Should Young Minorities Be Allowed To Buy Guns ?

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I'm pretty sure that denying second amendment rights based on race or ethnicity will not be accepted by the courts as an exception. :lol:
You misconstrued. We're not talking about denying second amendment rights based on race or ethnicity. We're talking about denying PURCHASING rights to people with invalid background checks (wherin that happens to be because of a ludicrous govt policy that mentions race/ethnicity). While race /ethnicity may have some involvement, nevertheless, the basis for the denial is invalid background check.

One must pass a background check to buy a gun. Not having lots of pertinent information in a background is not passing a background check, and thus the sale must not happen. The cause of the denial is background check insufficency.

Secondly, are you saying that you would sell a gun to someone like Nickolas Cruz ? You think that's OK ?

I thought you liberal guys were strong on background checks. Not any more ?

I am not a liberal. It may be hard for you to understand, but just because someone disagrees with you about something does not make them a liberal.

You can try all the mental gymnastics you want. If the idea is to only deny minorities their Constitutional rights, it’s not going to pass legal muster. Again, if you think the programs you are talking about are terrible, push to get rid of those programs. That, at least, has a chance of happening.
The US government should authorize an investigation of where Promise Programs exist throughout the US, and put a stop to them.
They should also investigate what information has been withheld from police, and if these have any connection to mass shootings, or other serious crime.

Now ^^^ this is a bit more reasonable. I don't think I agree with your conclusions regarding the programs in question, but this is the sort of solution with at least a chance of happening.
Let's give a senile hothead access the nuke button..

Great idea, Dimsocialist morons.
This is what Creepy Joe wants to ban. Never produced.

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The fact that Biden said "AR-14" looks worse than his display of bad temper and lack of self-control. This video makes Biden look very bad.
Biden was 100% right. That guy was full of shit. The AR-15 and AK-47 should be banned. These weapons are designed for military use. They can be loaded and unloaded quickly. You can't have a mortar so why should you have military designed rifles.

Talking out of your ass?

AR-15 is not military weapon. AK-47 original is automatic, but for US sales is made semi-automatic, therefore not military weapon.

doesnt matter since the 2nd was specifically for weapons of war,,,

Specifically? Show me where.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

you just showed it,,,thanks,,,

unless youre saying it was about hunting??/

I don't see "weapons of war" in the Amendment.

I see "arms".

Yep, the exact term Paul Revere used when he made his late night ride. Do you think he was referring to slingshots? Damn you commies are dumb.

Talking out of your ass?

AR-15 is not military weapon. AK-47 original is automatic, but for US sales is made semi-automatic, therefore not military weapon.

doesnt matter since the 2nd was specifically for weapons of war,,,

Specifically? Show me where.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

you just showed it,,,thanks,,,

unless youre saying it was about hunting??/

I don't see "weapons of war" in the Amendment.

I see "arms".

Yep, the exact term Paul Revere used when he made his late night ride. Do you think he was referring to slingshots? Damn you commies are dumb.

dont expect a response,,,he ran away after I proved he was wrong and now hes on another thread saying the same thing,,,
"You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns," the worker told Biden.

Biden replied: "You're full of sh**."

"I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment — just like right now, if you yelled 'fire,' that's not free speech," Biden continued. "And from the very beginning — I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt. Guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon. I'm not taking your gun away at all."


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Biden was 100% right. That guy was full of shit. The AR-15 and AK-47 should be banned. These weapons are designed for military use. They can be loaded and unloaded quickly. You can't have a mortar so why should you have military designed rifles.

The AR was designed and sold to civilians before the military adopted an upgraded version of it. In fact the military didn't adopt it for general use for a full 5 years after it hit the civilian market. You commies should stop listening to your own propaganda.


It was designed to be a military weapon not a civilian weapon. You are the commie since you and Putin are backing the same candidate.

Wow, another commie attempting to rewrite history. Good job commie.

Biden was 100% right. That guy was full of shit. The AR-15 and AK-47 should be banned. These weapons are designed for military use. They can be loaded and unloaded quickly. You can't have a mortar so why should you have military designed rifles.

Talking out of your ass?

AR-15 is not military weapon. AK-47 original is automatic, but for US sales is made semi-automatic, therefore not military weapon.

The civilian version is still basically the military one. There are a few changes to prevent it from firing automatically but that is it.

More commie lies. Civilian ARs are not milspec. Meaning they are made from different materials not designed for high rates of fire and less durable.

"You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns," the worker told Biden.

Biden replied: "You're full of sh**."

"I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment — just like right now, if you yelled 'fire,' that's not free speech," Biden continued. "And from the very beginning — I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt. Guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon. I'm not taking your gun away at all."


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He used that shotgun on Cornpop.

From there, he says he’s only going to take AR-14s away. There are, of course, no such thing as AR-14s, but it’s close enough for the discussion. He later appropriately calls them “AR-15s.” But the sticking point in the heated debate seemed to be Biden’s description of them as “machine guns” while the worker rightly referred to them as semi-automatic rifles. Biden continuously asked him why he needed 100 rounds. The typical AR-15 clip holds 30...

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It's possible the hardhat said "AR-14" first, and Biden was echoing him.

As for the "machine gun" thing, Biden was making the point that you can't own ANY gun you want by asking the hardhat if he could own a machine gun.

When the hardhat said he was not allowed to own a machine gun, Biden then said it would be the same restriction for AR-15s.

Any law abiding person who meets the qualifications and can afford it, can own a machine gun. The civilian AR is in no way comparable to a machine gun. Biden is too stupid to know it.

"You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns," the worker told Biden.

Biden replied: "You're full of sh**."

"I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment — just like right now, if you yelled 'fire,' that's not free speech," Biden continued. "And from the very beginning — I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt. Guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon. I'm not taking your gun away at all."


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Biden was 100% right. That guy was full of shit. The AR-15 and AK-47 should be banned. These weapons are designed for military use. They can be loaded and unloaded quickly. You can't have a mortar so why should you have military designed rifles.

The AR was designed and sold to civilians before the military adopted an upgraded version of it. In fact the military didn't adopt it for general use for a full 5 years after it hit the civilian market. You commies should stop listening to your own propaganda.


It was designed to be a military weapon not a civilian weapon. You are the commie since you and Putin are backing the same candidate.
I ran across this thread, forgot about it and then found it today. I'm late to yet another party, but I'm going to respond before I read the other responses so that I'm not influenced by extraneous matter.

I disagree that people with records should be denied the Right to keep and bear Arms. On that count, where we come up short is in the rehabilitation of people convicted of criminal activity. If you rehabilitate them and they must accomplish certain things (as opposed to being incarcerated for a specific period of time), you would be much more successful.

Currently America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet. Creating two classes of citizens after those people leave prison only strengthens the liberals that want to bury the Constitution. Furthermore, if you cannot trust that individual it is highly irresponsible to allow them to return to the streets of America. Rehabilitation.

In the case of Nicholas Cruz, his record was accumulated as a minor and those records are not available nor should they be. But, let's talk about Nicholas Cruz.

Nicholas Cruz, like virtually every mass shooter (with only a handful of exceptions), was a white male with no father figure and he was introduced to legal drugs with the known side effects of homicidal and suicidal tendencies. He had racked up a minimum of 12 interactions with the local constabularies and maybe as many as 45 interactions with the police. He had been suspended from school on numerous occasions.

We know who these mass shooters are long before they buy their first weapon. When I tell people the solution to this, the gun owners go ape shit because they cannot understand the difference between a civil intervention and the criminal process.

In Georgia (and I suspect most states are the same), the Dept. of Family and Children Services (aka CPS in some states) already has the power to investigate when a child's welfare is at stake. The immediate problem is that in every state, the Dept. of Family and Children Services, the agencies are an absolute clusterphuck. So, you have to fix those agencies. Then, when people like Nicholas Cruz need an intervention, you investigate and then get those children the appropriate help. This can be fixed without tax increases, without more bureaucracies, and without affecting anyone's Rights.
There are so many things I dispute here, I don't know where to begin. Oh well >>>

1. Few things could be more ludicrous than to disagree that people with records should be denied the Right to keep and bear Arms. Of course it depends on the type of records. In Nicolas Cruz' case (I'm not going to list all of his record) it's enough to to cite his public threats to shoot up the school. If his gun seller had known this, he correctly would have denied the sale. To go ahead with it (if that info were known), would be more than incorrect. It would be assinine, and dangerous, as we have seen.

2. Although I sympathize that minors should not be held as accountable as adults,with a record like Nicolas Cruz had compiled, it was ESSENTIAL for that full background to be included in his background investigation. Government's primary responsibility is PROTECTION of the public.

3. Cruz, with a Hispanic surname, has been defined as Hispanic.

4. No, we most certainly DO NOT know who these mass shooters are, and it is lunacies like the Promise Program, and all programs like it, what ever anybody calls them, that make us unable to know them and their backgrounds. It's evident you have not read this thread before posting. Maybe when you have more time (and a lot of it), you can go over it thoroughly, including the many links and sublinks I've posted.

Cruz might have been "Hispanic," but he grew up in a basically white culture, not a Hispanic one. But, yes, we do KNOW who is going to commit violent acts like a mass shooting in most cases.

People look back in retrospect and say "I'm not surprised." In Cruz's case, this is how it plays out in the news"

"I can't say I was shocked," Mr Charo said after the shooting.

"He seemed like the kind of kid who would do something like this

FBI was warned about Florida gunman

Let's try another. An unidentified woman who knew Adam Lanza remarked:

"she was not shocked that he was the killer..."

Adam Lanza Threatened Sandy Hook Killings Years Earlier, Records Show

Pick your favorite five mass shooters and, unless you spend a Hell of a lot of time (like anomalies such as Stephen Paddock) virtually all of them are not committing an unforeseeable act. YES, we can identify these people in advance. Adam Lanza, Nicholas Cruz, the Columbine shooters, etc. etc. all have the same M.O. Mass shootings are generally committed by political jihadists OR they are committed by people who can be identified by quantifiable markers.

Lanza, Cruz, the Columbine shooters, and many others had no business being on the streets. They belonged in a mental health facility and those around them KNEW it. You just choose not to get involved, ask questions and see why a kid is being constantly tossed out of school, knows all the police that work in his precinct on a first name basis and instill fear in their classmates at school.

Let me tell you about your links. I will check them out though I doubt they will shed any new light on the matter. My wife will tell you that when a mass shooting takes place, once I know where it happened and the conditions, I can tell you almost anything you want to know about the shooter except his name. In the eight years we've been married, she can attest to the fact I'm never wrong.

Several years working as a foster parent and having taken training with DFACS to become one of their "assets," was worth more than all the statistics you can accumulate. Today I can work with a kid for a couple of weeks and tell you what his path in life is going to be. One truism in psychology is that past performance is the primary indicator of future performance.

When you have kids that are constantly on the radar of truant officers, school officials and racking up disciplinary actions followed up by family and neighbors calling the police on this individual, you KNOW you have a problem. Then, when that child is put on SSRIs (and put that into Google, then comma followed by any ten mass shooters picked at random) and that child is not supervised, you are guaranteed a violent outcome.

I have proposed legislation at the state level that, if enacted, would cut mass shootings by 90 percent. You can identify potentially dangerous people in advance, get them the help they need (or take them off the street if treatment does not work), but if you insist on not getting kids the help they need and deserve, you pay the consequences.
"You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns," the worker told Biden.

Biden replied: "You're full of sh**."

"I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment — just like right now, if you yelled 'fire,' that's not free speech," Biden continued. "And from the very beginning — I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt. Guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon. I'm not taking your gun away at all."


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Biden was 100% right. That guy was full of shit. The AR-15 and AK-47 should be banned. These weapons are designed for military use. They can be loaded and unloaded quickly. You can't have a mortar so why should you have military designed rifles.

the 2nd amendment was specifically for weapons of war,,,

so that means youre full of shit,,,

Surely they meant you could keep a .22 to kill squirrels.....?
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
You've spent your entire life voting for the Nicolas Cruz's of the world to be able to get guns. And you still are.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns. And neither have Republicans or the NRA. Only Obama and minority pandering Democrats have done that.

Maybe you've been watching too much CNN.

Universal background check - Wikipedia

I do not support Obama; never voted for a Democrat and think the NRA is a bunch of pansies.

If someone cannot be trusted to own a firearm, they do not belong on the street. Rehabilitate people or keep them in jail, prison, or mental health facilities.
"You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns," the worker told Biden.

Biden replied: "You're full of sh**."

"I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment — just like right now, if you yelled 'fire,' that's not free speech," Biden continued. "And from the very beginning — I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt. Guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon. I'm not taking your gun away at all."


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Biden was 100% right. That guy was full of shit. The AR-15 and AK-47 should be banned. These weapons are designed for military use. They can be loaded and unloaded quickly. You can't have a mortar so why should you have military designed rifles.

I can own a cannon and a flamethrower.
Blacks that vote democrat have a mental disorder,, they shouldn’t buy
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