Should women who smoke or drink during pregnancy be charged with a crime?

They might need some smoke and booze, since Mom and Dad will be dead when they're like, I dunno, 10?
I know people who smoked for 50 years and quit during each of their pregnancies. It really can be done.
My step-daughter smokes more than I do, and that's saying something....but she's quit all 3 times she found out she was preggers.
Personal choice. For the record i am against mothers drinking while pregnant.

Mother who do drink should be held 100% financially responsible for any medical issues to the baby once born.

Idealogically yes, but if she has no money is the baby to suffer?

So a baby who's parents have money isn't abused by the same behavior as a poor baby?

Abused the same perhaps, but better care is given for the babys resulting problems.

All "men" are not created equal.
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Only if you think the penitentiary is a better environment than the current one.
I say yes, will give my reasons after some responses

What’s the government’s compelling interest to pre-empt the fundamental right to privacy?

You’ll need to figure that out first or your law will never survive a court challenge.
If you are actually smoking or drinking in privacy while pregnamt, the government would have no probable cause to become involved because it would be unaware of your actions - inless you were a prior offender.

There is plenty of case law to establish that adults can be be charged and convicted when they violate their "position of trust" with respect to a child. By extention, a pregnant mother has also been placed in a position of trust with respect to her fetus.

With respect to the abortion issue, short of planning to keep all pregnant mothers under lock and key 24/7, I know of no effective means to compel an pregnant mother to complete a full term pregnancy - against hew will.
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For those who believe that a fetus is a person. yes certainly it is a crime for injure/put the unborn at risk by the mothers behaviour.

I feel that it is morally wrong in any case.

Should it be a felony to serve an alcoholic drink to a pregnant woman?

I was wondering how the group of people who

1) consider a fetus a person
2) are for small government

would respond to this... It is pretty trick to me... its certainly requires quite a bit of control over ones life for the government to regulate this, but at the same time its also child abuse (which the govenrment should have control over, meaning to remove the child from the dangerous situation)
It's the dilemma of all the hypocrites who support abortion.

BTW, infants are routinely checked for drugs/alcohol when they're born. If they're positive, cw takes them and mom goes to treatment.

When I worked in treatment me always had a couple of women who were there cuz their babies tested pos.
The govt cannot solve every problem. How would this work? Periodic nicotine screenings? Pregnancy tests at the bar? Puhleez. Education is good; legislation is absurd.
I know what blu is pulling, but it is going to fail. I wonder what "brilliant" left wing site he got this one from?

He is trying to equate controlling everything a woman might do during pregnancy, with the pro-life movement.

But, unless he can prove smoking during pregnancy has the same fatality rate that ABORTION has on an unborn baby, IT'S A HUGE FAIL AND THE DUMBEST ARGUMENT FOR THE PRO-ABORTION MOVEMENT, YET! :lmao:

This is the problem with liberalism. They don't THINK logically. They set up scenarios like this, thinking they're iron clad, when they have logical holes you could drive a 18-wheeler through. Yet, they are so caught up in their own "brilliance" they never see the huge, gaping hole in logic, that is OBVIOUS to everyone else.

You get the fail whale blue:


why stop at smoking and drinking...what about women who refuse to take vitamins....what about women who still engage in activities that could be 'dangerous' to the fetus? i.e. sex? what about women who dont breast feed....that is best for the infants.....

pass all the bullmal laws you want.....nothing will change and quit bitching about abortion.....neither party wants to eliminate such a large business

Neither should we go wildly out of our way to save their PREMMIE babies, either.
Two Thirds of this country smoked and drank during the 40 and 50's.
Women who smoked throughout the whole pregnancy and who had an occasional glass of wine or a beer every one in a while had very healthy babies.
Baby Boomer's were born healthy and are still healthy today.
If it is true that babies are born very unhealthy if a woman smokes while pregnant why were baby boomer's born so healthy?
I say yes, will give my reasons after some responses

Finally on the 3rd page of this thread some people started to get it.

1.) The woman could almost always use the "I didn't know I was pregnant" line if she'd rather smoke and/or drink than go to the doctor and have it medically confirmed she's pregnant.

2.) 99% would never get caught, so a pointless waste of $.

3.) Many doctors say not to quit cold turkey when pregnant, but to gradually quit, so punish moms for doing what the doctor said?

I'm with all of you, I actually work right next to a woman who smokes and she's pregnant and it makes me want to backhand her. But more government in this case, as in just about every other case, isn't the answer.
I'm surprised no Doctors mentioned this yet, but a small amount of alcohol after the 1st trimester on occasion is actually good for the developement of the brain of the baby.

Smoking? Fuck no, don't do it pregnant. Or at all.
Two Thirds of this country smoked and drank during the 40 and 50's.
Women who smoked throughout the whole pregnancy and who had an occasional glass of wine or a beer every one in a while had very healthy babies.
Baby Boomer's were born healthy and are still healthy today.
If it is true that babies are born very unhealthy if a woman smokes while pregnant why were baby boomer's born so healthy?

Yeah and a lot of smokers live into their 70's and 80's, so the safe assumption is all doctors are wrong and there's no medical problem with smoking..............

Aye aye aye

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