Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation

It appears you can't condemn leftist pedos.

Cool. You're trying to play the "BUT YOU HAVEN"T CONDEMNED XXX, THEREFORE YOU SUPPORT IT!" big lie weasel game. I mean, I note you haven't condemned kicking puppies, so you clearly support puppy kicking, at least by your standards.

As I possess gonads and moral integrity, I won't be going any further with you in that game. I'd prefer to talk about the topic of your moral decrepitude more.

You know you're lying here, but you still lie. You know nobody here supports pedos, but you lie about it. Don't you worry about Hell at all?

You may think you've cut a special deal with Satan, but that's not the case. He's the Lord of Lies, and he doesn't keep his word. You're going to spend eternity being reamed by demons. If you think your butthurt is bad now ...
Hey, speaking of The Big Lie, I can't help but notice that you claim the right does things the left does.

Meanwhile, if you can show me posting on a thread about kicking puppies and not condemning puppy kicking, you'll have a point.

As it is, you just have your lies.

You have gonads? You don't even have the courage to condemn leftist pedos. So much for your asinine claim of moral integrity.

Run along, Troll Boi.
I've noticed something about MOST male liberals, they ARE ball-less and DO lack a pair. By contrast, I've seen and met a lot of liberal women who appear to HAVE the gonads their liberal counterparts lack. VERY strange.
Meanwhile, if you can show me posting on a thread about kicking puppies and not condemning puppy kicking, you'll have a point.

So you're still not condemning puppy kicking, even after the subject was brought up. Very telling. It's clear everyone should keep puppies away from you.

You have gonads? You don't even have the courage to condemn leftist pedos.

But I condemn leftist pedos, rightie pedos, all pedos. That's a given. It didn't need to be said. Now, you better condemn puppy kicking, unless you want to admit to being a puppy kicker.

Happy now, little douche? We've played your "BUT HAVE YOU CONDEMNED XXX" game. Did it give you a tingle up the leg, like when you talk all violent about what you want to do pedos? So manly, that is.
Let's keep exposing you

Exposing what?

You're not answering my simple question. What was the point of your idiot question? Being that you kept raging about how I had to answer, there should have been some point to it.

As you won't answer, my point is that you realize what a stupid question it was, and now you're pissing yourself and running.
Sickening, but not that surprising. It appears that mainstream media and academia are starting to push the idea that pedophilia is "normal". Nope, never was, never will be. I believe this is mainly because there are a lot of the Hollyweird elite that have practiced and are currently practicing pedophilia. I also believe these same elite HATE President Trump because he is trying to crack down on these pedophiles. Anyone that sees this as normal has something seriously wrong with them.
That is just stupid! No one is saying that pedophilia - as in sex with children-is or should be normal. The issue is recognizing pedophiles as a sexual orientation to facilitate treatment and to help them to avoid committing acts of abuse. No one is suggesting that it should be normal to molest children. If you people gave a shit about children you would understand that what is being proposed would protect children. But you don't give a fuck. You just want to spout off and bleat about how us liberals want legalize child abuse. Shameful!

Treatment doesn't work... you know this but keep skirting the issue.

It's NOT a sexual orientation, it's a disease and the re offend rate is astronomical.

No child should ever be abused because assholes like you want to coddle chomos.

Sit the fck down and stfu.

Why do you have to be so fucking nasty. I actually agre in part with what you're saying. Treatment in terms of a cure does not work, but what I mean treatment is support for their commitment to not offend, and it appears that a significant number of them do not want to offend and want help to control their imppulses

The reason why there is such a high rate of offending may me because we have been approach it in the wrong way. Can you possible chill out and consider that?

The idea of calling it a sexual orientation is aimed at de-stigmatizing their problem and bringing them out of the shadows and encouraging them to seek help. I agree that it is also a disease but what is the point of emphasizing that when it will do more harm than good.?

And what is that about coddling "chomos " Oh you mean homo. You do know many child molesters target opposite sex kids, and that some are indiscriminate as to gender. Most target a certain age range
Some CRCs (con-servative republican christians) like to pretend that 1 in 4 girls aren't sexually abused before they reach hetero males...usually family members and family friends.

Or queers....touche Plywood. Everyone knows never ever let your kid around a fag
Not everyone knows that or believes that crap.
Let's keep exposing you

Exposing what?

You're not answering my simple question. What was the point of your idiot question? Being that you kept raging about how I had to answer, there should have been some point to it.

As you won't answer, my point is that you realize what a stupid question it was, and now you're pissing yourself and running.

You're nuts. Have the fake naval aviator explain it to you.
That's not what the data says. Here's just one list. And that's just up to 2015. The list is much bigger now.

Handy List of Republican Sex Offenders - The Constantine Report

Fascinating, how so many conservatives feel so obligated to run cover for the many pedo Republicans. If Republicans would address their pedo problem instead of working so hard to cover it up, they'd have much less of a pedo problem.
I'm all for public hanging for pedos, regardless of political affiliation.

Can you say the same, or are you going to pretend leftist pedos don't exist?
I've always said....put them all on a desert island somewhere and then provide supplies enough for half of them.
Kinda cruel and unusual -- but it's not like pedos deserve any better.
But interesting.

However, let's remember that this would ONLY happen to those guilty beyond a doubt. Remember the McMartin PreSchool case? Makes the Right wing PizzaGate lies look like child's play.
Of course, convicted by a jury of their peers.

But given all the revelations about Epstein and his activities, PizzaGate is looking more and more credible.
Really? :71:
Let's keep exposing you

Exposing what?

You're not answering my simple question. What was the point of your idiot question? Being that you kept raging about how I had to answer, there should have been some point to it.

As you won't answer, my point is that you realize what a stupid question it was, and now you're pissing yourself and running.

You're nuts. Have the fake naval aviator explain it to you.
Poor Threatie McThreat. Never served (rather have others risk their lives for "her")...and like a typical CRC, denigrate the service of those who really did serve in the military. Just like your orange messiah.
Ah pulling out the Bigotry card to try and silence dissent of your opinion!
False. If i had my way I would put the spotlight right on you cockroaches, all day, every day.
Cockroaches are high on the class list compared to you and your kind.
But, you are clearly a moron, so....
That would mean I am a disgusting lib. Sorry, I don't think so.
Ah pulling out the Bigotry card to try and silence dissent of your opinion!
False. If i had my way I would put the spotlight right on you cockroaches, all day, every day.
Cockroaches are high on the class list compared to you and your kind.
But, you are clearly a moron, so....
That would mean I am a disgusting lib. Sorry, I don't think so.
Where did plywood go? Fcin
Nobody in their right mind tries to defend molesting a child

Good gawd
Again. WHO THE FUCK is defending the molestation of children? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?
"She"s drunk....for starters.

She had a 7 course Irish dinner. A six pack and a boiled potato

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And you took it up the ass... let's play you closeted old fag.... and you are

Lol nasty

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