Israelis found out during their various wars with the Arabs.

So if you are willing to accept that, no problem. Just don't be surprised when it happens.

I would also be in favor of a MANDATORY two year National Service for all Americans from age 18-20. Just allow options other than military service and no bullshit religious exemptions.

We should also have a requirement that the children of the 1%ers be put in an extra-special airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. betcha we never fight another war after that.
There's been plenty of instances when women in the US military have been sexually abused by their fellow soldiers. No one will be surprised if the enemy behaves the same way, especially not the women.

What part of that post escaped you.....we are talking about a P.O.W. held for years who will possibly give birth to a child or more than adds a new layer of complication to war fighting that doesn't need to be there....
Rape and torture, is rape and torture.
How many of the posters have daughters?
If you'll send your kids off to war, and potential death, that shouldn't matter, the box home is the same.
The aim is to get your Army dead....who knew

Unless the aim is to make sure they dont all come home in a box
That should always be the aim. Anything else is rather stupid.

The aim is to get your Army dead.....who knew
Now when the woman is possibly sent home....does the enemy get to keep the child...or is that child...technically a U.S. issue......and how complicated do we want this to become?
my problem with women in combat is that if we ever fight a real war where the enemy captures a lot of our side, these women are going to be abused by the enemy sexually. This is something the Russians found out in WWII and the Israelis found out during their various wars with the Arabs.

So if you are willing to accept that, no problem. Just don't be surprised when it happens.

I would also be in favor of a MANDATORY two year National Service for all Americans from age 18-20. Just allow options other than military service and no bullshit religious exemptions.

We should also have a requirement that the children of the 1%ers be put in an extra-special airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. betcha we never fight another war after that.
There's been plenty of instances when women in the US military have been sexually abused by their fellow soldiers. No one will be surprised if the enemy behaves the same way, especially not the women.

What part of that post escaped you.....we are talking about a P.O.W. held for years who will possibly give birth to a child or more than adds a new layer of complication to war fighting that doesn't need to be there....
Rape and torture, is rape and torture.

Except now we have the possibility of pregnancy and an actual child or children being created........what part of the Geneva convention covers childbirth in a prison camp.........who pays for day care?
Well....for true equality they have to be draft eligible right?

Lefties...what say you? Is the military being racist by not requiring women to register for the draft?

Of course they should be available for draft. That's not to say they are all capable of combat though. If they meet the standards, sure, if not, then put them in non combat support rolls.
Well....for true equality they have to be draft eligible right?

Lefties...what say you? Is the military being racist by not requiring women to register for the draft?

Of course they should be available for draft. That's not to say they are all capable of combat though. If they meet the standards, sure, if not, then put them in non combat support rolls.

Mixed units do not perform as well as all male units..........why would you put the least best into a situation where lives can be lost?
Well....for true equality they have to be draft eligible right?

Lefties...what say you? Is the military being racist by not requiring women to register for the draft?

Of course they should be available for draft. That's not to say they are all capable of combat though. If they meet the standards, sure, if not, then put them in non combat support rolls.

Mixed units do not perform as well as all male units..........why would you put the least best into a situation where lives can be lost?

Males shouldn't even fight the wars anymore! Enough of us have died and we should just sit back! ;)
my problem with women in combat is that if we ever fight a real war where the enemy captures a lot of our side, these women are going to be abused by the enemy sexually. This is something the Russians found out in WWII and the Israelis found out during their various wars with the Arabs.

So if you are willing to accept that, no problem. Just don't be surprised when it happens.

I would also be in favor of a MANDATORY two year National Service for all Americans from age 18-20. Just allow options other than military service and no bullshit religious exemptions.

We should also have a requirement that the children of the 1%ers be put in an extra-special airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone. betcha we never fight another war after that.

Why stop at 18? The hitler youth was boy scout age. It could be called the hillary youth, or the trump youth. I'm not much for this mandatory service thing myself, except in a serious war. The last time this country faced any danger was 1941.

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