Shutdown Fallout Effects....

It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .

So, you are cool with the people guarding our border working for free for "a year or more" as Trump put it?

you are fucked in the head
----------------------------------------- let them quit , but as I said , I assume that they can collect unemployment benefits and maybe food stamps GGator .

They're the very people you need to fight your border crisis, you abject retard.

Maybe some of you can clarify something for me. It is not "lawful" to employ someone and then refuse to pay them. In fact, that's pretty much a sure fire way to get into a whole lot of legal trouble irrespective of how poor of an employee or how poorly they performed as your employee.

So under what set of exceptions does our federal government, who by the way created and enforces the original laws protecting workers rights (U.S. Department of Labor), get to violate the laws that would get any other employer sanctioned, in the very least?

And just as an aside, if you are employed by a company in the City of Seattle and your employer refuses to pay you, you can file a police report and have your employer investigated and criminally prosecuted for failing to pay you. There are several things I admire about the City of Seattle proper and this is one of them:

Wage Theft
Employers can be criminally prosecuted for failing to pay wages promised to their workers. If an employer is convicted of the gross misdemeanor, the City can also revoke the employer's business license.

A worker who believes he/she has been paid less that the minimum wage, or forced to work off the clock, or not paid for all the hours work, or not paid the amount promised, or not paid overtime, can file a complaint by:
SPD will investigate and forward its report to the Criminal Division for a decision on whether to file the charge. Then Criminal Division attorneys will work with the victim toward making a provable case.

To strengthen its efforts against wage theft, the City agreed recently to share information and coordinate enforcement efforts with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

"Enforcement of wage theft crimes is much more than just recovering money owed to the worker who earned it," City Attorney Pete Holmes says. "Holding employers accountable for wage theft is a matter of preserving human dignity and protecting those who are most vulnerable in our community."
Wage Theft - CityAttorney |

I hate to tell you this, but those workers WILL be paid. That negates every bit of your overblown argument.

It is to be expected from someone living in the People's Republic of Seattle. That is the only place I have ever visited that experiences traffic jams on interstate highways at midnight involving no accidents or construction delays.
Why do you always have to be such an asshole about everything? It's not MY argument, this is settled case law. You don't like it, take it up with the legislators who wrote and passed the bills into law.

Besides, being paid eventually is not the same thing as being paid on time. Do you know how much damage can occur when people don't have access to the money they've earned and are unable to meet their financial obligations? No need to reply because of course you know.

So what is your suggestion, that government conduct themselves so workers get paid on time instead of policies they believe need to be implemented?
Trump will save them. Now that he can claim the longest government shutdown on record, he will end it by declaring a national emergency and taking the money that congress won't give him. He will be both responsible for shutting government down and ending the shutdown.
Maybe some of you can clarify something for me. It is not "lawful" to employ someone and then refuse to pay them. In fact, that's pretty much a sure fire way to get into a whole lot of legal trouble irrespective of how poor of an employee or how poorly they performed as your employee.

So under what set of exceptions does our federal government, who by the way created and enforces the original laws protecting workers rights (U.S. Department of Labor), get to violate the laws that would get any other employer sanctioned, in the very least?

And just as an aside, if you are employed by a company in the City of Seattle and your employer refuses to pay you, you can file a police report and have your employer investigated and criminally prosecuted for failing to pay you. There are several things I admire about the City of Seattle proper and this is one of them:

Wage Theft
Employers can be criminally prosecuted for failing to pay wages promised to their workers. If an employer is convicted of the gross misdemeanor, the City can also revoke the employer's business license.

A worker who believes he/she has been paid less that the minimum wage, or forced to work off the clock, or not paid for all the hours work, or not paid the amount promised, or not paid overtime, can file a complaint by:
SPD will investigate and forward its report to the Criminal Division for a decision on whether to file the charge. Then Criminal Division attorneys will work with the victim toward making a provable case.

To strengthen its efforts against wage theft, the City agreed recently to share information and coordinate enforcement efforts with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

"Enforcement of wage theft crimes is much more than just recovering money owed to the worker who earned it," City Attorney Pete Holmes says. "Holding employers accountable for wage theft is a matter of preserving human dignity and protecting those who are most vulnerable in our community."
Wage Theft - CityAttorney |

I hate to tell you this, but those workers WILL be paid. That negates every bit of your overblown argument.

It is to be expected from someone living in the People's Republic of Seattle. That is the only place I have ever visited that experiences traffic jams on interstate highways at midnight involving no accidents or construction delays.
Why do you always have to be such an asshole about everything? It's not MY argument, this is settled case law. You don't like it, take it up with the legislators who wrote and passed the bills into law.

Besides, being paid eventually is not the same thing as being paid on time. Do you know how much damage can occur when people don't have access to the money they've earned and are unable to meet their financial obligations? No need to reply because of course you know.

So what is your suggestion, that government conduct themselves so workers get paid on time instead of policies they believe need to be implemented?
Trump will save them. Now that he can claim the longest government shutdown on record, he will end it by declaring a national emergency and taking the money that congress won't give him. He will be both responsible for shutting government down and ending the shutdown.

I believe that is his next and only possible move. He can't back down like he did last time. People on the right were very pissed about that. Back then he promised us that next time, he won't back down from the wall, and he's not.

It's really to the point Trump has no choice even if he wanted to just re-open the government. Continued Resolutions are just kicking the can down the road and usually ends up with people forgetting about the problems. They also really piss-off Republican voters. We're still funding PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood, sanctuary cities just to name a few because of how many times Republicans have backed down. And I really believe that without Trump, the Republican party would be fragmenting and talk about starting a new--more conservative party.
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.

I've heard that as well. It makes me wonder if they will have to pay that unemployment back when they get their back pay. After all, if working, they are still making money, just not getting paid on time. So in a sense, they are going to get their full-time pay plus unemployment; two incomes instead of one they were working for prior to the shutdown.
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.

I've heard that as well. It makes me wonder if they will have to pay that unemployment back when they get their back pay. After all, if working, they are still making money, just not getting paid on time. So in a sense, they are going to get their full-time pay plus unemployment; two incomes instead of one they were working for prior to the shutdown.
Some in this state have apparently been raiding the food banks according to the news media (trying to make us feel bad). Yet...oddly this is the first week they won’t have a pay check. So...why are they stealing from the truly needy already?

Gee...when Obamacare eliminated my one gave me freebies to coffee houses,restaurants and utilities. And I didn’t raid the food pantries either.

I hope they are planning to give that food back with interest after they get their back pay.
60 illegal criminal aliens were sent home this very morning from San was big news everywhere except on CNN.....the border patrol and ICE are still 100% on the job and getting paid.....
Wow, Trump deported 60 people. Well that's really not big news.
Get it right dummy....not just people....60 criminal aliens...felons....that have broken laws inside our nation....that have hurt people and maybe even murdered women and children you thoughtless CNN robot......
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.

I've heard that as well. It makes me wonder if they will have to pay that unemployment back when they get their back pay. After all, if working, they are still making money, just not getting paid on time. So in a sense, they are going to get their full-time pay plus unemployment; two incomes instead of one they were working for prior to the shutdown.
Some in this state have apparently been raiding the food banks according to the news media (trying to make us feel bad). Yet...oddly this is the first week they won’t have a pay check. So...why are they stealing from the truly needy already?

Gee...when Obamacare eliminated my one gave me freebies to coffee houses,restaurants and utilities. And I didn’t raid the food pantries either.

I hope they are planning to give that food back with interest after they get their back pay.

Democrats love putting on a stage show. While we may laugh at it, their constituents take it seriously and don't realize the game. It's just like the Blazy gal who made all kinds of phony claims against Kavanaugh. The rest of us laughed at her terrible performance, and the left took her at face value.

To make sure she covered all her bases, she removed her social footprint from cyber space. You can't find one video of this college professor with her speaking as she normally speaks.
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
-------------------------------------- so they can apply for unemployment money and benefits eh . Thats what i thought but wasn't sure so thanks for confirming .
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.

I've heard that as well. It makes me wonder if they will have to pay that unemployment back when they get their back pay. After all, if working, they are still making money, just not getting paid on time. So in a sense, they are going to get their full-time pay plus unemployment; two incomes instead of one they were working for prior to the shutdown.
Some in this state have apparently been raiding the food banks according to the news media (trying to make us feel bad). Yet...oddly this is the first week they won’t have a pay check. So...why are they stealing from the truly needy already?

Gee...when Obamacare eliminated my one gave me freebies to coffee houses,restaurants and utilities. And I didn’t raid the food pantries either.

I hope they are planning to give that food back with interest after they get their back pay.

Democrats love putting on a stage show. While we may laugh at it, their constituents take it seriously and don't realize the game. It's just like the Blazy gal who made all kinds of phony claims against Kavanaugh. The rest of us laughed at her terrible performance, and the left took her at face value.

To make sure she covered all her bases, she removed her social footprint from cyber space. You can't find one video of this college professor with her speaking as she normally speaks.
Yeah. Apparently the Liberal media is so out of touch they think the average American has never been laid off and doesn’t know how things work.

For over a week they have been touting all the freebies government employee’s have been getting from restaurants,utilities companies, entertainment venues etc ( they hadn't even missed a check yet) Now all of a sudden they are so poor they have been raiding the food banks and we are on the brink of a food crisis. This is the first week they will be going without pay.
It also means no pay for the BP, ICE and the rest of the DHS.
----------------------------------------------------------- they won't starve and they'll have a nice big paycheck when they do get paid , And the Fed employees that don't like it can quit and get employment in private business I guess . --------------- plus , and this is a guess but I ASSUME that they are collecting 'unemploymant' eh GGator .
Currently they are all applying for unemployment. And getting freebies and discounts from secular businesses.
-------------------------------------- so they can apply for unemployment money and benefits eh . Thats what i thought but wasn't sure so thanks for confirming .
Yes they can.
while Trump cries to cameras about protecting America , his actions actually do the opposite.

If getting rid of illegals is such an important focus , then you should want to end the shutdown .

Maybe use wall money to find more courts and judges so we can get through the huge immigration court backlogs .

Immigration courts at a standstill during government shutdown, undermining President Trump's agenda

Far from the president’s rallying cry of “securing our border,” delaying court hearings puts additional strain on the immigration system, while allowing those who would have been deported to stay in the country for possibly years longer as they await new court dates.
First things first Timmy. Stop the bleeding-no more illegals strolling across open fields. Second-fix the laws to deport first, wait your turn in court anywhere but HERE. Third-make sure other races are represented proportionately to the Hispanic attack we've had over the last 30 years. Fourth, learn English so you are not a burden on your new country.
STOP All importation of ALL foreigners 'ThirdP' . With a USA Census population of 310 million in 2010 and not counting illegals why does the USA Need to import more foreigners . They just make the USA Weaker 'ThirdP' .
while Trump cries to cameras about protecting America , his actions actually do the opposite.

If getting rid of illegals is such an important focus , then you should want to end the shutdown .

Maybe use wall money to find more courts and judges so we can get through the huge immigration court backlogs .

Immigration courts at a standstill during government shutdown, undermining President Trump's agenda

Far from the president’s rallying cry of “securing our border,” delaying court hearings puts additional strain on the immigration system, while allowing those who would have been deported to stay in the country for possibly years longer as they await new court dates.
First things first Timmy. Stop the bleeding-no more illegals strolling across open fields. Second-fix the laws to deport first, wait your turn in court anywhere but HERE. Third-make sure other races are represented proportionately to the Hispanic attack we've had over the last 30 years. Fourth, learn English so you are not a burden on your new country.

They will never import people equally by race. That would defeat their entire purpose for having open borders and flooding our country with people of color.
The biggest Fallout Effective of the Shutdown is that Normal People see that shutting down the government has very little impact upon those of us who pay for the monstrosity.
If the wall is built, hire an additional 2000 border agents to patrol....just a wall isn't going to do it. I know some of you don't like federal employees....for some ridiculous unfounded reason.
If the wall is built, hire an additional 2000 border agents to patrol....just a wall isn't going to do it. I know some of you don't like federal employees....for some ridiculous unfounded reason.

If anything, we would need less border security because the wall will be doing much of their work for them. Many less arrests will be made, less agents will be injured, less transportation of violators who do cross our border. Why do you think border security wants that wall anyway? It will make their job ten times easier and they can concentrate their efforts elsewhere.

Shutdown before after.jpeg

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