Shut-down official. Republicans last-minute "No wait! We wanna talk now!!" ignored

Well, then, the Democrats are officially to blame for this. They just rejected the last chance to negotiate and perhaps breach the impasse on the CR.


Nope. We won't negotiate with terrorists, and they pulled the trigger. Hats off to the Teabaggers.

The TeaTards (Now do you see why they are TeaTards) have gotten what they have been demanding for years....a shutdown of government

Now lets see if they can force a default on our debt

Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

Did you take a gander at his "links"? The first one was hilarious.

The author had to update it several times because of his idiot "calculations".


No, I just considered the source and went to the next post.

One just considers the poster - and there is no need to check anything leftards provide :D
Oh what brilliant insight. The height of your pedestal amazes me :cool:

I'm sorry, you think Republicans really caused all this? I thought you were joking... Well fuck me.

Absolutely. Both sides did it MY ASS!

Jon Stewart Rips GOP Over Obamacare and Shutdown: ?Utter Insanity,? ?It?s a F*cking Law!?

"“I offer a pox on both their houses when appropriate,” Stewart chided. “But this is not a game of chicken. This is when someone is driving to work and there’s a car coming directly at them in their lane. That’s not a game of chicken — that’s an as*hole causing a head-on collision.”"
[ame=]Jon Stewart Shreds GOP Over Obamacare: 'Utter Insanity,' 'It's a F*cking Law!' - YouTube[/ame]
Fuck all extremist be they right or left. Some common fucking sense needs to be used and this nation needs to move forward.

Science = good
Sound economics = good
Innovation = good
tech = good
infrastructure = good

Anti-government is just stupid. Certainly I want them to respect our rights and spend wisely...But this is just stupid.
Did you take a gander at his "links"? The first one was hilarious.

The author had to update it several times because of his idiot "calculations".


No, I just considered the source and went to the next post.

One just considers the poster - and there is no need to check anything leftards provide :D

I read all links to find out the validity of posts. The main problem with this forum? Most posters here suffer from cognitive bias and cognitive dissonance. Logical discussion is a near impossibility. Ego identification with party politics rather than issue analysis is more important. This is so damn frustrating.

Also Known as: Ad Hominem Abusive.
Description of Personal Attack

A personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when attacking another person's claim or claims. This line of "reasoning" is fallacious because the attack is directed at the person making the claim and not the claim itself. The truth value of a claim is independent of the person making the claim. After all, no matter how repugnant an individual might be, he or she can still make true claims.

The reason the author updated that link was to respond to criticisms. It was actually a very good and detailed discussion of the disaster that is about to be foisted upon the nation. If you read typical liberal media analysis of the ACA, the comment section will have criticisms go unanswered, and then, after a month, they will just have the comment section "closed" so that the public doesn't see an unending litany of public outcry against any article in the press that is written in favor of the policy.

All mainstream media that is written in favor of government policy that the public doesn't like uses this tactic. They write a glowing article that is heavily biased, you read all the public comments that tear the article to shreds, the original author doesn't bother to come back to address any of the comments, and after two weeks, they close the comments.

Whoop de fucking do. If anything, the links that were posted originally were terrific. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND EVERYONE, left, right, center, and even those who really don't even give a rat's ass, check them out. Especially that Forbes link.
The shutdown is entirely the fault of the Democrats. They haven't passed a budget for 5 years (which would have avoided all this drama), they refuse to negotiate with Republicans and instead adopt a "It's our way or the highway" and now get all pissy when Republicans passed a CR fully funding all of the government except Obamacare so it would be postponed for the same year that Obama postponed it for his cronies and it's the Republicans who put ideology ahead of country.

You're a fool and your side is everything you accuse Republicans of being.

You're an even bigger fool for believing this pile of garbage you just posted. Obamacare has already passed and been signed into law 3 years ago and upheld by the Supreme Court. IF the Reps don't like it, they can win enough elections to repeal it legislatively and not with these games with the budget and the debt ceiling.

That's a crappy way to Govern. We don't like something. We don't have the votes to get rid of it so lets just shut everything down, hold our breath until we turn blue, and stomp our feet until we get our way.

They are so stupid they shut the Govt. down over nothing. ACA will still go forward as planned so they accomplished nothing. This shutdown does not even stop the bill they are proposing.

They are wasting time with childish games. This may be o.k. with you but it's not with me.
Wow, I wouldn't have credited you as such a lying piece of shit, but there it is.

When one side offers a conciliation to an intractable position and it flatly refused, they own the refusal.

I now know you are literally too stupid to interact with.

Well, in re-reading my late night post, I did see I used the word proposing instead of opposing but that was just a typo, not necessarily a lie but WYGD.

I now know you are too much of a name caller that can't handle an opposing view to bother to interact with.

I love Elizabeth Warren
Obama Care, by the CBO, will cost 14million jobs.


14,000,000 Americans.
link? From CBO please.

look it up yourself...

YOU said your stat was from CBO. The onus is on you to prove your claim. If you won't, most likely can't, then is it you who are discredited. No hair off my ass.

Discredited? ROFL

You tell me how many jobs are going to be lost due to Obama Care. How many Americans will loose their jobs? How many Americans will loose their employer paid insurance now? How many Americans have to be tied down and raped to pay for your welfare?
The government has shut down 17 times since 1977 and guess what? We all survived. :eusa_whistle:
Obama Care, by the CBO, will cost 14million jobs.


14,000,000 Americans.

Right. I'm sure we're gonna see a 5% spike in unemployment anyday now.
Why Republicans Want To Shut Government - Business Insider

Because the first parts of the government that will be shut down are the parts of the government that the Tea Party extremists say they hate!


  • The Environmental Protection Agency. The Tea Party extremists don't care about the environment and hate the organization dedicated to protecting it. So the fact that the EPA will have to furlough all but 1,069 of its 16,200 workers is great news to them. (Rebecca Ballhaus of the Wall Street Journal).
  • The National Labor Relations Board. The Tea Party extremists hate the NLRB, which tries to make sure that the country's workers are treated fairly. So it's presumably awesome that the NLRB will furlough all but 11 of its 1,611 staffers. (WSJ)
  • Food stamps for Women, Infants, and Children. The Tea Party extremists hate food stamps. So they'll be happy a special federal "WIC" food stamps program will be shut down. (Some bad news for Tea Party folks here, though. The broader food stamps program will continue.) (USA Today)
  • The Commodities Futures Trading Commission. The Tea Party extremists don't think we should have industry rules or regulators, so the fact that only 8 of the CFTC's 650 workers will come to work and get paid after the shutdown is downright exciting. (WSJ)
  • National parks and museums will close. The Tea Party extremists don't care about nature. And museums are for elitists. (WSJ)
  • Internal Revenue Service audits. The Tea Party extremists hate, hate, hate the IRS. So they'll be pleased that annoying IRS bureaucrats won't be able to hassle free people and confiscate more money from them. Unfortunately, they'll still owe taxes. And the IRS will still exist.
  • The Census Bureau will stop collecting data. Who needs data? (WSJ)
  • Applications for small-business loans won't be processed. The Tea Party extremists don't think the government should make small-business loans. (WSJ)
And so on...
Links available at the site.

What won't be shut down during the government shutdown:

- Federal air traffic controllers will continue to monitor take offs and landings;

- The TSA will still be screening passengers in US airports;

- The US military will stay on duty and many credit unions and banks will cover their Oct. 15 paychecks if they are delayed;

- Embassies and consulates overseas will continue to provide services to American citizens;

- The mail will continue to be delivered;

- Federal courts will continue to operate;

- The US Supreme Court will continue to operate as normal when it resumes on October 7;

- Taxes will continue to be collected;

- Sales taxes will continue to be collected

- Garbage will continue to be collected;

- Visa services for people traveling to the United States will continue to operate;

- US passport applications will continue to be processed normally;

- Green card applications will continue to be processed normally;

- Social Security and Medicare benefits will continue to operate normally;

- The vast majority of Homeland Security employees will stay on the job;

- The vast majority of Coast Guard employees will stay on the job;

- The vast majority of Border Patrol agents will stay on the job;

- The vast majority of Secret Service personnel and other law enforcement agents and officers will stay on the job;

- Schools will stay open;

- The National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center will continue to issue natural disaster warnings and track storms;

- The Mars Rover will continue to explore the red planet and the International Space Station will continue to operate;

- The District of Columbia passed a $144m contingency fund on Friday to ensure all its services would continue to operate normally;

- Most services managed by the Department of Veterans Affairs will continue.

» ?Government Shut Down? Won?t Actually Shut Down Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Only 800,000 people will be furloughed out of 2.4 million government employees. That means 1.6 million people will still be going to work when the government "shuts down."

That is what the Democrats are afraid of, they don't want anyone to know that 1/3 of the government is useless.

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