Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation

Where did plywood go? Fcin
Nobody in their right mind tries to defend molesting a child

Good gawd
Again. WHO THE FUCK is defending the molestation of children? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?
"She"s drunk....for starters.

She had a 7 course Irish dinner. A six pack and a boiled potato

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you took it up the ass... let's play you closeted old fag.... and you are

Lol nasty
And that's LITERALLY up the ass. OUCH!
Where did plywood go? Fcin
Nobody in their right mind tries to defend molesting a child

Good gawd
Again. WHO THE FUCK is defending the molestation of children? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?
"She"s drunk....for starters.

She had a 7 course Irish dinner. A six pack and a boiled potato

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you took it up the ass... let's play you closeted old fag.... and you are

Lol nasty
My goodness....and now you are drunk sexting another poster. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Cat Lady is crashing and burning.

Too much booze....

See how the game is played?

Now answer you old do you explain to a child she was raped?
"Too much booze....." Yes, we can see that. You need to sleep it off. Pop a few aspirin too.

Go pretend you're a naval aviator old fuck....U know better
I don't have to pretend.....and I certainly appreciate your taxes helping to pay for my and my wife's retirement.
Where did plywood go? Fcin
Nobody in their right mind tries to defend molesting a child

Good gawd
Again. WHO THE FUCK is defending the molestation of children? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?
"She"s drunk....for starters.

She had a 7 course Irish dinner. A six pack and a boiled potato

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you took it up the ass... let's play you closeted old fag.... and you are

Lol nasty
My goodness....and now you are drunk sexting another poster. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Save it fraud... you the fake navigator and the old closeted fag is all that's left

Game over
Where did plywood go? Fcin
Again. WHO THE FUCK is defending the molestation of children? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?
"She"s drunk....for starters.

She had a 7 course Irish dinner. A six pack and a boiled potato

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you took it up the ass... let's play you closeted old fag.... and you are

Lol nasty
My goodness....and now you are drunk sexting another poster. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Save it fraud... you the fake navigator and the old closeted fag is all that's left

Game over
Navigator? Never claimed to be a navigator....You are so very very drunk, aren't you Threatie McThreat. Can't even get your lies straight. (pun intended).
Where did plywood go? Fcin
"She"s drunk....for starters.

She had a 7 course Irish dinner. A six pack and a boiled potato

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you took it up the ass... let's play you closeted old fag.... and you are

Lol nasty
My goodness....and now you are drunk sexting another poster. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Save it fraud... you the fake navigator and the old closeted fag is all that's left

Game over
Navigator? Never claimed to be a navigator....You are so very very drunk, aren't you Threatie McThreat. Can't even get your lies straight. (pun intended).

You've claimed plenty, Pete.

But real military and family knows better

Now scram old man....and I know
Where did plywood go? Fcin
She had a 7 course Irish dinner. A six pack and a boiled potato

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you took it up the ass... let's play you closeted old fag.... and you are

Lol nasty
My goodness....and now you are drunk sexting another poster. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Save it fraud... you the fake navigator and the old closeted fag is all that's left

Game over
Navigator? Never claimed to be a navigator....You are so very very drunk, aren't you Threatie McThreat. Can't even get your lies straight. (pun intended).

You've claimed plenty, Pete.

But real military and family knows better

Now scram old man....and I know
I am a retired Naval Aviator....and you are nothing but a drunken failure. Can't even get your lies straight, can you? Can't even explain what "Pete" is all about, can you? What a pathetic existence you have. At least I get some of your money in my monthly retirement my wife's monthly retirement check.......for life. :71:
Last edited:

Democrat or Republican, give them the death penalty. The world has no room for these disgusting feral animals, wait animals are better than they are.
How about this one: Child porn found in documents Alex Jones sent to lawyers of Sandy Hook families, court filing says

Take them to trial, if they are guilty give them the death penalty, how many more times do you want to do this? Pedophiles, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, if guilty the death penalty. I don’t give a damn what side of the political spectrum they are, it doesn’t matter does it?
I do not think pedophilia has a party, that is absurd! We do not sin that grace may abound! Pedophilia, just like Homosexuality is perversion, as it perverts what God intended.
Being taught that is something normal, and to be accepted, was something I warned about when Homosexuals were allowed to marry!
What exactly does same sex marriage have to do with pedophilia, besides that you consider them both perversions?
It was part of the incremental shift away from morality, you will disagree, and that is fine but neither are normal behavior!
What does same sex marriage have to do with morality?
Same sex marriage is immoral.
Something that does no harm can not be be immoral
No Harm? in this case college students are being taught that pedophilia is a good thing, it definitively does harm. Homosexuality does psychological harm absolutely, suicide rates among homosexuals is very high why do you suppose that is?
What exactly does same sex marriage have to do with pedophilia, besides that you consider them both perversions?
It was part of the incremental shift away from morality, you will disagree, and that is fine but neither are normal behavior!
What does same sex marriage have to do with morality?
Same sex marriage is immoral.
Something that does no harm can not be be immoral
No Harm? in this case college students are being taught that pedophilia is a good thing, it definitively does harm. Homosexuality does psychological harm absolutely, suicide rates among homosexuals is very high why do you suppose that is?
First of all.....I was responding to a comment about same sex marriage in stating that it does no harm

Secondly, only a complete fucking idiot can believe that anyone is saying that pedophilia is a good thing. Obviously you are too obtuse to understand the actual issue and what is being said and why.

Lastly, you asked.... "suicide rates among homosexuals is very high, why do you suppose that is?" It's damned sure not because of same sex marriage. It is because of the hate and discrimination that they continue to be subjected to by people like you.
What happened to Threatie McThreat and "her" threats to do something to me?
SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............
College kids are some of the most gullible people around, that's why they get robbed all the time and accept degenerate shit like pedophilia as normal.
What exactly do you mean by "accept as normal"?
I think the statement is self explanatory.
SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............
College kids are some of the most gullible people around, that's why they get robbed all the time and accept degenerate shit like pedophilia as normal.
And wasn't college kids, it was House Republicans who voted a pedophile as Speaker of the House.
SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............
College kids are some of the most gullible people around, that's why they get robbed all the time and accept degenerate shit like pedophilia as normal.
And wasn't college kids, it was House Republicans who voted a pedophile as Speaker of the House.
Who are you talking about? Dude from Alabama? Technically he would not be classified as a pedophile. 16 is not prepubescent and a lot of if not most states have 16 as the legal age of consent and marriage. I don't agree with 16 being the age of consent, at least not with dudes his age....but it's called ephebophilia when you like youngsters that have went through puberty.
I wrote this on the USMB a few weeks ago:

".... Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He made me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

"I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt Boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do."

Now the lunatic left is trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a wrecking ball. These people have no shame. God help the rest of us.

The Bible strongly condemns adultery. It mattered none to those who voted for Trump.

Has President Trump ever gone around saying that cheating is great and we should all do it?

Homos on the left are not renouncing their actions and admitting they were in the wrong. In fact they are claiming it’s “normal” and should be accepted as moral behavior as well.
You can't even come up with an original insult.

You said that cats trigger sociopaths?

Or is it that you're now claiming to have invented the general concept of calling someone a sociopath?

Dave, it appears the butthurt has risen into your brain, disabling your cognitive functions. I mean, even more than usual.
It appears you can't condemn leftist pedos.

Dood. That's entirely fucked up.
While the RIght runs theirs for political office.
Hey, maybe your Pedo Island punishment could use Epstein's Island! You know, Eptstein, the liberal? Where Bill Clinton went? A LOT?
You mean this guy? View attachment 280144 View attachment 280145 View attachment 280146
Oh, you mean the guy who kicked Epstein out of his resort when Epstein started getting pedo-ey with an underage girl?

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