Shut-down official. Republicans last-minute "No wait! We wanna talk now!!" ignored

Obamacare set to send premiums skyrocketing:

Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four [Updated] - Forbes

Obamacare's cost over 10 years, $1.2 trillion:

Obamacare increases spending by $1.2 trillion

Obamacare causing layoffs:

Obamacare Causes Layoffs at Illinois Hospital | Washington Free Beacon

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes One Company to Lay Off Over 1,000 People | The Weekly Standard

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes Layoffs

Now, why do you folks insist on calling me a liar? I suggest you back up your attacks on my honesty before you include them in an opinion of yours.

Because you are a lying liar who lies.

That's my guess, anyway.

Geez, and just when I had an inkling of respect for you. You cannot prove I lied so therefore you insist on calling me one, at the expense of your own credibility. Now you can otherwise prove it, or move on to actually rebutting me. Your choice. You behavior inanely childish, BD. Any liberal who cannot argue me will call me names. I've been in literally thousands of debates with liberals here and on other political forums who act just like you.

MY guess is you didn't have anything substantive to debunk my claim so you went down the 'call people names to win' road. Now if you will excuse me, BD, I would rather not waste my time quarreling with you. My time is best spent on productive debates, for which this isn't.
Obamacare set to send premiums skyrocketing:

Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four [Updated] - Forbes

Obamacare's cost over 10 years, $1.2 trillion:

Obamacare increases spending by $1.2 trillion

Obamacare causing layoffs:

Obamacare Causes Layoffs at Illinois Hospital | Washington Free Beacon

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes One Company to Lay Off Over 1,000 People | The Weekly Standard

Obamacare Medical Device Tax Causes Layoffs

Now, why do you folks insist on calling me a liar? I suggest you back up your attacks on my honesty before you include them in an opinion of yours.

Because you are a lying liar who lies.

That's my guess, anyway.

Geez, and just when I had an inkling of respect for you. You cannot prove I lied so therefore you insist on calling me one, at the expense of your own credibility. Now you can otherwise prove it, or move on to actually rebutting me. Your choice. You behavior inanely childish, BD. Any liberal who cannot argue me will call me names. I've been in literally thousands of debates with liberals here and on other political forums who act just like you.

MY guess is you didn't have anything substantive to debunk my claim so you went down the 'call people names to win' road. Now if you will excuse me, BD, I would rather not waste my time quarreling with you. My time is best spent on productive debates, for which this isn't.

Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.
Because you are a lying liar who lies.

That's my guess, anyway.

Geez, and just when I had an inkling of respect for you. You cannot prove I lied so therefore you insist on calling me one, at the expense of your own credibility. Now you can otherwise prove it, or move on to actually rebutting me. Your choice. You behavior inanely childish, BD. Any liberal who cannot argue me will call me names. I've been in literally thousands of debates with liberals here and on other political forums who act just like you.

MY guess is you didn't have anything substantive to debunk my claim so you went down the 'call people names to win' road. Now if you will excuse me, BD, I would rather not waste my time quarreling with you. My time is best spent on productive debates, for which this isn't.

Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

Did you take a gander at his "links"? The first one was hilarious.

The author had to update it several times because of his idiot "calculations".

Well, then, the Democrats are officially to blame for this. They just rejected the last chance to negotiate and perhaps breach the impasse on the CR.

Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

Gee I wonder. I wonder what happened when liberals voted for hope and change?

If you say you're giving a man hope and promise to change his world enough, he will begin expecting you to. When the man finally realizes that you have not kept your promise, he will call you a liar. I call him foolish.

In your case, you are the dummy, for actually believing Obama would offer "hope and change" in his tenure. He lied to you and you accuse me of lying? You're the one falling for them each and every day. I chose to abandon that road a long time ago.
Geez, and just when I had an inkling of respect for you. You cannot prove I lied so therefore you insist on calling me one, at the expense of your own credibility. Now you can otherwise prove it, or move on to actually rebutting me. Your choice. You behavior inanely childish, BD. Any liberal who cannot argue me will call me names. I've been in literally thousands of debates with liberals here and on other political forums who act just like you.

MY guess is you didn't have anything substantive to debunk my claim so you went down the 'call people names to win' road. Now if you will excuse me, BD, I would rather not waste my time quarreling with you. My time is best spent on productive debates, for which this isn't.

Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

Did you take a gander at his "links"? The first one was hilarious.

The author had to update it several times because of his idiot "calculations".


No, I just considered the source and went to the next post.
Because you are a lying liar who lies.

That's my guess, anyway.

Geez, and just when I had an inkling of respect for you. You cannot prove I lied so therefore you insist on calling me one, at the expense of your own credibility. Now you can otherwise prove it, or move on to actually rebutting me. Your choice. You behavior inanely childish, BD. Any liberal who cannot argue me will call me names. I've been in literally thousands of debates with liberals here and on other political forums who act just like you.

MY guess is you didn't have anything substantive to debunk my claim so you went down the 'call people names to win' road. Now if you will excuse me, BD, I would rather not waste my time quarreling with you. My time is best spent on productive debates, for which this isn't.

Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

Weren't you the one saying you were leaving? Now who's the liar?
Well, then, the Democrats are officially to blame for this. They just rejected the last chance to negotiate and perhaps breach the impasse on the CR.

Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

Gee I wonder. I wonder what happened when liberals voted for hope and change?

If you say you're giving a man hope and promise to change his world enough, he will begin expecting you to. When the man finally realizes that you have not kept your promise, he will call you a liar. I call him foolish.

In your case, you are the dummy, for actually believing Obama would offer "hope and change" in his tenure. He lied to you and you accuse me of lying? You're the one falling for them each and every day. I chose to abandon that road a long time ago.

But you don't call names, and you are the arbiter of interpersonal interaction on this board.

Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

Did you take a gander at his "links"? The first one was hilarious.

The author had to update it several times because of his idiot "calculations".


No, I just considered the source and went to the next post.

It's worth checking out. Go to the bottom. The guy is very sensitive.

He got bashed like 3 times..and he's like "Yeah there!"

It's fucking hilarious.
Geez, and just when I had an inkling of respect for you. You cannot prove I lied so therefore you insist on calling me one, at the expense of your own credibility. Now you can otherwise prove it, or move on to actually rebutting me. Your choice. You behavior inanely childish, BD. Any liberal who cannot argue me will call me names. I've been in literally thousands of debates with liberals here and on other political forums who act just like you.

MY guess is you didn't have anything substantive to debunk my claim so you went down the 'call people names to win' road. Now if you will excuse me, BD, I would rather not waste my time quarreling with you. My time is best spent on productive debates, for which this isn't.

Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

Weren't you the one saying you were leaving? Now who's the liar?

Bye now! Buh-bye. Bye!!

Who's the liar? Yeah, that'd still be you.
Did you take a gander at his "links"? The first one was hilarious.

The author had to update it several times because of his idiot "calculations".


No, I just considered the source and went to the next post.

It's worth checking out. Go to the bottom. The guy is very sensitive.

He got bashed like 3 times..and he's like "Yeah there!"

It's fucking hilarious.

Off work in seven minutes, I'll scope it then. ;)
Maybe if you say it enough times, someone will start believing this. But, only dumb people.

Gee I wonder. I wonder what happened when liberals voted for hope and change?

If you say you're giving a man hope and promise to change his world enough, he will begin expecting you to. When the man finally realizes that you have not kept your promise, he will call you a liar. I call him foolish.

In your case, you are the dummy, for actually believing Obama would offer "hope and change" in his tenure. He lied to you and you accuse me of lying? You're the one falling for them each and every day. I chose to abandon that road a long time ago.

But you don't call names, and you are the arbiter of interpersonal interaction on this board.


I proved it. You didn't. I argued why. You didn't. Now, are you done with your foray into trolling? I seriously doubt it befits you.
Gee I wonder. I wonder what happened when liberals voted for hope and change?

If you say you're giving a man hope and promise to change his world enough, he will begin expecting you to. When the man finally realizes that you have not kept your promise, he will call you a liar. I call him foolish.

In your case, you are the dummy, for actually believing Obama would offer "hope and change" in his tenure. He lied to you and you accuse me of lying? You're the one falling for them each and every day. I chose to abandon that road a long time ago.

But you don't call names, and you are the arbiter of interpersonal interaction on this board.


I proved it. You didn't. I argued why. You didn't. Now, are you done with your foray into trolling? I seriously doubt it befits you.

You must feel pretty damn powerless if you're trying to control the behaviors of nameless, faceless strangers on the internet.
Wow. BD. True colors. Here you are agreeing with a known troll. To think I defended you from one...


Dear Dumb Fuck;

You've already said good-bye to me like three times in the last hour. I'm starting to get a stalkerish-vibe from you.



You know where the ignore button is, honey. And you've replied to each of those posts. Oh wait, did you just call me a 'dumb fuck'? Okay then, don't get mad when you get called a ditz, either.

Have a good morning!


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