Shutdown Fallout Effects....

The TSA employees will get paid eventually. To bad they never put any $$$ away for a rainy day.


75 to 80 percent of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. Another thing that this forum seems to be very different than the rest of the country about.
Yep, anything to punish people and try to blame the right. I remember his rhetoric.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Unlike Obama the drama queen who ordered areas outside NOS jurisdiction closed.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Why would they hate? We all love our parks. Maybe Trumpists will hate it.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Why would they hate? We all love our parks. Maybe Trumpists will hate it.

That's true, may have just been Obama that hated parks.
Oh, please, Coyote. They will be pissed because the parks are open, rather than gathering trash, etc, where they will try to blame Trump.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Why would they hate? We all love our parks. Maybe Trumpists will hate it.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Why would they hate? We all love our parks. Maybe Trumpists will hate it.

That's true, may have just been Obama that hated parks.
Nope. Trump shrank them, not Obama.
Oh, please, Coyote. They will be pissed because the parks are open, rather than gathering trash, etc, where they will try to blame Trump.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Why would they hate? We all love our parks. Maybe Trumpists will hate it.

Or so the right can blame the Dems for all the trash.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Why would they hate? We all love our parks. Maybe Trumpists will hate it.

That's true, may have just been Obama that hated parks.
Nope. Trump shrank them, not Obama.

Trump shrank them? Obama closed them.
This is the dumbest shit I ever heard.

Of course they are in it for "a buck". It's their fucking job. Do you think those people enjoy that shit job? They probably don't make jack shit either. Act like they get paid big money or something.

Do you go to work "for the patriotism" or to make a living?

What part of the words "just" and "quick" did you find so cripplingly challenging?
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Why would they hate? We all love our parks. Maybe Trumpists will hate it.

That's true, may have just been Obama that hated parks.
Nope. Trump shrank them, not Obama.
They didn’t shrink. They were turned over to the states.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.

Yes. Under Barack Hussein when the departments tried to make the shutdown better he ordered them to cease trying to make it work saying "pain is necessary".

Its great that the NPS is trying. But really the only thing that matters is leaving this government shut down until The Wall is built and we stop the Democrat led invasion of America by their Mexican and Honduran constituents.
Still seen as one of the most reckless moves ever by a president because the potential for disaster far outweighed whatever benefit he was trying to achieve.

Potential for what disaster? They were striking. The disaster was already at hand. The best solution is to fire them all.

Better still, privatize the system. Let the free market find cost effective alternatives.
The TSA was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, sponsored by Don Young in the United States House of Representatives[1] and Ernest Hollings in the Senate,[2][3] passed by the 107th U.S. Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush on November 19, 2001.

Oh, Former President Obama formed the TSA in November of 2001?

It was under the Obama administration that they started sexually-abusing travellers, under the fraudulent guise of protecting us from terrorists.
Their mere existence is physically abusive.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
National parks face years of damage from government shutdown

National Parks Are Piling Up With Poop and Trash Because of the Government Shutdown

Garbage, feces, other bad behavior take toll on national parks during shutdown
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
National parks face years of damage from government shutdown

National Parks Are Piling Up With Poop and Trash Because of the Government Shutdown

Garbage, feces, other bad behavior take toll on national parks during shutdown

In montana wyoming, idaho, volunteers are cleaning up after themselves. Why can't they clean up after themselves in Ca?

Volunteers clean restrooms, take out trash in Yellowstone amid government shutdown

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