Shut-down official. Republicans last-minute "No wait! We wanna talk now!!" ignored

I could give a shit if this government is shut down for months on end.

It will draw out the makers from the takers.

Make the GDP and take from it. Slcackers
U.S. shutdown impact on travelers: National parks to be deserted, air traffic control stays open

Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the nation's most visited with 9.7 million visitors last year. The shutdown comes as the park enters one of its busiest months of the year, according to visitor stats.

Well, then, the Democrats are officially to blame for this. They just rejected the last chance to negotiate and perhaps breach the impasse on the CR.

Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

People who aren't dumb will see plainly through this stupid move by Republicans. From Ted Cruz's Green Eggs & Ham to the 42 votes to try and defund Obamacare to the LOSS in the Supreme Court to challenge its constitutionality... everyone knows this is just one more desperate attempt to destroy Obamacare because Republicans know they failed to contain health care costs and that Obamacare has ALREADY reduced the rate of healthcare increases and will continue to do so the longer it is in effect.

Republicans jumped the shark a long time ago on this... but tonight is like a Kamachi Crunch fail while jumping the shark...
Well, then, the Democrats are officially to blame for this. They just rejected the last chance to negotiate and perhaps breach the impasse on the CR.

Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

People who aren't dumb will see plainly through this stupid move by Republicans. From Ted Cruz's Green Eggs & Ham to the 42 votes to try and defund Obamacare to the LOSS in the Supreme Court to challenge its constitutionality... everyone knows this is just one more desperate attempt to destroy Obamacare because Republicans know they failed to contain health care costs and that Obamacare has ALREADY reduced the rate of healthcare increases and will continue to do so the longer it is in effect.

Republicans jumped the shark a long time ago on this... but tonight is like a Kamachi Crunch fail while jumping the shark...

So this addresses my argument in what way exactly?

So, what about Obamacare do you like so much? The $7,000 in higher premiums? The $1.2 trillion it added to the deficit? The tens of thousands of people being cut back on hours, furloughed or laid off because their employers will harmed by it? Looks like Democrats jumped the shark here. They paved the road to this shutdown 4 years ago when they passed Obamacare to begin with.
This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.


Watch them not raise the debt ceiling. Then watch our economy collapse.
Well, then, the Democrats are officially to blame for this. They just rejected the last chance to negotiate and perhaps breach the impasse on the CR.

Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

People who aren't dumb will see plainly through this stupid move by Republicans. From Ted Cruz's Green Eggs & Ham to the 42 votes to try and defund Obamacare to the LOSS in the Supreme Court to challenge its constitutionality... everyone knows this is just one more desperate attempt to destroy Obamacare because Republicans know they failed to contain health care costs and that Obamacare has ALREADY reduced the rate of healthcare increases and will continue to do so the longer it is in effect.

Republicans jumped the shark a long time ago on this... but tonight is like a Kamachi Crunch fail while jumping the shark...

So this addresses my argument in what way exactly?

So, what about Obamacare do you like so much? The $7,000 in higher premiums? The $1.2 trillion it added to the deficit? The tens of thousands of people being cut back on hours, furloughed or laid off because their employers will harmed by it? Looks like Democrats jumped the shark here. They paved the road to this shutdown 4 years ago when they passed Obamacare to begin with.

It addresses it like this: Liars repeat lies over and over until someone will believe them. And you sir are a liar. And, frankly, I don't debate liars... I call them liars and move on. Bye,
Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

People who aren't dumb will see plainly through this stupid move by Republicans. From Ted Cruz's Green Eggs & Ham to the 42 votes to try and defund Obamacare to the LOSS in the Supreme Court to challenge its constitutionality... everyone knows this is just one more desperate attempt to destroy Obamacare because Republicans know they failed to contain health care costs and that Obamacare has ALREADY reduced the rate of healthcare increases and will continue to do so the longer it is in effect.

Republicans jumped the shark a long time ago on this... but tonight is like a Kamachi Crunch fail while jumping the shark...

So this addresses my argument in what way exactly?

So, what about Obamacare do you like so much? The $7,000 in higher premiums? The $1.2 trillion it added to the deficit? The tens of thousands of people being cut back on hours, furloughed or laid off because their employers will harmed by it? Looks like Democrats jumped the shark here. They paved the road to this shutdown 4 years ago when they passed Obamacare to begin with.

It addresses it like this: Liars repeat lies over and over until someone will believe them. And you sir are a liar. And, frankly, I don't debate liars... I call them liars and move on. Bye,

Right behind ya, sweetcheeks.
This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.


Watch them not raise the debt ceiling. Then watch our economy collapse.

Too bad hardly anyone buys pencils anymore.
If the United States government shuts down tonight and our economy takes a hit, it will be because House Republicans let it happen.

Right now, there's a bill sitting in the House that funds the government for a few more weeks. It doesn't demand the repeal or delay of the health care law, or deny women access to birth control, or include any other failed, partisan proposals. It funds the government. That's it. And if Republican leadership allowed a simple yes or no vote on this bill -- like the Senate has -- it would get enough support from members of both parties to pass.

Instead, the government that these Republicans were elected to fund will close down and that will hurt our economy. Americans across the country won't be allowed to show up for work. Paychecks could be delayed, meaning some folks will have to cut back on groceries or maybe even not pay a few bills. Businesses will have fewer customers. Veterans won't get services they rely on -- and it will put benefits for seniors at risk.

Even though they've already voted over 40 times to defund or delay the health care law, this group of Republicans in Congress is so obsessed with the idea of sabotaging Obamacare that they're willing to take the economy hostage to do it.

Take a look at how this shutdown will affect millions of Americans -- and then make sure you share it so other folks know, too.

President Obama has said time and time again that he's willing to work with folks on both sides of the aisle to grow our economy and even improve the health care law. But using the threat of government shutdown or defaulting on the bills our country owes is reckless and irresponsible.

In fact, shutting down the government won't stop Obamacare. The Health Insurance Marketplace will still open for business starting tomorrow, without delay.

Washington needs to stop manufacturing crises and focus on the issues that matter: creating jobs and building a strong middle class. Taking our economy over the cliff just to score political points isn't fair to the millions of Americans who show up every day to work and do their jobs. It’s time for Congress to do its job.

Make sure you know exactly who this shutdown is directly affecting and then pass it on.



David Simas
Deputy Senior Advisor
The White House

P.S. -- You'll still be able to sign up for affordable health insurance on starting tomorrow, shutdown or no shutdown.

Getting rid of this economy killing bill does matter. In fact it should be a top priority

You're not getting rid of it though. Everything is moving right along today as planned so the Republican temper tantrum is just pointless. They're hurting a lot of people, not themselves of course, but they are taking money out of the economy everyday this silliness ensues.
This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.


Watch them not raise the debt ceiling. Then watch our economy collapse.

That will learn em!
Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

People who aren't dumb will see plainly through this stupid move by Republicans. From Ted Cruz's Green Eggs & Ham to the 42 votes to try and defund Obamacare to the LOSS in the Supreme Court to challenge its constitutionality... everyone knows this is just one more desperate attempt to destroy Obamacare because Republicans know they failed to contain health care costs and that Obamacare has ALREADY reduced the rate of healthcare increases and will continue to do so the longer it is in effect.

Republicans jumped the shark a long time ago on this... but tonight is like a Kamachi Crunch fail while jumping the shark...

So this addresses my argument in what way exactly?

So, what about Obamacare do you like so much? The $7,000 in higher premiums? The $1.2 trillion it added to the deficit? The tens of thousands of people being cut back on hours, furloughed or laid off because their employers will harmed by it? Looks like Democrats jumped the shark here. They paved the road to this shutdown 4 years ago when they passed Obamacare to begin with.

It addresses it like this: Liars repeat lies over and over until someone will believe them. And you sir are a liar. And, frankly, I don't debate liars... I call them liars and move on. Bye,

Yeah... about your counterpoint... I think I annihilated it. Calling me a liar does not prove your point. If you can prove I lied, I would like to hear it. Otherwise move along.
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So this addresses my argument in what way exactly?

So, what about Obamacare do you like so much? The $7,000 in higher premiums? The $1.2 trillion it added to the deficit? The tens of thousands of people being cut back on hours, furloughed or laid off because their employers will harmed by it? Looks like Democrats jumped the shark here. They paved the road to this shutdown 4 years ago when they passed Obamacare to begin with.

It addresses it like this: Liars repeat lies over and over until someone will believe them. And you sir are a liar. And, frankly, I don't debate liars... I call them liars and move on. Bye,

Right behind ya, sweetcheeks.

And how am I a liar? If you both are going to call me one, I suggest you prove it. All "sweetcheeks" did was storm off. He never rebutted me. You've been negged for making unsubstantiated claims about me. And here you were mad in another thread for being called a "ditz. You now have no room to speak when someone attacks or ad homs you without substantive proof.
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Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

People who aren't dumb will see plainly through this stupid move by Republicans. From Ted Cruz's Green Eggs & Ham to the 42 votes to try and defund Obamacare to the LOSS in the Supreme Court to challenge its constitutionality... everyone knows this is just one more desperate attempt to destroy Obamacare because Republicans know they failed to contain health care costs and that Obamacare has ALREADY reduced the rate of healthcare increases and will continue to do so the longer it is in effect.

Republicans jumped the shark a long time ago on this... but tonight is like a Kamachi Crunch fail while jumping the shark...

So this addresses my argument in what way exactly?

So, what about Obamacare do you like so much? The $7,000 in higher premiums? The $1.2 trillion it added to the deficit? The tens of thousands of people being cut back on hours, furloughed or laid off because their employers will harmed by it? Looks like Democrats jumped the shark here. They paved the road to this shutdown 4 years ago when they passed Obamacare to begin with.

It addresses it like this: Liars repeat lies over and over until someone will believe them. And you sir are a liar. And, frankly, I don't debate liars... I call them liars and move on. Bye,

Good idea. He's not only a liar but a moron as well. I hardly ever see anyone respond to his nonsense.
Obamacare set to send premiums skyrocketing:

Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four [Updated] - Forbes

Obamacare's cost over 10 years, $1.2 trillion:

Obamacare increases spending by $1.2 trillion

Obamacare causing layoffs:

Obamacare Causes Layoffs at Illinois Hospital | Washington Free Beacon

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes One Company to Lay Off Over 1,000 People | The Weekly Standard

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes Layoffs

Now, why do you folks insist on calling me a liar? I suggest you back up your attacks on my honesty before you include them in an opinion of yours.
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Obamacare set to send premiums skyrocketing:

Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four [Updated] - Forbes

Obamacare's cost over 10 years, $1.2 trillion:

Obamacare increases spending by $1.2 trillion

Obamacare causing layoffs:

Obamacare Causes Layoffs at Illinois Hospital | Washington Free Beacon

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes One Company to Lay Off Over 1,000 People | The Weekly Standard

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes Layoffs

Now, why do you folks insist on calling me a liar? I suggest you back up your attacks on my honesty before you include them in an opinion of yours.

Because you are a lying liar who lies.

That's my guess, anyway.

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