Shouldn't Whites be protesting Blacks and the African flag?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?

2015 Data:
Blacks killed by whites: 2%
Blacks killed by police: 1%
Whites killed by police: 3%
Whites killed by whites: 16%
Whites killed by blacks: 81%
Blacks killed by blacks: 97%

I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
This post is devoid of logic, it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

And no one expects logic from frightened, hateful racists.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?
I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
Whites and Blacks are guppies in an aquarium. If you had much sense you'd band together and storm the government that isn't giving you enough to eat.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?
I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
Whites and Blacks are guppies in an aquarium. If you had much sense you'd band together and storm the government that isn't giving you enough to eat.

Everyone I know stealing from taxpayers says's always the government holding them back and they're never getting enough free shit....yet not one of them have moved to Mexico or Zimbabwe or any other country that's so much better...I'm thinking it's because we give away more free shit than any other country. Now, lets stay on topic.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?

2015 Data:
Blacks killed by whites: 2%
Blacks killed by police: 1%
Whites killed by police: 3%
Whites killed by whites: 16%
Whites killed by blacks: 81%
Blacks killed by blacks: 97%

I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
The title of your thread:
"Shouldn't Whites be protesting Blacks and the African flag?"

Africa is not a Nation genius, it's a continent. What does a Continental flag look like to you? Post the Continental flag of Africa for us, will ya!

What's the source of your "data"? It look very similar to a pile of smoldering horseshit which has already been washed into the cesspool here and magically reappeared! Man, if 81% of all white folks who were killed in 2015 were killed by black folks and only 2% of black folks who were killed were killed by white folks and white folks outnumber black folks by about four to one, doesn't that give you an indication that those "alleged facts" of yours are skewed just a bit and stink to high heaven? I'm smellin' Info Wars or one of its kin as the source!

That's a clever attempt to, they've taught you poor people all the tricks. I'm pretty sure the point is crystal clear to even 2nd graders....try again.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?
I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
Whites and Blacks are guppies in an aquarium. If you had much sense you'd band together and storm the government that isn't giving you enough to eat.

Everyone I know stealing from taxpayers says's always the government holding them back and they're never getting enough free shit....yet not one of them have moved to Mexico or Zimbabwe or any other country that's so much better...I'm thinking it's because we give away more free shit than any other country. Now, lets stay on topic.
When your government sees to it that there are enough jobs to go around ........ AND .......... a livable minimum wage ...... OR ...... a decent unemployment scheme .... then come back and we'll discuss your problem.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?
I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
Whites and Blacks are guppies in an aquarium. If you had much sense you'd band together and storm the government that isn't giving you enough to eat.

Everyone I know stealing from taxpayers says's always the government holding them back and they're never getting enough free shit....yet not one of them have moved to Mexico or Zimbabwe or any other country that's so much better...I'm thinking it's because we give away more free shit than any other country. Now, lets stay on topic.
When your government sees to it that there are enough jobs to go around ........ AND .......... a livable minimum wage ...... OR ...... a decent unemployment scheme .... then come back and we'll discuss your problem.

WOW, you people have no clue how retarded you sound.
You keep having babies when available resources have been depleted ...then you whine and complain that resources aren't available. Even animals in the wild have enough sense to stop reproducing when resources aren't plentiful...(they can't send their invoice for life to taxpayers to be paid) Are you following me here? Does this make any sense? Further, people who work and pay taxes create work...people who sit home smoking weed and drinking forty's just suck the tit dry.
Minimum wage jobs are for highschool children to get work experience...if all the low-life, bottom feeding adults would stop trying to make McDonalds a career we wouldn't have the minimum wage / livable wage issue.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?
I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
Whites and Blacks are guppies in an aquarium. If you had much sense you'd band together and storm the government that isn't giving you enough to eat.

Everyone I know stealing from taxpayers says's always the government holding them back and they're never getting enough free shit....yet not one of them have moved to Mexico or Zimbabwe or any other country that's so much better...I'm thinking it's because we give away more free shit than any other country. Now, lets stay on topic.
When your government sees to it that there are enough jobs to go around ........ AND .......... a livable minimum wage ...... OR ...... a decent unemployment scheme .... then come back and we'll discuss your problem.

WOW, you people have no clue how retarded you sound.
You keep having babies when available resources have been depleted ...then you whine and complain that resources aren't available. Even animals in the wild have enough sense to stop reproducing when resources aren't plentiful...(they can't send their invoice for life to taxpayers to be paid) Are you following me here? Does this make any sense? Further, people who work and pay taxes create work...people who sit home smoking weed and drinking forty's just suck the tit dry.
Minimum wage jobs are for highschool children to get work experience...if all the low-life, bottom feeding adults would stop trying to make McDonalds a career we wouldn't have the minimum wage / livable wage issue.
You don't know much about the world. I can see that you've never been outside of Mule Shoe, Texas.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?

2015 Data:
Blacks killed by whites: 2%
Blacks killed by police: 1%
Whites killed by police: 3%
Whites killed by whites: 16%
Whites killed by blacks: 81%
Blacks killed by blacks: 97%

I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
The title of your thread:
"Shouldn't Whites be protesting Blacks and the African flag?"

Africa is not a Nation genius, it's a continent. What does a Continental flag look like to you? Post the Continental flag of Africa for us, will ya!

What's the source of your "data"? It look very similar to a pile of smoldering horseshit which has already been washed into the cesspool here and magically reappeared! Man, if 81% of all white folks who were killed in 2015 were killed by black folks and only 2% of black folks who were killed were killed by white folks and white folks outnumber black folks by about four to one, doesn't that give you an indication that those "alleged facts" of yours are skewed just a bit and stink to high heaven? I'm smellin' Info Wars or one of its kin as the source!

That's a clever attempt to, they've taught you poor people all the tricks. I'm pretty sure the point is crystal clear to even 2nd graders....try again.

Questioning data ain't no dodge son, if you can't handle the pushback your pontifications are too lame/weak to stand up to scrutiny.

Whites and blacks in america have been programmed/pitted against each other since Bacon's Rebellion by the power structure, when the vastly outnumbered colonial aristocracy determined the two groups could never be allowed to align with each other again. Basically what you're foolishly and rather fecklessly attempting here.

Yeah, whites should be out in the streets, and for exactly the same reasons as black folk should be. But we lack the courage to embrace real freedom and the constant effort it takes to prevent the power structure – any power structure - from its continual “need”/greed to concentrate power and wealth. Some of your beloved founding fathers articulated the very point you have issues with, you know, when “they” do it. So we simple mindedly vote, then return to the couch and await the “change” we stupidly, in the face of all evidence, hope the power structure will bequeath us this time. And we moan, cuss the TV, and repeat next election cycle.

“Power concedes nothing without first a demand”, same as it ever was. And we can’t even ask. So we color inside the lines the system gives us and hissyfit about how it never comes. Or even more ignorantly, bitch, as programmed, about the “other side” mucking things all up. Same goes for partisanshit, the system runs upon the division you promote.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?
I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
Whites and Blacks are guppies in an aquarium. If you had much sense you'd band together and storm the government that isn't giving you enough to eat.

Everyone I know stealing from taxpayers says's always the government holding them back and they're never getting enough free shit....yet not one of them have moved to Mexico or Zimbabwe or any other country that's so much better...I'm thinking it's because we give away more free shit than any other country. Now, lets stay on topic.
When your government sees to it that there are enough jobs to go around ........ AND .......... a livable minimum wage ...... OR ...... a decent unemployment scheme .... then come back and we'll discuss your problem.

WOW, you people have no clue how retarded you sound.
You keep having babies when available resources have been depleted ...then you whine and complain that resources aren't available. Even animals in the wild have enough sense to stop reproducing when resources aren't plentiful...(they can't send their invoice for life to taxpayers to be paid) Are you following me here? Does this make any sense? Further, people who work and pay taxes create work...people who sit home smoking weed and drinking forty's just suck the tit dry.
Minimum wage jobs are for highschool children to get work experience...if all the low-life, bottom feeding adults would stop trying to make McDonalds a career we wouldn't have the minimum wage / livable wage issue.
You don't know much about the world. I can see that you've never been outside of Mule Shoe, Texas.
Mule Shoe Texas?.....they have a great Taco Bell there.....just sayin....
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?
I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
Whites and Blacks are guppies in an aquarium. If you had much sense you'd band together and storm the government that isn't giving you enough to eat.

Everyone I know stealing from taxpayers says's always the government holding them back and they're never getting enough free shit....yet not one of them have moved to Mexico or Zimbabwe or any other country that's so much better...I'm thinking it's because we give away more free shit than any other country. Now, lets stay on topic.

You pretty clearly have no clue where all that "free" shit has gone throughout your nation's history, and you won't want to learn.
Frame it and spin it however you people have that down perfectly.
There is plenty of statistical data available to you but you won't want to know how REAL data paints'd spin that as well. If you were to stop focusing on half century ago happenings and focus on the now you wouldn't have anymore excuses and that would mean you'd have to become a productive citizen and that takes work and we know how you feel about work.
Anyone I know doing well in this country with a quality of life has very little negative to say about fact most are appreciative of the opportunities this country provides....while everybody I know struggling can't say anything positive; it always comes down down to them feeling like they aren't getting enough free shit....or the government isn't holding their hand through life quite enough.
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..... Anyone I know doing well in this country with a quality of life has very little negative to say about government.......while everybody I know struggling can't say anything positive.....
Well, Sherlock I'll bet you're waiting for Doc. Watson to write it down and explain what it is you just admitted. Have you no sense at all?
..... Anyone I know doing well in this country with a quality of life has very little negative to say about government.......while everybody I know struggling can't say anything positive.....
Well, Sherlock I'll bet you're waiting for Doc. Watson to write it down and explain what it is you just admitted. Have you no sense at all?

You lose me in the section 8 based logic...I admitted that no low-life stealing from taypayers ever appreciates the inner workings of government...They'll stand there with their hand out begging for more free shit and whatever free shit they get is never enough free shit.
Much like criminals hate law and order; bottom feeders hate governmental workings.
..... Anyone I know doing well in this country with a quality of life has very little negative to say about government.......while everybody I know struggling can't say anything positive.....
Well, Sherlock I'll bet you're waiting for Doc. Watson to write it down and explain what it is you just admitted. Have you no sense at all?

You lose me in the section 8 based logic...I admitted that no low-life stealing from taypayers ever appreciates the inner workings of government...They'll stand there with their hand out begging for more free shit and whatever free shit they get is never enough free shit.
Much like criminals hate law and order; bottom feeders hate governmental workings.
Watson will be along to explain it to you.
Applying basic logic and using 3rd grade intelligence....Removing all trivial semantics from the equation and just looking at under-rated factual data. Isn't there something wrong here? 2+2 just doesn't add up...does it?

2015 Data:
Blacks killed by whites: 2%
Blacks killed by police: 1%
Whites killed by police: 3%
Whites killed by whites: 16%
Whites killed by blacks: 81%
Blacks killed by blacks: 97%

I don't expect any blacks to engage in this thread as they normally ignore facts and anything sensible....But what's your thoughts? Shouldn't we start rioting and looting immediately?
Looks like your 3rd grade intelligence caused you to post figures that are false. However even if they were true I would have no problem with whites protesting and rioting. Its not like they are going to do anything unless its either sports or pumpkins anyway.
..... Anyone I know doing well in this country with a quality of life has very little negative to say about government.......while everybody I know struggling can't say anything positive.....
Well, Sherlock I'll bet you're waiting for Doc. Watson to write it down and explain what it is you just admitted. Have you no sense at all?

It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers, the poor sod does not. Sometimes they just make the argument for ya.
..... Anyone I know doing well in this country with a quality of life has very little negative to say about government.......while everybody I know struggling can't say anything positive.....
Well, Sherlock I'll bet you're waiting for Doc. Watson to write it down and explain what it is you just admitted. Have you no sense at all?

You lose me in the section 8 based logic...I admitted that no low-life stealing from taypayers ever appreciates the inner workings of government...They'll stand there with their hand out begging for more free shit and whatever free shit they get is never enough free shit.
Much like criminals hate law and order; bottom feeders hate governmental workings.
" ... bottom feeders hate governmental workings.?"

Nope, that's "conservatives" bub.

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