shower biden goes for the grope on Eva Longoria


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
joe wannabe dictator biden is filth

joe wannabe dictator biden is filth

Eva should have kneed Joe right between the legs! But I wonder, would that even affect Joe? But Joe's joke about her being 17 when he met her, that is an old Alinsky ploy where you commit your crimes wide out in the open, then when anyone points them out, you reply with innocence that had there been anything to it at all, would you have come right out and just admitted it? That way, you try to turn it around against your accuser, much as how they espouse nothing but hate and contempt for patriots and citizens to the point that we protest, they try to turn it around against us by then pointing to our anger and accusing US then of being hatemongers and terrorists!

Everything the Left does they learned from the communist's methods of image and information control.
Eva should have kneed Joe right between the legs! But I wonder, would that even affect Joe? But Joe's joke about her being 17 when he met her, that is an old Alinsky ploy where you commit your crimes wide out in the open, then when anyone points them out, you reply with innocence that had there been anything to it at all, would you have come right out and just admitted it? That way, you try to turn it around against your accuser, much as how they espouse nothing but hate and contempt for patriots and citizens to the point that we protest, they try to turn it around against us by then pointing to our anger and accusing US then of being hatemongers and terrorists!

Everything the Left does they learned from the communist's methods of image and information control.
You'd better cut down on the deranged section of yer brain.
What the hell is Eva doing that close to Creepy Joe in the first place? She's clearly a big FAN of the pedo, so she got what she deserved. Doesn't change the fact that Joe doesn't give two hoots who does or doesn't know that he's a sexual predator. If his handlers weren't around to direct the geriatric patient, he'd probably “mess” with a little kid on stage (if he didn't trip and fall first).
Eva should have kneed Joe right between the legs! But I wonder, would that even affect Joe? But Joe's joke about her being 17 when he met her, that is an old Alinsky ploy where you commit your crimes wide out in the open, then when anyone points them out, you reply with innocence that had there been anything to it at all, would you have come right out and just admitted it? That way, you try to turn it around against your accuser, much as how they espouse nothing but hate and contempt for patriots and citizens to the point that we protest, they try to turn it around against us by then pointing to our anger and accusing US then of being hatemongers and terrorists!

Everything the Left does they learned from the communist's methods of image and information control.
No booby for the Poopy.
She reacted by grabbing and redirecting his hands. The little girl who had Biden pinch her nipple had a stronger reaction. She elbowed Biden.
Eva Longoria is actually not very attractive when you see her in person. And she's kind of a bitch.

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