Shut-down official. Republicans last-minute "No wait! We wanna talk now!!" ignored

Washington (CNN) -- With the government shut down over a bitter partisan battle over the new health care law, the approval rating for Congress is plummeting to historic lows.

And a CNN/ORC International poll released on Monday indicates that it's not just Congress and its top leaders making history for all the wrong reasons. It's also the tea party and the Democratic and Republican parties.

According to the survey, just 10% of Americans say they approve of the job Congress is doing, an all-time low in a CNN poll. And 87% say they disapprove of the job federal lawmakers are doing, higher than it's ever been in CNN polling.

The 10% approval rating in the new CNN survey, which was conducted Friday through Sunday, is down 10 percentage points from CNN's previous survey at the beginning of the month. The 87% disapproval rating is a jump of nine points from the first week in September.

Congress, tea party hit all-time low in CNN polling -
Why Republicans Want To Shut Government - Business Insider

Because the first parts of the government that will be shut down are the parts of the government that the Tea Party extremists say they hate!


  • The Environmental Protection Agency. The Tea Party extremists don't care about the environment and hate the organization dedicated to protecting it. So the fact that the EPA will have to furlough all but 1,069 of its 16,200 workers is great news to them. (Rebecca Ballhaus of the Wall Street Journal).
  • The National Labor Relations Board. The Tea Party extremists hate the NLRB, which tries to make sure that the country's workers are treated fairly. So it's presumably awesome that the NLRB will furlough all but 11 of its 1,611 staffers. (WSJ)
  • Food stamps for Women, Infants, and Children. The Tea Party extremists hate food stamps. So they'll be happy a special federal "WIC" food stamps program will be shut down. (Some bad news for Tea Party folks here, though. The broader food stamps program will continue.) (USA Today)
  • The Commodities Futures Trading Commission. The Tea Party extremists don't think we should have industry rules or regulators, so the fact that only 8 of the CFTC's 650 workers will come to work and get paid after the shutdown is downright exciting. (WSJ)
  • National parks and museums will close. The Tea Party extremists don't care about nature. And museums are for elitists. (WSJ)
  • Internal Revenue Service audits. The Tea Party extremists hate, hate, hate the IRS. So they'll be pleased that annoying IRS bureaucrats won't be able to hassle free people and confiscate more money from them. Unfortunately, they'll still owe taxes. And the IRS will still exist.
  • The Census Bureau will stop collecting data. Who needs data? (WSJ)
  • Applications for small-business loans won't be processed. The Tea Party extremists don't think the government should make small-business loans. (WSJ)
And so on...
Links available at the site.

Your site is lying.
You know what I don't get? Your side won. So why all the hostility.

You can't be serious?

BD earlier: 'I disagree with you guys. That means you guys are all terrorists!'

(20 minutes)

BD now: 'Why is everyone so hostile?'
BREAKING NEWS: A little more than an hour after the federal government began shutting down, House Republicans have voted to reaffirm Obamacare amendments they attached to a spending bill that would have kept the government running and that the Senate had earlier rejected. - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Pulled that from there feed on FB so does that mean they are now backpedaling and giving in?
You know what I don't get? Your side won. So why all the hostility.

There are no winners in this mess.

Yes there are. You got exactly what you wanted. The government is shut down. Tea Party leaders are ecstatic. Excellent work! Why not just kick back and enjoy the win.

I'm thinking maybe you should change your panties, they seem a bit wet over YOUR excitement about the shutdown.

Ps. The goal is to defund obamacare not shutting down the government. Had that been achieved then you might have a point. As it is all you have are your cut n paste posts. Old BDboop rides again
If anyone truly wanted this shutdown then they are crazy and shouldn't be in power.

On cusp of shutdown, House conservatives excited, say they are doing the right thing - The Washington Post

While much of official Washington on Saturday somberly faced the likelihood of a government shutdown, the most conservative members of the House sported a different expression.

They were smiling.

“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”

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BREAKING NEWS: A little more than an hour after the federal government began shutting down, House Republicans have voted to reaffirm Obamacare amendments they attached to a spending bill that would have kept the government running and that the Senate had earlier rejected. - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Pulled that from there feed on FB so does that mean they are now backpedaling and giving in?

To affirm or assert again.
If anyone truly wanted this shutdown then they are crazy and shouldn't be in power.

On cusp of shutdown, House conservatives excited, say they are doing the right thing - The Washington Post

While much of official Washington on Saturday somberly faced the likelihood of a government shutdown, the most conservative members of the House sported a different expression.

They were smiling.

“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”

Bachmann is a loon. She does not represent me or my thoughts.

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If anyone truly wanted this shutdown then they are crazy and shouldn't be in power.

On cusp of shutdown, House conservatives excited, say they are doing the right thing - The Washington Post

While much of official Washington on Saturday somberly faced the likelihood of a government shutdown, the most conservative members of the House sported a different expression.

They were smiling.

“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”

Michele Bachmann is an idiot and insane......
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Why Republicans Want To Shut Government - Business Insider

Because the first parts of the government that will be shut down are the parts of the government that the Tea Party extremists say they hate!


  • The Environmental Protection Agency. The Tea Party extremists don't care about the environment and hate the organization dedicated to protecting it. So the fact that the EPA will have to furlough all but 1,069 of its 16,200 workers is great news to them. (Rebecca Ballhaus of the Wall Street Journal).
  • The National Labor Relations Board. The Tea Party extremists hate the NLRB, which tries to make sure that the country's workers are treated fairly. So it's presumably awesome that the NLRB will furlough all but 11 of its 1,611 staffers. (WSJ)
  • Food stamps for Women, Infants, and Children. The Tea Party extremists hate food stamps. So they'll be happy a special federal "WIC" food stamps program will be shut down. (Some bad news for Tea Party folks here, though. The broader food stamps program will continue.) (USA Today)
  • The Commodities Futures Trading Commission. The Tea Party extremists don't think we should have industry rules or regulators, so the fact that only 8 of the CFTC's 650 workers will come to work and get paid after the shutdown is downright exciting. (WSJ)
  • National parks and museums will close. The Tea Party extremists don't care about nature. And museums are for elitists. (WSJ)
  • Internal Revenue Service audits. The Tea Party extremists hate, hate, hate the IRS. So they'll be pleased that annoying IRS bureaucrats won't be able to hassle free people and confiscate more money from them. Unfortunately, they'll still owe taxes. And the IRS will still exist.
  • The Census Bureau will stop collecting data. Who needs data? (WSJ)
  • Applications for small-business loans won't be processed. The Tea Party extremists don't think the government should make small-business loans. (WSJ)
And so on...

Links available at the site.

What won't be shut down during the government shutdown:

- Federal air traffic controllers will continue to monitor take offs and landings;

- The TSA will still be screening passengers in US airports;

- The US military will stay on duty and many credit unions and banks will cover their Oct. 15 paychecks if they are delayed;

- Embassies and consulates overseas will continue to provide services to American citizens;

- The mail will continue to be delivered;

- Federal courts will continue to operate;

- The US Supreme Court will continue to operate as normal when it resumes on October 7;

- Taxes will continue to be collected;

- Sales taxes will continue to be collected

- Garbage will continue to be collected;

- Visa services for people traveling to the United States will continue to operate;

- US passport applications will continue to be processed normally;

- Green card applications will continue to be processed normally;

- Social Security and Medicare benefits will continue to operate normally;

- The vast majority of Homeland Security employees will stay on the job;

- The vast majority of Coast Guard employees will stay on the job;

- The vast majority of Border Patrol agents will stay on the job;

- The vast majority of Secret Service personnel and other law enforcement agents and officers will stay on the job;

- Schools will stay open;

- The National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center will continue to issue natural disaster warnings and track storms;

- The Mars Rover will continue to explore the red planet and the International Space Station will continue to operate;

- The District of Columbia passed a $144m contingency fund on Friday to ensure all its services would continue to operate normally;

- Most services managed by the Department of Veterans Affairs will continue.

Only 800,000 people will be furloughed out of 2.4 million government employees. That means 1.6 million people will still be going to work when the government "shuts down."
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BREAKING NEWS: A little more than an hour after the federal government began shutting down, House Republicans have voted to reaffirm Obamacare amendments they attached to a spending bill that would have kept the government running and that the Senate had earlier rejected. - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Pulled that from there feed on FB so does that mean they are now backpedaling and giving in?


Better link:
U.S. government shuts down as Congress can't agree on spending bill -

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