Shut-down official. Republicans last-minute "No wait! We wanna talk now!!" ignored

But you don't call names, and you are the arbiter of interpersonal interaction on this board.


I proved it. You didn't. I argued why. You didn't. Now, are you done with your foray into trolling? I seriously doubt it befits you.

You must feel pretty damn powerless if you're trying to control the behaviors of nameless, faceless strangers on the internet.

Nope. But you did just accuse me of stalking, so it must be you thinking she's powerless if you make unfounded accusations about people. Sigh, time to put you on ignore. You've proven you are incapable of even showing the common decency to argue me on a position I made in this thread. You've called me a liar, a stalker, and dumbfuck all in quick succession.

Good riddance.
The Govt has been shut down many times in the past and come right back up.

This time it will be no different.

Lot of hooey for nothing. Jeeze.
The Govt has been shut down many times in the past and come right back up.

This time it will be no different.

Lot of hooey for nothing. Jeeze.

In some ways I wish this government would stay shut down. The longer it's shut down, the less time it's screwing me over! But, I know that's unrealistic.
The Govt has been shut down many times in the past and come right back up.

This time it will be no different.

Lot of hooey for nothing. Jeeze.

Well, it's a lot of hooey and for nothing but not in the way you mean it. Republicans aren't solving a thing right now because the Affordable Care Act is moving along as we speak.

They took it too far and now they don't have an exit plan. Government will be back up soon but the voters won't forget this.
Oh I think your right only I think folks are gonna remember that the GOP tried to stop Obamacare. A program thats not to popular in America. They will also remember that the Dems didn't want to negotiate anything.

They will, however, remember just who foisted that POS bill on us. The Democrats. A bill they didn't even bother to read.

A bill thats going to cost us up the ass. Yep. I think they will remember that little factoid everytime they pay their HC bills.

As of today, my costs have already gone up.
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Oh I think your right only I think folks are gonna remember that the GOP tried to stop Obamacare. A program thats not to popular in America. They will also remember that the Dems didn't want to negotiate anything.

They will, however, remember just who foisted that POS bill on us. The Democrats. A bill they didn't even bother to read.

A bill thats going to cost us up the ass. Yep. I think they will remember that little factoid everytime they pay their HC bills.

As of today, my costs have already gone up.

The Republican shutdown is costing us big.

Not true about the bill being unpopular, the message hasn't been clear is all. House Republicans are really hated right now. As for the ACA, once people understand how it benefits them, they're gonna love it. Thus the reason Republicans are working so hard to get rid of it...
You're an even bigger fool for believing this pile of garbage you just posted. Obamacare has already passed and been signed into law 3 years ago and upheld by the Supreme Court. IF the Reps don't like it, they can win enough elections to repeal it legislatively and not with these games with the budget and the debt ceiling.

That's a crappy way to Govern. We don't like something. We don't have the votes to get rid of it so lets just shut everything down, hold our breath until we turn blue, and stomp our feet until we get our way.

They are so stupid they shut the Govt. down over nothing. ACA will still go forward as planned so they accomplished nothing. This shutdown does not even stop the bill they are proposing.

They are wasting time with childish games. This may be o.k. with you but it's not with me.

Shut it down over nothing. Interesting you would think that way. That nothing is obiecare, the same law they government has decided is good enough for you but not really good enough for them so they are exempt. 1200 other people are apparently exempt from it as well. Business is exempt for another year. But good enough for you! That's your nothing.

Congress is not exempt. They have employer health care so just like anyone with employer health care, they don't have to participate in the exchanges which are for people who don't have health care thru their employer, through Medicare or Medicaid. Basically, those without healthcare. So no, they are not exempt.

We're their employer and I say cancel their employer health insurance. They now have an alternative, they can go onto the wonderful government run exchanges that they shoved down our throats and insist will be affordable and ooo, just great!
Shut it down over nothing. Interesting you would think that way. That nothing is obiecare, the same law they government has decided is good enough for you but not really good enough for them so they are exempt. 1200 other people are apparently exempt from it as well. Business is exempt for another year. But good enough for you! That's your nothing.

Congress is not exempt. They have employer health care so just like anyone with employer health care, they don't have to participate in the exchanges which are for people who don't have health care thru their employer, through Medicare or Medicaid. Basically, those without healthcare. So no, they are not exempt.

We're their employer and I say cancel their employer health insurance. They now have an alternative, they can go onto the wonderful government run exchanges that they shoved down our throats and insist will be affordable and ooo, just great!

Agreed--we can no longer afford to pay for the lavish benefits that they have entitled themselves to. Let them seek out exchanges.
Oh I think your right only I think folks are gonna remember that the GOP tried to stop Obamacare. A program thats not to popular in America. They will also remember that the Dems didn't want to negotiate anything.

They will, however, remember just who foisted that POS bill on us. The Democrats. A bill they didn't even bother to read.

A bill thats going to cost us up the ass. Yep. I think they will remember that little factoid everytime they pay their HC bills.

As of today, my costs have already gone up.

The Republican shutdown is costing us big.

Not true about the bill being unpopular, the message hasn't been clear is all. House Republicans are really hated right now. As for the ACA, once people understand how it benefits them, they're gonna love it. Thus the reason Republicans are working so hard to get rid of it...

Aww bullshit Sarah. They've had years to get a clear message out and wait till the taxpayers get a load of all those that they will be paying for.

Its another costly entitlement we simply can't afford. Its costs are already twice what they were projected to be.

Anyone who thinks those Govt run exchanges are gonna be cheaper or better is living in la la land.

Nothing the Govt has ever stuck its big fat nose in has ever been cheaper or better.

The only winners will be all those folks we will be forced to "subsidize."
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Oh I think your right only I think folks are gonna remember that the GOP tried to stop Obamacare. A program thats not to popular in America. They will also remember that the Dems didn't want to negotiate anything.

They will, however, remember just who foisted that POS bill on us. The Democrats. A bill they didn't even bother to read.

A bill thats going to cost us up the ass. Yep. I think they will remember that little factoid everytime they pay their HC bills.

As of today, my costs have already gone up.

The Republican shutdown is costing us big.

Not true about the bill being unpopular, the message hasn't been clear is all. House Republicans are really hated right now. As for the ACA, once people understand how it benefits them, they're gonna love it. Thus the reason Republicans are working so hard to get rid of it...

Aww bullshit Sarah. They've had years to get a clear message out and wait till the taxpayers get a load of all those that they will be paying for.

Its another costly entitlement we simply can't afford. Its costs are already twice what they were projected to be.

Anyone who thinks those Govt run exchanges are gonna be cheaper or better is living in la la land.

Nothing the Govt has ever stuck its big fat nose in has ever been cheaper or better.

The only winners will be all those folks we will be forced to "subsidize."

Too bad the American people are blaming the GOP
If the ObamaCare is really as bad for America as the Republicans think it is going to be, they should have this nation shut down for a good long time. They should be willing to put their party and reputations at stake, and yes, make America BLAME them for the shut down, go ahead, OWN it. Take credit, be the sacrificial lamb, be the martyr for American freedom and individual liberty on this one. The Republicans should be willing to put themselves up on that cross and sacrifice themselves and the next election if they believe that this law is that bad for America.

For when that bell tolls, when that dust settles, and when this act is fully entrenched, for as it now appears it is going to be, we have past the point of no return. Accordingly, once the state of affairs starts to degrade and everything turns to shit, Americans will remember which party tried to fight for them, and which party enslaved them. They will remember which party dug their heels in and said no, and which party told America, "fuck you," this is how you have to bend over and take it. After that, taking complete control back over should be no problem.

On the other hand, if the economy actually does improve, and we live in the land of free rides, hassle free give a ways, and everything does turn up rosey? Well, we'll already have the correct ruling party in control.

The Republican shutdown is costing us big.

Not true about the bill being unpopular, the message hasn't been clear is all. House Republicans are really hated right now. As for the ACA, once people understand how it benefits them, they're gonna love it. Thus the reason Republicans are working so hard to get rid of it...

Aww bullshit Sarah. They've had years to get a clear message out and wait till the taxpayers get a load of all those that they will be paying for.

Its another costly entitlement we simply can't afford. Its costs are already twice what they were projected to be.

Anyone who thinks those Govt run exchanges are gonna be cheaper or better is living in la la land.

Nothing the Govt has ever stuck its big fat nose in has ever been cheaper or better.

The only winners will be all those folks we will be forced to "subsidize."

Too bad the American people are blaming the GOP

They already are cheaper and better. These are not discount programs and coupons, they are insurance policies. Insurance companies have already lowered costs in anticipation of Obamacare.

Insurance has been out of reach for so long, people couldn't get it because of pre existing conditions, etc ... This had to happen and we're all hoping for the best. It should have happened back when Hillary wanted address healthcare.
This shutdown is entirely the fault of House Republicans. They own it. They put ideology ahead of country. This is a manufactured crisis of their own choosing because they'd rather use extortion to get rid of a law they don't like instead of winning enough elections to repeal it legislatively.

They suck. Period.

Debt ceiling is next and that's even worse.


The shutdown is entirely the fault of the Democrats. They haven't passed a budget for 5 years (which would have avoided all this drama), they refuse to negotiate with Republicans and instead adopt a "It's our way or the highway" and now get all pissy when Republicans passed a CR fully funding all of the government except Obamacare so it would be postponed for the same year that Obama postponed it for his cronies and it's the Republicans who put ideology ahead of country.

You're a fool and your side is everything you accuse Republicans of being.

You're an even bigger fool for believing this pile of garbage you just posted. Obamacare has already passed and been signed into law 3 years ago and upheld by the Supreme Court. IF the Reps don't like it, they can win enough elections to repeal it legislatively and not with these games with the budget and the debt ceiling.

That's a crappy way to Govern. We don't like something. We don't have the votes to get rid of it so lets just shut everything down, hold our breath until we turn blue, and stomp our feet until we get our way.

They are so stupid they shut the Govt. down over nothing. ACA will still go forward as planned so they accomplished nothing. This shutdown does not even stop the bill they are proposing.

They are wasting time with childish games. This may be o.k. with you but it's not with me.
Wow, I wouldn't have credited you as such a lying piece of shit, but there it is.

When one side offers a conciliation to an intractable position and it flatly refused, they own the refusal.

I now know you are literally too stupid to interact with.
Well, then, the Democrats are officially to blame for this. They just rejected the last chance to negotiate and perhaps breach the impasse on the CR.


Nope. We won't negotiate with terrorists, and they pulled the trigger. Hats off to the Teabaggers.

The TeaTards (Now do you see why they are TeaTards) have gotten what they have been demanding for years....a shutdown of government

Now lets see if they can force a default on our debt
Well, then, the Democrats are officially to blame for this. They just rejected the last chance to negotiate and perhaps breach the impasse on the CR.


Nope. We won't negotiate with terrorists, and they pulled the trigger. Hats off to the Teabaggers.

The TeaTards (Now do you see why they are TeaTards) have gotten what they have been demanding for years....a shutdown of government

Now lets see if they can force a default on our debt

No doubt. I wish some ninety year-old would ship Boehner his balls. He has none, and the old man isn't using his anymore.
I have a theory about why the House Rs have handed their power over like that. They'd rather have the Teaparty take the hits while they sit back and do nothing but tan and drink.

Boehner looks like a damn fool.
I think Congress should not get a paycheck... but they still will get one anyway.

They don't care if they don't get paid. They're all millionaires. They should think about their staff and how it will affect them and their families.
It will be back up week from Friday, late on the 11th, around 7:30pm.

Yall on the federal payroll that are not essential, enjoy your extra week and a half of paid vacation.
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The gov't will be shut down for 8 days, 3 hours, 42 minutes and 17 seconds.

Give or take.

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