Shutdown vote coming in 2 hours

Republicans control absolutely everything, but they're still trying to figure out ways to pass the buck :laugh:
Here's a way.

I didn't realize dreamers were all Ms-13 members.

And nice that you used a picture of a white family.
There is no White Race. I'm White, I'm a mutt, part Iroquois, German, Italian, and Irish.
There is no such thing as a pure white.
Put that racist bullshit aside.
I want to remind the DOPers that the Great Douche was for Shutting Down Gobmint IF ITS BS WALL WAS NOT FUNDED during 2016. And said in 2013, Gobmint shutdowns are fully blamed on Presidents. But here 2018, the Douche will change its tune and blame others as the weak lying Douche CryBaby it is.

So let us see if the DOPer brain can be adjusted to understand Real Facts. The Great Douche Suck as a Deal Maker again and still a YUGE Fraud!

Here's how Adjustments on DOPers is done.

The example video above shows 2 BRAIN DEAD MORON DOPers

btw: And WWE Wrestling is FAKE STUPID BS! Like the Great Douche the BOOB..

That's funny as hell.

That's what Trump is doing to you liberals:dance:
Seems like the GOP/DOPers will not even get 45 members to pass a CR. Final count TBD.
So this is fully the GOP/DOPers and the greatest Douche Deal Maker who ever lived, fault.

The Great Douche will be partying as He shutdown Gobmint.

btw: I'm going to call this one

'Putin's Paid for American Shutdown of 2018'

The last one costs us 25 Billion by the GOP.
I feel the Great Douche will wait till the cost to America is 45 Billion to make a statement, at least.

Your Butt Hurt is funny and it's like Fine Wine to

us on the Right...Please do some more...
I can’t believe it…

I woke up alive today…

But still there are hundreds of thousands

If not millions of Children that will starve

to death in the next few days with this

Schumer Shut Down.

And there is no doubt that Global Warming

Is going to get worse because of this and those

of us that don’t starve to death will all die soon.

99.9% of the Scientist in the world agree with this…

You know why liberals don’t eat pickles?

They can’t figure out how to get their head in the jar.
This will be known as The #Schumershutdown. Children will die. Military families thrown out of their house.

Nope - it's the #TrumpShutdown 48-28 so OWN IT! :wink:

A plurality of Americans say President Donald Trump and the Republican Party will be responsible for a government showdown, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll released Friday.

Forty-eight percent of those surveyed said they'll blame the president and the GOP if a shutdown could not be averted by the deadline midnight Friday, while only 28 percent said they'll fault the Democrats. Eighteen percent of voters said they'll blame the White House, Republicans and Democrats equally.​

Poll: More Americans will blame shutdown on Trump, GOP than on Dems

That's funny. The American Military Socialism Long-Term Takers/ Welfare program peoples above.
In most cases, in red states, are their MAJOR employers. Did you know there are more
than 11-15,000 Non-citizens joining our U.S. armed forces, each year?
Seems we have some 150K plus Non-citizens being paid in our armed forces today!
Non-citizens should never be employed in America. So now, you seem to be FOR hiring
Non-citizens and paying them. Hahaha Another
MAGA Small winning program here folks. Hahaha.

btw: As well, we pay some 185K-250K Non-citizen contractors providing support to
our armed forces around the world, they are being paid by the/our armed forces.

Alas, many of these Non-citizens get U.S. Benefits as well,
That be Housing, Food, Medical, Education etc..

Yep! This BE all the machinations done by the Military–industrial complex!
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Republicans control absolutely everything, but they're still trying to figure out ways to pass the buck :laugh:
Here's a way.

I didn't realize dreamers were all Ms-13 members.

And nice that you used a picture of a white family.
There is no White Race. I'm White, I'm a mutt, part Iroquois, German, Italian, and Irish.
There is no such thing as a pure white.
Put that racist bullshit aside.

'White' or worse 'Whitey' Americans are Americans who are racially ID. as 'White.'
or worse a 'Whitey' one.

'Whitey', here, means your ethnicity/ethnic group class.
Rational, inclusive, White peoples are SOoo much better
than All 'Whitey' Class members in the USA. .
Are you a 'Whitey' in the sub-human dlass of WN/NAZI/Neo-Con
DOPer Douche Loving Classes?

btw: Can't we ALL get along? Were all in the Human Race.

Ex-RNC chair: "This shutdown rests at the feet of the GOP" Former RNC chair: 'This shutdown rests at the feet of the GOP'

DANG Again!?
GOP strategist breaks with party: Shutdown is Trump and GOP's fault GOP strategist: Shutdown is on Trump and GOP

Just Gee. The Great Orange Golfing all time Douche...The..'I can Make Deals' is on the job.


The 2013 GOP Shutdown was their fault fully. The Dems controlled the House and POTUS branches of Gobmint. The DOPers and 'Cruz' in the Senate spent 25 Billion to be an Asshole, and they shut-down Gobmint. btw over ACA.

So, here in 2018. The DOPers control ALL branches Gobmint, and Shut-down the Gobmint.
Again. FFS! Winning Full control of DC with the help of Putin really Sucks. As the Crazy DOPer caucus was unleashed.
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So why didn't they write a bill that would get 60 votes? They knew that's what it would take.
They did that's the point...the bill had everything the dems wanted and as a bonus the senate republicans said they will work on a fix for DACA before March...this proves the dems don't want a fix to DACA they want a campaign issue...disgusting! I guess when they have nothing to run on this is what they should be ashamed and you should understand and be aware of the anger from the DACA kids towards Schumer and Pelosi before you get to far ahead of are on the wrong side of history...
So why didn't they write a bill that would get 60 votes? They knew that's what it would take.
They did that's the point...the bill had everything the dems wanted and as a bonus the senate republicans said they will work on a fix for DACA before March...this proves the dems don't want a fix to DACA they want a campaign issue...disgusting! I guess when they have nothing to run on this is what they should be ashamed and you should understand and be aware of the anger from the DACA kids towards Schumer and Pelosi before you get to far ahead of are on the wrong side of history...

Well, no. They didn't write or present a bill that would receive 60 votes.
Republicans control absolutely everything, but they're still trying to figure out ways to pass the buck :laugh:
Here's a way.

I didn't realize dreamers were all Ms-13 members.

And nice that you used a picture of a white family.
There is no White Race. I'm White, I'm a mutt, part Iroquois, German, Italian, and Irish.
There is no such thing as a pure white.
Put that racist bullshit aside.

'White' or worse 'Whitey' Americans are Americans who are racially ID. as 'White.'
or worse a 'Whitey' one.

'Whitey', here, means your ethnicity/ethnic group class.
Rational, inclusive, White peoples are SOoo much better
than All 'Whitey' Class members in the USA. .
Are you a 'Whitey' in the sub-human dlass of WN/NAZI/Neo-Con
DOPer Douche Loving Classes?

btw: Can't we ALL get along? Were all in the Human Race.

Ex-RNC chair: "This shutdown rests at the feet of the GOP" Former RNC chair: 'This shutdown rests at the feet of the GOP'

DANG Again!?
GOP strategist breaks with party: Shutdown is Trump and GOP's fault GOP strategist: Shutdown is on Trump and GOP

Just Gee. The Great Orange Golfing all time Douche...The..'I can Make Deals' is on the job.


The 2013 GOP Shutdown was their fault fully. The Dems controlled the House and POTUS branches of Gobmint. The DOPers and 'Cruz' in the Senate spent 25 Billion to be an Asshole, and they shut-down Gobmint. btw over ACA.

So, here in 2018. The DOPers control ALL branches Gobmint, and Shut-down the Gobmint.
Again. FFS! Winning Full control of DC with the help of Putin really Sucks. As the Crazy DOPer caucus was unleashed.

Dumb need 60 votes to pass the bill.....Republicans only number 51....dumb ass...
Well, no. They didn't write or present a bill that would receive 60 votes
The dems are not playing ball...they have stopped showing up at bipartisan meetings...and there is no bill written by the GOP that they will support...even if their constituents would greatly benefit...this is what RESIST looks like are you proud?
Well, no. They didn't write or present a bill that would receive 60 votes
The dems are not playing ball...they have stopped showing up at bipartisan meetings...and there is no bill written by the GOP that they will support...even if their constituents would greatly benefit...this is what RESIST looks like are you proud?

Oh my. We've never seen that before.
It would make sense if the bill would be full of far right shit that nobody supported. But its everything democrats wanted. Republicans give and give, and its never enough.

Makes the old saying, "give an inch, take a foot" quite true, huh?
I have plenty of food and plenty of money, thanks to Trump.

I feel bad that dems chose wetbacks over the US military.
Day 2 of the Democrat's shutdown led by Chuck Schumer. American citizens and military won't get paid but Liberals don't care. Shameful BS partisan politics being played by Democrats.

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