Shouldn't folks with TDS be treated with more sensitivty?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
It is a general question, but also specific to message boards like here at USMessageBoard. My point is I am sure most of us normal folks would appreciate the mods giving them a break here and there with just a scolding rather than a banning. Now are the TDS folks actually paid trolls from Russia? Good question!
^ ^ +1

But I just Googled it ... I think it stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome (in this case anyhow)

Urban Dictionary: TDS


I see it also means:

TDS is simply Tax Deducted at Source. As per the Income Tax Act – persons responsible for making payments are required to deduct tax at source at prescribed rates. Instead of receiving tax on your income from you at a later date, the govt wants the payers to deduct tax before hand and deposit it with the govt. May 4, 2015


What should the TDS levels be in drinking water?

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is measured in milligrams per unit volume of water (mg/L) and also referred to as parts per million (ppm). For drinking water, the maximum concentration level set by EPA is 500 mg/L. Why should you measure the TDS levels in your water? Numerous water supplies exceed this level.

etc etc .......

what's tds - Google Search
I have my doubts about some who have posts in the tens of thousands with apparent endless free time to parrot word for word the same simpleton soundbites expressed by the MSM only minutes before.

I believe there is a laundry basket full of socks on the site. images (58).jpeg
TDS? One must wonder who is deranged?

How about the tax fraud? Not only will the annual deficit grow, so will the national debt. It seems the Republican Party is only concerned with the nations debt when a Democrat is POTUS.

It has been reported the tax cut which went to corporate America has been well used to benefit corporate America - trickle down has once again failed;

Republicans said their tax bill would go to workers. Instead, it’s going to Wall Street

Boom in Share Buybacks Renews Question of Who Wins From Tax Cuts

Terms of Service Violation

How does it feel to be swindled once again by Trump. Ryan and McConnell? Consider too the promise for a single page tax form and a much better health care system once the PPACA is repealed! What happened there?
My point is I am sure most of us normal folks would appreciate the mods giving them a break here and there with just a scolding rather than a banning.

Speak for yourself. I see absolutely no reason for leniency...…….remember, treat everyone equally
My point is I am sure most of us normal folks would appreciate the mods giving them a break here and there with just a scolding rather than a banning.

Speak for yourself. I see absolutely no reason for leniency...…….remember, treat everyone equally
I agree, no leniency but they are to be pitied, poor souls.

Pity??? for all the crap they still fling? Hey, if they cross the line & break the rules, they should get banned...…...and this would be me when they do

My point is I am sure most of us normal folks would appreciate the mods giving them a break here and there with just a scolding rather than a banning.

Speak for yourself. I see absolutely no reason for leniency...…….remember, treat everyone equally
I agree, no leniency but they are to be pitied, poor souls.

Pity??? for all the crap they still fling? Hey, if they cross the line & break the rules, they should get banned...…...and this would be me when they do

I had to throw in a little sarcasm so their widdle feewings wouldn't be bruised.
My point is I am sure most of us normal folks would appreciate the mods giving them a break here and there with just a scolding rather than a banning.

Speak for yourself. I see absolutely no reason for leniency...…….remember, treat everyone equally
I agree, no leniency but they are to be pitied, poor souls.

Pity??? for all the crap they still fling? Hey, if they cross the line & break the rules, they should get banned...…...and this would be me when they do

I had to throw in a little sarcasm so their widdle feewings wouldn't be bruised.

You're not going soft, now are ya?
The people have spoken. But still, in my opinion, discussion boards should have an special advisory to those with TDS as to being particularly aware that they must follow the codes of conduct, etc. just like everyone else even though they are battling a peculiar mental illness.
The people have spoken. But still, in my opinion, discussion boards should have an special advisory to those with TDS as to being particularly aware that they must follow the codes of conduct, etc. just like everyone else even though they are battling a peculiar mental illness.

One of the symptoms of TDS is that liberals can't sit on it or hold it in. They have to go on a raging rant. If one tried to hold it in he would have a brain hemorrhage. That's not good.

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