Shutdown Fallout Effects....

It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
-------------------------------------- so they can apply for unemployment money and benefits eh . Thats what i thought but wasn't sure so thanks for confirming .
If they're furloughed they'd be eligible and can apply for unemployement. If they still have a job and are reporting to work but just not getting paid, I have no idea how that would work. Not only does it not seem fair, it doesn't sound legal either.
If the wall is built, hire an additional 2000 border agents to patrol....just a wall isn't going to do it. I know some of you don't like federal employees....for some ridiculous unfounded reason.
---------------------------------- for the most part they are 'government men' as well as government employees 'Init' .
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
-------------------------------------- so they can apply for unemployment money and benefits eh . Thats what i thought but wasn't sure so thanks for confirming .
If they're furloughed they'd be eligible and can apply for unemployement. If they still have a job and are reporting to work but just not getting paid, I have no idea how that would work. Not only does it not seem fair, it doesn't sound legal either.
---------------------------------- i say thank you because you might be right , might be wrong Mariyam .
while Trump cries to cameras about protecting America , his actions actually do the opposite.

If getting rid of illegals is such an important focus , then you should want to end the shutdown .

Maybe use wall money to find more courts and judges so we can get through the huge immigration court backlogs .

Immigration courts at a standstill during government shutdown, undermining President Trump's agenda

Far from the president’s rallying cry of “securing our border,” delaying court hearings puts additional strain on the immigration system, while allowing those who would have been deported to stay in the country for possibly years longer as they await new court dates.
Lol he is such a moron. Of course, his brain dead supporters will desperately try to defend him on this.
Democrats can fund the wall and end the shut down. Problem solved.
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
-------------------------------------- so they can apply for unemployment money and benefits eh . Thats what i thought but wasn't sure so thanks for confirming .
If they're furloughed they'd be eligible and can apply for unemployement. If they still have a job and are reporting to work but just not getting paid, I have no idea how that would work. Not only does it not seem fair, it doesn't sound legal either.
---------------------------------- i say thank you because you might be right , might be wrong Mariyam .
What I mean by "it doesn't sound legal" is that if they were anyone other than government employees is would not be lawful to have people working for you and then not paying them as agreed.

I never though I'd see the day I'd have compassion for TSA workers after some of the things they've put me through but I don't believe it's right or legal to make people work without paying them. Getting paid eventually doesn't help if you lose things you've worked hard for like your home, vehicle, money invested in obtaining a degree or certification simply because you don't have access to money that you've already earned.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
-------------------------------------- so they can apply for unemployment money and benefits eh . Thats what i thought but wasn't sure so thanks for confirming .
If they're furloughed they'd be eligible and can apply for unemployement. If they still have a job and are reporting to work but just not getting paid, I have no idea how that would work. Not only does it not seem fair, it doesn't sound legal either.
---------------------------------- i say thank you because you might be right , might be wrong Mariyam .
What I mean by "it doesn't sound legal" is that if they were anyone other than government employees is would not be lawful to have people working for you and then not paying them as agreed.

I never though I'd see the day I'd have compassion for TSA workers after some of the things they've put me through but I don't believe it's right or legal to make people work without paying them. Getting paid eventually doesn't help if you lose things you've worked hard for like your home, vehicle, money invested in obtaining a degree or certification simply because you don't have access to money that you've already earned.
--------------------------------------------------------------- generally speaking but everyone is cutting slack to these 'gov' workers . Course i only know this by hearing on Radio but modifications to loans are being made so that people can stay afloat . And even ' I ' with the attitudes that i have to gov workers even I would cut slack if i was a banker or loan officer or a financial person with authority Mariyam .
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
-------------------------------------- so they can apply for unemployment money and benefits eh . Thats what i thought but wasn't sure so thanks for confirming .
If they're furloughed they'd be eligible and can apply for unemployement. If they still have a job and are reporting to work but just not getting paid, I have no idea how that would work. Not only does it not seem fair, it doesn't sound legal either.
---------------------------------- i say thank you because you might be right , might be wrong Mariyam .
What I mean by "it doesn't sound legal" is that if they were anyone other than government employees is would not be lawful to have people working for you and then not paying them as agreed.

I never though I'd see the day I'd have compassion for TSA workers after some of the things they've put me through but I don't believe it's right or legal to make people work without paying them. Getting paid eventually doesn't help if you lose things you've worked hard for like your home, vehicle, money invested in obtaining a degree or certification simply because you don't have access to money that you've already earned.

Nobody is forcing them to do anything. If they don't want to work a job without timely pay, they can get a job in the private sector.

If there is an order that government workers effected by the shutdown will get back pay, why are many applying for unemployment benefits?

I've been wondering the same thing. It looks like fraud to me.
If they do get unemployment benefits...they will have to pay them back when they receive their back pay.

Maybe, and maybe not.

A late friend of mine used to work at the steel mills here in Cleveland. When they got laid off, they got 90% of their pay plus unemployment. It was a dirty deal worked out between the state and the unions. Then I looked into it further, and it seems the UAW had the same deal.

So he celebrated layoffs. Not only did he get two paychecks, but worked under the table for cash because his sister owned a cleaning company.

I'm not sure what deal the government has with unemployment, but let's face it, unemployment is government.
while Trump cries to cameras about protecting America , his actions actually do the opposite.

If getting rid of illegals is such an important focus , then you should want to end the shutdown .

Maybe use wall money to find more courts and judges so we can get through the huge immigration court backlogs .

Immigration courts at a standstill during government shutdown, undermining President Trump's agenda

Far from the president’s rallying cry of “securing our border,” delaying court hearings puts additional strain on the immigration system, while allowing those who would have been deported to stay in the country for possibly years longer as they await new court dates.
Lol he is such a moron. Of course, his brain dead supporters will desperately try to defend him on this.
Trump is getting his jollies enjoying the shit show he's created. He's deranged, he's a maniac who doesn't give a rats ass if this wall is built or not.

And anyone who thinks Trump has principles is a fool. It's not about the wall, it's about him. He moved The Apprentice from NBC to the White House. We're all contestants in his game.

Well there is one National Park Service site that is going to remain open. Just one, the old Post Office Tower in DC, which is part of, you can't make this up, the TRUMP HOTEL.

I can tell you this, our forefathers would have already ran Trump's ass out of town on a rail, after tarring and feathering him. His supporters are utter fools.

Hillary lost, get over it pin head. You have TDS.
while Trump cries to cameras about protecting America , his actions actually do the opposite.

If getting rid of illegals is such an important focus , then you should want to end the shutdown .

Maybe use wall money to find more courts and judges so we can get through the huge immigration court backlogs .

Immigration courts at a standstill during government shutdown, undermining President Trump's agenda

Far from the president’s rallying cry of “securing our border,” delaying court hearings puts additional strain on the immigration system, while allowing those who would have been deported to stay in the country for possibly years longer as they await new court dates.

Your full of shit...
The Trump/McConnell shutdown reaches 15 days. It is now the 3rd longest shutdown in history. Up next is the 16 day shutdown Republicans launched over funding the ACA. The longest is the Gingrich shutdown of 21 days. It is amazing how Republicans love shutdowns.

Worthless stonewalling Democrats could end it tomorrow dip.
Only a lesser thinking fool thinks a wall only will keep illegals out. You need a lot more agents per mile to patrol it. Common sense unless of course you are one of the snowflakes who believes otherwise.
while Trump cries to cameras about protecting America , his actions actually do the opposite.

If getting rid of illegals is such an important focus , then you should want to end the shutdown .

Maybe use wall money to find more courts and judges so we can get through the huge immigration court backlogs .

Immigration courts at a standstill during government shutdown, undermining President Trump's agenda

Far from the president’s rallying cry of “securing our border,” delaying court hearings puts additional strain on the immigration system, while allowing those who would have been deported to stay in the country for possibly years longer as they await new court dates.
Lol he is such a moron. Of course, his brain dead supporters will desperately try to defend him on this.
Trump is getting his jollies enjoying the shit show he's created. He's deranged, he's a maniac who doesn't give a rats ass if this wall is built or not.

And anyone who thinks Trump has principles is a fool. It's not about the wall, it's about him. He moved The Apprentice from NBC to the White House. We're all contestants in his game.

Well there is one National Park Service site that is going to remain open. Just one, the old Post Office Tower in DC, which is part of, you can't make this up, the TRUMP HOTEL.

I can tell you this, our forefathers would have already ran Trump's ass out of town on a rail, after tarring and feathering him. His supporters are utter fools.

Hillary lost, get over it pin head. You have TDS.
View attachment 239708
Oh there it is lol. Not a day goes by without a con on this forum deflecting to talking about Hillary when they can’t defend Trump.
If they don't want to work a job without timely pay, they can get a job in the private secto
I would love to see what contract they had to sign when they accepted work for the government that says unlike everyone else, if the government so chooses, they can require them to work without pay or being paid in a timely manner.

To my understanding, no one works because they have nothing better to do, they generally work because they need the money they earn which is why it's a serious offense to not pay someone for the work they've done even if you're firing them for doing a crappy job.
Only a lesser thinking fool thinks a wall only will keep illegals out. You need a lot more agents per mile to patrol it. Common sense unless of course you are one of the snowflakes who believes otherwise.

I wonder if all these people who are in favor of a wall ever thought about the manpower and money it took for China to build and maintain theirs? Over the 5,500 miles that China built for theirs, they had over 25,000 watchtowers on it.
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
-------------------------------------- so they can apply for unemployment money and benefits eh . Thats what i thought but wasn't sure so thanks for confirming .
If they're furloughed they'd be eligible and can apply for unemployement. If they still have a job and are reporting to work but just not getting paid, I have no idea how that would work. Not only does it not seem fair, it doesn't sound legal either.
---------------------------------- i say thank you because you might be right , might be wrong Mariyam .
What I mean by "it doesn't sound legal" is that if they were anyone other than government employees is would not be lawful to have people working for you and then not paying them as agreed.

I never though I'd see the day I'd have compassion for TSA workers after some of the things they've put me through but I don't believe it's right or legal to make people work without paying them. Getting paid eventually doesn't help if you lose things you've worked hard for like your home, vehicle, money invested in obtaining a degree or certification simply because you don't have access to money that you've already earned.

Nobody is forcing them to do anything. If they don't want to work a job without timely pay, they can get a job in the private sector.

Hey Ray, wanna know one of the many reasons I joined the military? It was because at the time, the pay in the military was one of the things you could count on getting, not having to wait to get paid. But, that changed in the 90's when they shut down the government and I had to work for over half a month, wondering when I would get paid.

Same thing with most government workers that I knew over the years. One of the things they liked about their job was the fact that their paychecks were never late, and they got paid on time.

My how things have changed over the years.

But, for check security, I'd still take a government job over a private sector job any day of the week. Why? Up until recently, it was a guaranteed check, whereas in the private sector, businesses go belly up, or they cut back and have layoffs.

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