Shutdown Fallout Effects....

Ah, the stupidity in your argument is full frontal! They gave consent, and I have never been sexually assaulted or even touched in all of my years of flying. Touching someone's inner thigh with the back of their hand may give you a hard-on, but to most people it is no big deal. I watched my wife go through the full process because she had an artificial hip. She had heard pathetic horror stories like you have conjured up and was amazed that nothing even similar occurred during her pat down.

Throw aside your own perverse yet prudish thoughts and get with the program, dumbass!

Being compelled to submit to an assault, as a condition of being allowed to travel, is not consent.

And what kind of pathetic, cowardly excuse for a man watches as his wife is thus assaulted, and does nothing to put a stop to it?

Hey asshole! She wasn't assaulted! Neither have you been assaulted, not has anyone else! What is your fucking problem? Did the nut house start a weekend furlough program?

My daughter was a TSA agent for 3 years. You should hear some of the horror stories she has about passengers with bad attitudes, those who are dumber than rocks, and the sanctimonious assholes like you seem to be!

One story made national headlines when a deaf passenger, attending a national conference for the deaf and hearing impaired, said that he was abused by three female TSA agents. Since my daughter was the only ASL qualified screening officer at our airport, and only three female agents were on duty, this asshole accused her of mistreatment in the national media. She demanded TSA address the accusations. The TSA in a rare exception to policy published the video tapes of his encounters while being screened, including the audio, and no such mistreatment took place. The deaf passenger went into hiding, deleted his account, and was never heard from again.

It takes a big man to call another a coward on the web. I doubt you would be so brave in person.
The TSA employees will get paid eventually. To bad they never put any $$$ away for a rainy day.


75 to 80 percent of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. Another thing that this forum seems to be very different than the rest of the country about.
These are the same deplorables who rant about public schools but when it is pointed out to them that there are private school and home schooling choices they whine about not having enough money for these choices. In other words....they make the choice to have children and expect the government to educate them for free....and then whine about it.
These are the same deplorables who rant about public schools but when it is pointed out to them that there are private school and home schooling choices they whine about not having enough money for these choices. In other words....they make the choice to have children and expect the government to educate them for free....and then whine about it.

It's not free. We pay taxes to support it. And then, when we fail to get the service we are paying for, those who go to private sources for that service still have to pay for the bad service they're not receiving,on top of the cost of the provider from which they are getting that service.
My daughter was a TSA agent for 3 years.

So now, we know why you defend this outrageous abuse. You're directly related to one of the vile pieces of shit who has perpetrated it.

Other than an odd sense of timing, I was actually offered a position with TSA in 2012. I have also been an extensive airline traveler for many years.

BTW, you are being reported for your post. My family is off limits for your perversity.
These are the same deplorables who rant about public schools but when it is pointed out to them that there are private school and home schooling choices they whine about not having enough money for these choices. In other words....they make the choice to have children and expect the government to educate them for free....and then whine about it.

It's not free. We pay taxes to support it. And then, when we fail to get the service we are paying for, those who go to private sources for that service still have to pay for the bad service they're not receiving,on top of the cost of the provider from which they are getting that service.

You don't pay taxes for your children. You pay taxes for all children.

Those taxes would barely make a downpayment on private school tuition anyway. Can you please explain how you got to be this stupid? Did someone dribble your little head like a basketball when you were a kid?
Maybe some of you can clarify something for me. It is not "lawful" to employ someone and then refuse to pay them. In fact, that's pretty much a sure fire way to get into a whole lot of legal trouble irrespective of how poor of an employee or how poorly they performed as your employee.

So under what set of exceptions does our federal government, who by the way created and enforces the original laws protecting workers rights (U.S. Department of Labor), get to violate the laws that would get any other employer sanctioned, in the very least?

And just as an aside, if you are employed by a company in the City of Seattle and your employer refuses to pay you, you can file a police report and have your employer investigated and criminally prosecuted for failing to pay you. There are several things I admire about the City of Seattle proper and this is one of them:

Wage Theft
Employers can be criminally prosecuted for failing to pay wages promised to their workers. If an employer is convicted of the gross misdemeanor, the City can also revoke the employer's business license.

A worker who believes he/she has been paid less that the minimum wage, or forced to work off the clock, or not paid for all the hours work, or not paid the amount promised, or not paid overtime, can file a complaint by:
SPD will investigate and forward its report to the Criminal Division for a decision on whether to file the charge. Then Criminal Division attorneys will work with the victim toward making a provable case.

To strengthen its efforts against wage theft, the City agreed recently to share information and coordinate enforcement efforts with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

"Enforcement of wage theft crimes is much more than just recovering money owed to the worker who earned it," City Attorney Pete Holmes says. "Holding employers accountable for wage theft is a matter of preserving human dignity and protecting those who are most vulnerable in our community."
Wage Theft - CityAttorney |

I hate to tell you this, but those workers WILL be paid. That negates every bit of your overblown argument.

It is to be expected from someone living in the People's Republic of Seattle. That is the only place I have ever visited that experiences traffic jams on interstate highways at midnight involving no accidents or construction delays.
Why do you always have to be such an asshole about everything? It's not MY argument, this is settled case law. You don't like it, take it up with the legislators who wrote and passed the bills into law.

Besides, being paid eventually is not the same thing as being paid on time. Do you know how much damage can occur when people don't have access to the money they've earned and are unable to meet their financial obligations? No need to reply because of course you know.
Maybe some of you can clarify something for me. It is not "lawful" to employ someone and then refuse to pay them. In fact, that's pretty much a sure fire way to get into a whole lot of legal trouble irrespective of how poor of an employee or how poorly they performed as your employee.

So under what set of exceptions does our federal government, who by the way created and enforces the original laws protecting workers rights (U.S. Department of Labor), get to violate the laws that would get any other employer sanctioned, in the very least?

And just as an aside, if you are employed by a company in the City of Seattle and your employer refuses to pay you, you can file a police report and have your employer investigated and criminally prosecuted for failing to pay you. There are several things I admire about the City of Seattle proper and this is one of them:

Wage Theft
Employers can be criminally prosecuted for failing to pay wages promised to their workers. If an employer is convicted of the gross misdemeanor, the City can also revoke the employer's business license.

A worker who believes he/she has been paid less that the minimum wage, or forced to work off the clock, or not paid for all the hours work, or not paid the amount promised, or not paid overtime, can file a complaint by:
SPD will investigate and forward its report to the Criminal Division for a decision on whether to file the charge. Then Criminal Division attorneys will work with the victim toward making a provable case.

To strengthen its efforts against wage theft, the City agreed recently to share information and coordinate enforcement efforts with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

"Enforcement of wage theft crimes is much more than just recovering money owed to the worker who earned it," City Attorney Pete Holmes says. "Holding employers accountable for wage theft is a matter of preserving human dignity and protecting those who are most vulnerable in our community."
Wage Theft - CityAttorney |

I hate to tell you this, but those workers WILL be paid. That negates every bit of your overblown argument.

It is to be expected from someone living in the People's Republic of Seattle. That is the only place I have ever visited that experiences traffic jams on interstate highways at midnight involving no accidents or construction delays.
Why do you always have to be such an asshole about everything? It's not MY argument, this is settled case law. You don't like it, take it up with the legislators who wrote and passed the bills into law.

Besides, being paid eventually is not the same thing as being paid on time. Do you know how much damage can occur when people don't have access to the money they've earned and are unable to meet their financial obligations? No need to reply because of course you know.

No. It is not settled case law. Where was the link to the case finding? Oh, you didn't provide one because none exists. Stop talking out of your ass. You think this is the first shutdown of the federal government that people did not get paid? If you do, that proves you are a moron!
Now conservatives hate the TSA because they have the audacity to expect to be paid for their work. Hmm ... guess I'm not surprised, lol.

Not to speak for all conservatives, but I hate the TSA because I think there is something very, very, very wrong with the idea that any citizen should be compelled to submit to what amounts to sexual assault, as a condition of being allowed to travel by aircraft. What the TSA perverts get paid to do, ought to get them instead thrown in prison, and branded for life as sexual offenders. This is one particularly shameful part of Obama's legacy that I am disappointed that Trump hasn't done anything to reverse.

Just wow, you do know it was the dubya that implemented this lil jewel don't you?
My daughter was a TSA agent for 3 years.

So now, we know why you defend this outrageous abuse. You're directly related to one of the vile pieces of shit who has perpetrated it.

Other than an odd sense of timing, I was actually offered a position with TSA in 2012. I have also been an extensive airline traveler for many years.

BTW, you are being reported for your post. My family is off limits for your perversity.

You're the one who is defending perversity. You are the piece of shit who is openly taking the side of government goons sexually-assaulting innocent travellers.
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .

Of course they are collecting unemployment. None of the poor babies will starve and they get to handle what the rest of us handle when unemployed.

Fed workers live in a bubble. They never get fired. They never get laid off. In fact during the recession they never felt the problem the rest of us faced.
heck , you do know what ' non essential ' means don't you Clipper ??
Yep! How bout we start with Trump? Every time he runs his yap about something his aides or a cabinet member have to step up & correct him.

Which begs the question. Why the fuck is Trump in the W.H.?
Maybe some of you can clarify something for me. It is not "lawful" to employ someone and then refuse to pay them. In fact, that's pretty much a sure fire way to get into a whole lot of legal trouble irrespective of how poor of an employee or how poorly they performed as your employee.

So under what set of exceptions does our federal government, who by the way created and enforces the original laws protecting workers rights (U.S. Department of Labor), get to violate the laws that would get any other employer sanctioned, in the very least?

And just as an aside, if you are employed by a company in the City of Seattle and your employer refuses to pay you, you can file a police report and have your employer investigated and criminally prosecuted for failing to pay you. There are several things I admire about the City of Seattle proper and this is one of them:

Wage Theft
Employers can be criminally prosecuted for failing to pay wages promised to their workers. If an employer is convicted of the gross misdemeanor, the City can also revoke the employer's business license.

A worker who believes he/she has been paid less that the minimum wage, or forced to work off the clock, or not paid for all the hours work, or not paid the amount promised, or not paid overtime, can file a complaint by:
SPD will investigate and forward its report to the Criminal Division for a decision on whether to file the charge. Then Criminal Division attorneys will work with the victim toward making a provable case.

To strengthen its efforts against wage theft, the City agreed recently to share information and coordinate enforcement efforts with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

"Enforcement of wage theft crimes is much more than just recovering money owed to the worker who earned it," City Attorney Pete Holmes says. "Holding employers accountable for wage theft is a matter of preserving human dignity and protecting those who are most vulnerable in our community."
Wage Theft - CityAttorney |

I hate to tell you this, but those workers WILL be paid. That negates every bit of your overblown argument.

It is to be expected from someone living in the People's Republic of Seattle. That is the only place I have ever visited that experiences traffic jams on interstate highways at midnight involving no accidents or construction delays.
Why do you always have to be such an asshole about everything? It's not MY argument, this is settled case law. You don't like it, take it up with the legislators who wrote and passed the bills into law.

Besides, being paid eventually is not the same thing as being paid on time. Do you know how much damage can occur when people don't have access to the money they've earned and are unable to meet their financial obligations? No need to reply because of course you know.

So what is your suggestion, that government conduct themselves so workers get paid on time instead of policies they believe need to be implemented?
60 illegal criminal aliens were sent home this very morning from San was big news everywhere except on CNN.....the border patrol and ICE are still 100% on the job and getting paid.....
Wow, Trump deported 60 people. Well that's really not big news.
60 illegal criminal aliens were sent home this very morning from San was big news everywhere except on CNN.....the border patrol and ICE are still 100% on the job and getting paid.....
Wow, Trump deported 60 people. Well that's really not big news.

You didn't see how they deported them! To catapult them over the wall with no soft landing on the other side should make news!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
60 illegal criminal aliens were sent home this very morning from San was big news everywhere except on CNN.....the border patrol and ICE are still 100% on the job and getting paid.....
Wow, Trump deported 60 people. Well that's really not big news.

You didn't see how they deported them! To catapult them over the wall with no soft landing on the other side should make news!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Senior Trump.jpeg
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .

Of course they are collecting unemployment. None of the poor babies will starve and they get to handle what the rest of us handle when unemployed.

Fed workers live in a bubble. They never get fired. They never get laid off. In fact during the recession they never felt the problem the rest of us faced.
Most can't collect unemployment. In order to qualify for unemployment, a federal employee has to be one of the 380,000 employees that are currently furloughed, not one of the 420,000 working without pay. Those that we depend on the most are those that get hurt the most by the shutdown.

Can Federal Workers Collect Unemployment During the Shutdown?

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