Shut-down official. Republicans last-minute "No wait! We wanna talk now!!" ignored

I would think it would be a no brainer to pass a budget for the last 5years, I'd think it would be a no brainer to cut spending. I would think it be a no brainer to balance a budget. I'd think it would be a no brainer to find a way to get out of these stupid games every three months. Obama and Congress aren't serious about any of this, otherwise we wouldn't keep getting put in this spot.

I mostly agree with this analysis. Our Government is not functioning the way it should and we should all be sick of it by now. That expression if you aren't angry, you aren't paying attention fits. It's pretty disgusting.

And yet yo blamed Republicans entirely... I get the feeling a conversation with you feels mentally retarded.

I find when people do nothing but resort to insults, they have no argument. After looking at your posts, I'd say you have nothing to say. That's why you take your cheap shots. Have fun with that. I'm not going there.
I fuguered this was going to happen but i wasn't really paying attention as i was watching the Rays beat the Rangers. Sigh......... Wonder how long the Fed Gov will be shutdown for? I hope everyone realizes this shutdown is going to cost more then just funding everything.

You think it might blow up the delusion that government is good for the economy? We can only hope.
If the United States government shuts down tonight and our economy takes a hit, it will be because House Republicans let it happen.

Right now, there's a bill sitting in the House that funds the government for a few more weeks. It doesn't demand the repeal or delay of the health care law, or deny women access to birth control, or include any other failed, partisan proposals. It funds the government. That's it. And if Republican leadership allowed a simple yes or no vote on this bill -- like the Senate has -- it would get enough support from members of both parties to pass.

Instead, the government that these Republicans were elected to fund will close down and that will hurt our economy. Americans across the country won't be allowed to show up for work. Paychecks could be delayed, meaning some folks will have to cut back on groceries or maybe even not pay a few bills. Businesses will have fewer customers. Veterans won't get services they rely on -- and it will put benefits for seniors at risk.

Even though they've already voted over 40 times to defund or delay the health care law, this group of Republicans in Congress is so obsessed with the idea of sabotaging Obamacare that they're willing to take the economy hostage to do it.

Take a look at how this shutdown will affect millions of Americans -- and then make sure you share it so other folks know, too.

President Obama has said time and time again that he's willing to work with folks on both sides of the aisle to grow our economy and even improve the health care law. But using the threat of government shutdown or defaulting on the bills our country owes is reckless and irresponsible.

In fact, shutting down the government won't stop Obamacare. The Health Insurance Marketplace will still open for business starting tomorrow, without delay.

Washington needs to stop manufacturing crises and focus on the issues that matter: creating jobs and building a strong middle class. Taking our economy over the cliff just to score political points isn't fair to the millions of Americans who show up every day to work and do their jobs. It’s time for Congress to do its job.

Make sure you know exactly who this shutdown is directly affecting and then pass it on.



David Simas
Deputy Senior Advisor
The White House

P.S. -- You'll still be able to sign up for affordable health insurance on starting tomorrow, shutdown or no shutdown.

What hit will our economy take? Our government has shut down many times over the years. It's bullshit. What is causing the whole mess is Congress not passing a budget for 5 plus years.
WASHINGTON — A flurry of last-minute moves by the House, Senate and White House late Monday failed to break a bitter budget standoff over President Obama’s health care law, setting in motion the first government shutdown in nearly two decades.

After a series of rapid-fire back and forth legislative maneuvers, leaders of the House and Senate acknowledged there would not be a resolution in time to stop a shutdown before a midnight deadline, even as the House took steps to open talks. But Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, dismissed as game-playing the House proposal to begin conference committee negotiations.

“We will not go to conference with a gun to our heads,” he said, demanding that the House accept the Senate’s six-week stopgap spending bill, which has no policy prescriptions, before negotiations begin.

The impasse meant that 800,000 federal workers were to be furloughed and more than a million others would be asked to work without pay. The Office of Management and Budget issued orders that “agencies should now execute plans for an orderly shutdown due to the absence of appropriations” because Congress had failed to act.

So. That was that then.

Good times.


Republicans did their best to engage the Democrats. Democrats and the President own this shut down because they were adamant that they would not negotiate whatsoever.

Their way or the highway. So fuck the Dems and the President. Republicans were not sent to Washington to kow tow to Reid or the President.

Boehner even mocked the President on the House floor because the son of a bitch decided to finally talk to Boehner for the first time in a week.

Boehner jokingly echoed that sentiment on the House floor, saying: 'I talked to the President earlier tonight: I'm not going to negotiate. I'm not going to negotiate. I'm not going to negotiate.

Boehner makes fun of Obama on the House floor by impersonating the President during the final hours of the shutdown debate | Mail Online
I mostly agree with this analysis. Our Government is not functioning the way it should and we should all be sick of it by now. That expression if you aren't angry, you aren't paying attention fits. It's pretty disgusting.

And yet yo blamed Republicans entirely... I get the feeling a conversation with you feels mentally retarded.

I find when people do nothing but resort to insults, they have no argument. After looking at your posts, I'd say you have nothing to say. That's why you take your cheap shots. Have fun with that. I'm not going there.

I completely agree, 'insults' = 'no argument.'

I'll just leave this here tho;

This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.

The shutdown is entirely the fault of the Democrats. They haven't passed a budget for 5 years (which would have avoided all this drama), they refuse to negotiate with Republicans and instead adopt a "It's our way or the highway" and now get all pissy when Republicans passed a CR fully funding all of the government except Obamacare so it would be postponed for the same year that Obama postponed it for his cronies and it's the Republicans who put ideology ahead of country.

You're a fool and your side is everything you accuse Republicans of being.

You're an even bigger fool for believing this pile of garbage you just posted. Obamacare has already passed and been signed into law 3 years ago and upheld by the Supreme Court. IF the Reps don't like it, they can win enough elections to repeal it legislatively and not with these games with the budget and the debt ceiling.

That's a crappy way to Govern. We don't like something. We don't have the votes to get rid of it so lets just shut everything down, hold our breath until we turn blue, and stomp our feet until we get our way.

They are so stupid they shut the Govt. down over nothing. ACA will still go forward as planned so they accomplished nothing. This shutdown does not even stop the bill they are proposing.

They are wasting time with childish games. This may be o.k. with you but it's not with me.

Shut it down over nothing. Interesting you would think that way. That nothing is obiecare, the same law they government has decided is good enough for you but not really good enough for them so they are exempt. 1200 other people are apparently exempt from it as well. Business is exempt for another year. But good enough for you! That's your nothing.

Congress is not exempt. They have employer health care so just like anyone with employer health care, they don't have to participate in the exchanges which are for people who don't have health care thru their employer, through Medicare or Medicaid. Basically, those without healthcare. So no, they are not exempt.
And yet yo blamed Republicans entirely... I get the feeling a conversation with you feels mentally retarded.

I find when people do nothing but resort to insults, they have no argument. After looking at your posts, I'd say you have nothing to say. That's why you take your cheap shots. Have fun with that. I'm not going there.

I completely agree, 'insults' = 'no argument.'

I'll just leave this here tho;

This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.


I was talking about other forum members. I don't give a shit how much people insult politicians. Do you?
Why Republicans Want To Shut Government - Business Insider

Because the first parts of the government that will be shut down are the parts of the government that the Tea Party extremists say they hate!


  • The Environmental Protection Agency. The Tea Party extremists don't care about the environment and hate the organization dedicated to protecting it. So the fact that the EPA will have to furlough all but 1,069 of its 16,200 workers is great news to them. (Rebecca Ballhaus of the Wall Street Journal).
  • The National Labor Relations Board. The Tea Party extremists hate the NLRB, which tries to make sure that the country's workers are treated fairly. So it's presumably awesome that the NLRB will furlough all but 11 of its 1,611 staffers. (WSJ)
  • Food stamps for Women, Infants, and Children. The Tea Party extremists hate food stamps. So they'll be happy a special federal "WIC" food stamps program will be shut down. (Some bad news for Tea Party folks here, though. The broader food stamps program will continue.) (USA Today)
  • The Commodities Futures Trading Commission. The Tea Party extremists don't think we should have industry rules or regulators, so the fact that only 8 of the CFTC's 650 workers will come to work and get paid after the shutdown is downright exciting. (WSJ)
  • National parks and museums will close. The Tea Party extremists don't care about nature. And museums are for elitists. (WSJ)
  • Internal Revenue Service audits. The Tea Party extremists hate, hate, hate the IRS. So they'll be pleased that annoying IRS bureaucrats won't be able to hassle free people and confiscate more money from them. Unfortunately, they'll still owe taxes. And the IRS will still exist.
  • The Census Bureau will stop collecting data. Who needs data? (WSJ)
  • Applications for small-business loans won't be processed. The Tea Party extremists don't think the government should make small-business loans. (WSJ)
And so on...

Links available at the site.
This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.


You're totally right. It's completely OK for the US gov't to proclaim to the rest of the world 'WE CAN'T PAY OUR BILLS!' Tell ya what, let's you and me go car shopping tomorrow. You can tell the bank AND all the dealers we speak to that you are completely incapable of paying for the car you intend to purchase. Wonder how successful we'll be...?

Do you really believe that not borrowing more money means the government can't pay its bills? Are you aware that the US hit the debt ceiling in May, and no one has been worried about not spending the bills in all that time?

Don't believe me?

The government already hit its borrowing limit in May, but the Treasury Department has been able to use what it calls “extraordinary measures” to increase its borrowing capacity temporarily. Such measures, however, will be exhausted by mid-October, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said, when the government will run out of money to make its legally obligated payments.

US has three weeks to raise debt limit?or risk default ? MSNBC
And yet yo blamed Republicans entirely... I get the feeling a conversation with you feels mentally retarded.

I find when people do nothing but resort to insults, they have no argument. After looking at your posts, I'd say you have nothing to say. That's why you take your cheap shots. Have fun with that. I'm not going there.

I completely agree, 'insults' = 'no argument.'

I'll just leave this here tho;

This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.


This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.


You're totally right. It's completely OK for the US gov't to proclaim to the rest of the world 'WE CAN'T PAY OUR BILLS!' Tell ya what, let's you and me go car shopping tomorrow. You can tell the bank AND all the dealers we speak to that you are completely incapable of paying for the car you intend to purchase. Wonder how successful we'll be...?

That's the issue with the debt ceiling. It's money already spent. It should be a no brainer to pay our bills. Just ridiculous that they are even thinking about using that as a negotiating tool. It's not a way to govern but it is a way to drop our credit rating again and hurt our economy. Lame as hell.

No it is not.
You know what I don't get? Your side won. So why all the hostility.

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