Sick of Liberals and theri Pundits...

So sick of liberal pundits kissing Obamas ass even when he clearly lied to the American people saying they can keep their insurance when he knew for yrs that wasn't true. Now they defend him and say , well they might not be able to keep that insurance they get to buy better insurance. How is it better that my sons have to buy Maternity and GYNO insurance when he doesn't even have a vagina. ( all plans have to cover this) Or that the elderly have to purchase maternity coverage( again all plans have to cover it) Things they will never use.. Obama care is one size fits all plan and your going to pay for all is bull crap!! > Let people buy the insurance they need ,not the insurance you think everyone needs.

dont worry we are sick of you as well.
Pray to God that you or your family never gets sick or, pray that you become independently wealthy so you can afford to pay out-of-pocket for your care.

The horrible scenario you cite was the scenario in America pre-ACA. ACA has not helped much, but national health care would. People in civilized European nations (and Australia and Canada) love their systems.

I have never met one. Particularly Canada and Britian where the people blame the health care system for every sniffle. There are certainly liberals who claim they are from Canada, Australia or Britian and claim the system is great, but everyone I have personally met says those systems suck. The one country whose people seem genuinely satisfied is Germany. They have a type of hybrid system where there is a safety net for the indigent much like medicaid but people still have private insurance.

What the United States faces is a people who truly believe that health care will be free. If there is a cost rich people will be happy to cover it. If not happy, they can be forced into it. That is the first notion that needs to go.
Pray to God that you or your family never gets sick or, pray that you become independently wealthy so you can afford to pay out-of-pocket for your care.

The horrible scenario you cite was the scenario in America pre-ACA. ACA has not helped much, but national health care would. People in civilized European nations (and Australia and Canada) love their systems.

I have never met one. Particularly Canada and Britian where the people blame the health care system for every sniffle. There are certainly liberals who claim they are from Canada, Australia or Britian and claim the system is great, but everyone I have personally met says those systems suck. The one country whose people seem genuinely satisfied is Germany. They have a type of hybrid system where there is a safety net for the indigent much like medicaid but people still have private insurance.

What the United States faces is a people who truly believe that health care will be free. If there is a cost rich people will be happy to cover it. If not happy, they can be forced into it. That is the first notion that needs to go.


Germans do, indeed, have a decent system and you are correct that it is a system that helps the poor but doesn't penalize the populace (with the exception of higher taxes). Canadians come to the US (or used to) for elective procedures because there can be up (and usually is) to a 2-3 year WAIT for services. That is a non-disputable FACT.

The "elite" in England use private pay hospitals that are being built at a rate of 4-1 in relation to the "government run" crap. Same as France.

The sad truth is that average Americans actually BELIEVED what the idiot Pelosi sold them and thought that this BS would be "free". EVERYTHING COVERED. 100%! Of course, these are the same idiots that look at a picture of Joe Biden and have no clue who he is. Or look at a world map and can't point to South America.

THESE are the folks who will flood the polls on election day to get rid of the limp-wristed left. You don't lie to them about "free" stuff…...

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