SIAP, MUST READ, BEST summary of the Ukraine/Russian Collusion/Election "meddling"

Trump Has the Bad Guys Surrounded in Ukraine

I'd copy and paste the whole thing, but that's not permitted.
jimminy cricket!

that is pure 100% Russian Propaganda

HOW can you NOT recognize this...?

You can spot it in the first few sentences?
The OP is typical of the type of idiot targeted by Russian trolls.

What specifically in the article is inaccurate and how so?
John McCain`s support of protesters isn`t the same as fomenting a coup. The article is so stupid I couldn`t get past the second sentence.

Is it your position that Hunter Biden has some type of Special Business experience / or Financial Skills that would warrant paying him Millions of Dollars to sit on " The Board" of the Largest Energy company in the Ukraine. Or why his father Joe would push for the removal of a foreign prosecutor, for any reason with the threat of withholding Billions of Dollars. A simple answer would be ok.
50K a month is not millions of dollars, and trump makes about that being a lying corrupt piece of shit conman president/game show host. what did Trump ever do, outside of being Captain Bone Spurs, going bankrupt 5 times, paying hush money to gold diggers to not talk about how tiny he is during an election, that makes his stupid ass voters believe he should be anything other than a bloated game show host, not president? I hate to burst your snot bubble, but a whole bunch of Yale educated lawyers get at least 50K a year to be a legal counsel for big companies- and having a last name like biden certainly couldn't hurt...but that is true for the son or daughter of every rich guy or politically connected man or woman in this country.

So you support government corruption. Brilliant.
Trump Has the Bad Guys Surrounded in Ukraine

I'd copy and paste the whole thing, but that's not permitted.
jimminy cricket!

that is pure 100% Russian Propaganda

HOW can you NOT recognize this...?

You can spot it in the first few sentences?
The OP is typical of the type of idiot targeted by Russian trolls.

What specifically in the article is inaccurate and how so?

The article says Yanukovych had been elected, and yes he was, but it was due to a corrupt election.... he was a Russian asset...

article says he hired the Podesta Group, but he hired some Swiss or Swedish firm, who then hired the Podesta group to lobby in the USA to improve his image.... Manafort actually hired the Swiss or Swedish or whomever the heck it was in the E.U. to initially hide the New President's hand in it... and even his hand in it.... but that did not last long from what I understand, and the Podesta Group.... Tony not John.... John had parted from the Group, years earlier, knew this was for the Russian Puppet president.... that's all another long story!!! And the 2011 year seems wrong.... but I would need to double check.

-McCain did not plan a coup d'etat "in the name of Democracy"

You can tell the way the piece is written that there is a 100% Russian slant the way important facts are left out and the way the writer is putting things that happened in a rosy 'Russians are the good guys and USA are the bad guys' bull shit.... all the way through the whole article.... it is influenced by Russian propaganda... what they say in their news papers and blogs and thru their trolls and fake news sites on the net.

Yanukovych, who had been elected on the narrowest margin, immediately felt political pressure from the West. He hired The Podesta Group in 2011 to purchase some influence, but to no avail.

U.S. Senator and 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain flew to Kiev in December 2013 to foment a successful coup d’etat against Yanukovych, in the name of—get this—democracy.

The Obama regime was notorious for overthrowing foreign governments. Ukraine was one of a handful.
50K a month is not millions of dollars, and trump makes about that being a lying corrupt piece of shit conman president/game show host. what did Trump ever do, outside of being Captain Bone Spurs, going bankrupt 5 times, paying hush money to gold diggers to not talk about how tiny he is during an election, that makes his stupid ass voters believe he should be anything other than a bloated game show host, not president? I hate to burst your snot bubble, but a whole bunch of Yale educated lawyers get at least 50K a year to be a legal counsel for big companies- and having a last name like biden certainly couldn't hurt...but that is true for the son or daughter of every rich guy or politically connected man or woman in this country.
$50K a month for 5 years is what? 100 Pesos?
50K a month is not millions of dollars, and trump makes about that being a lying corrupt piece of shit conman president/game show host. what did Trump ever do, outside of being Captain Bone Spurs, going bankrupt 5 times, paying hush money to gold diggers to not talk about how tiny he is during an election, that makes his stupid ass voters believe he should be anything other than a bloated game show host, not president? I hate to burst your snot bubble, but a whole bunch of Yale educated lawyers get at least 50K a year to be a legal counsel for big companies- and having a last name like biden certainly couldn't hurt...but that is true for the son or daughter of every rich guy or politically connected man or woman in this country.

Dumbass, Trump works for free and has since day one. Being Presidents costs him money, lots of money. More money than you've ever even seen or hoped to see.
if you had a measurable IQ, you would know if Trump works for free, he is still being grossly overpaid. this fat conman bitch didn't even make a good game show host.

Where does this leave us? We are at the precipice of a constitutional crisis. We have a president whose apparent corruption is palpable. We have a Constitution that prescribes a remedy. We have an attorney general who acts as if he were the president's personal lawyer. We have Republicans in Congress who see and hear no evil from this president. And we have congressional Democrats hesitant to do their constitutional duty.

You just described the years from 2009-2017....Only the party labels have changed.
weird how so many trump voters can claim a post or an article is full o' lies and Obama Deep State talking points but can never actually even name the lie or name the talking point they call a lie, much less post some sort of sourced evidence that backs up their claim. it is like that bumper stick from the 80's that is even more true today- Vote Republican- It's Easier than Thinking.

weird how so many trump voters can claim a post or an article is full o' lies and Obama Deep State talking points but can never actually even name the lie or name the talking point they call a lie, much less post some sort of sourced evidence that backs up their claim. it is like that bumper stick from the 80's that is even more true today- Vote Republican- It's Easier than Thinking.

He be gone bye bye. Was that Jake again?
50K a month is not millions of dollars, and trump makes about that being a lying corrupt piece of shit conman president/game show host. what did Trump ever do, outside of being Captain Bone Spurs, going bankrupt 5 times, paying hush money to gold diggers to not talk about how tiny he is during an election, that makes his stupid ass voters believe he should be anything other than a bloated game show host, not president? I hate to burst your snot bubble, but a whole bunch of Yale educated lawyers get at least 50K a year to be a legal counsel for big companies- and having a last name like biden certainly couldn't hurt...but that is true for the son or daughter of every rich guy or politically connected man or woman in this country.

50k a month! For what again? Daddy's ear is worth that in Ukraine when a billion dollars is on the line, "Pay to Play" is the Dem way. He spent a lot of time with Sec of State Clinton as an "apprentice" scam artist!

So you support government corruption. Brilliant.

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