Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation

I go go feed your cat

Sociopaths tend to be triggered by cats.

That's why I use a cat avi, to get them to reveal themselves.

No I asked you... ever looked into an abused child's eye's and try to answer?

Answer me or stfu

End game.
"try to answer"? The plot thickens.

Answer it,...or stfu.

You Fuckup
You seem to have confused me with the poster you asked your "question" to. Still drinking?
I go go feed your cat

Sociopaths tend to be triggered by cats.

That's why I use a cat avi, to get them to reveal themselves.

No I asked you... ever looked into an abused child's eye's and try to answer?

Answer me or stfu

End game.
"try to answer"? The plot thickens.

Answer it,...or stfu.

You Fuckup
You seem to have confused me with the poster you asked your "question" to. Still drinking?

You're an idiot old man.

I question you being around any child.

Let's dance, Pete

It doesn't matter who Paglia voted for. On this board, she has always been the darling of the right. Go put her name into the search function.

That's not debatable, yet you're here trying to deny it. At this stage, you're just a pyschological study, an example of how a mind focused on butthurt loses all moral grounding.

'm all for public hanging for pedos, regardless of political affiliation.

Can you say the same,

As I'm not a dickless pajama boi, no I can't. It takes no bravery or morality to go the mob violence route. Quite the contrary, your actions there are the actions of a gutless coward.

or are you going to pretend leftist pedos don't exist

As your side started the namecalling with the OP, you should have been prepared for someone to give it back tenfold. Instead, you're blubbering like little bitches about how awful I am, and that makes you look like hypocrites and big ... kitties.
There is not enough information in this article to determine what happened and the context in which it happened.

That said, how about passing some strong laws in each of the 50 states to ban child marriage and keep adults away from our kids. There are adults out there who are "marrying" teenagers and getting away with it.

In every state, the minimum age of marriage is 18, except where judicial exemptions apply. In some states, the minimum age is as high as 21.

That is, anyone wishing to marry under the age of 18 must have not only parental permission, but court permission as well and that marriage must be seen as "in the best interest of the public".
Sociopaths tend to be triggered by cats.

That's why I use a cat avi, to get them to reveal themselves.

No I asked you... ever looked into an abused child's eye's and try to answer?

Answer me or stfu

End game.
"try to answer"? The plot thickens.

Answer it,...or stfu.

You Fuckup
You seem to have confused me with the poster you asked your "question" to. Still drinking?

You're an idiot old man.

I question you being around any child.

Let's dance, Pete
Interesting.....tell us more about your confusion (or freudian) referrals to "old men".
Tell us more about your questioning me ever being around any child. (more freudian?)
Tell us more about this "Pete" thing.

Dance away, Threatie McThreat. :dance:
I go go feed your cat

Sociopaths tend to be triggered by cats.

That's why I use a cat avi, to get them to reveal themselves.
mamooth sociopath 1.JPG
mamooth sociopath 2.JPG

You can't even come up with an original insult.
No I asked you... ever looked into an abused child's eye's and try to answer?

Answer me or stfu

End game.
"try to answer"? The plot thickens.

Answer it,...or stfu.

You Fuckup
You seem to have confused me with the poster you asked your "question" to. Still drinking?

You're an idiot old man.

I question you being around any child.

Let's dance, Pete
Interesting.....tell us more about your confusion (or freudian) referrals to "old men".
Tell us more about your questioning me ever being around any child. (more freudian?)
Tell us more about this "Pete" thing.

Dance away, Threatie McThreat. :dance:

Don't push it, Pete.... idiot old f k
You're insane.

Lying won't help you here. All the Paglia threads on this board are made by conservatives, breathlessly proclaiming how awesome she is for sticking it to the libs.

And now we know the real reason why. It was her pro-pedo leanings.
In the 2004 U.S. presidential election, Paglia supported John Kerry; and in 2008 she supported Barack Obama.[74] In 2012, she supported Green Party candidate Jill Stein.[75] Paglia was highly critical of 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, calling her a "fraud" and a "liar".[76] Paglia refused to support either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, indicating in a March column that if Hillary Clinton won the Democratic Party's nomination she would either cast a write-in vote for Bernie Sanders or else vote for Green Party candidate Stein, as she did in 2012.[77] Paglia later clarified in a statement that she would vote for Stein.[78] In 2017, she stated that she is a registered Democrat who voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary and for Jill Stein in the 2016 general election.[20]
Gosh, you lie a lot.
Gee, Paglia sure doesn't sound like a right winger to me!
Nor to mamooth -- but he likes to lie a lot.
You can't even come up with an original insult.

You said that cats trigger sociopaths?

Or is it that you're now claiming to have invented the general concept of calling someone a sociopath?

Dave, it appears the butthurt has risen into your brain, disabling your cognitive functions. I mean, even more than usual.
"try to answer"? The plot thickens.

Answer it,...or stfu.

You Fuckup
You seem to have confused me with the poster you asked your "question" to. Still drinking?

You're an idiot old man.

I question you being around any child.

Let's dance, Pete
Interesting.....tell us more about your confusion (or freudian) referrals to "old men".
Tell us more about your questioning me ever being around any child. (more freudian?)
Tell us more about this "Pete" thing.

Dance away, Threatie McThreat. :dance:

Don't push it, Pete.... idiot old f k
All talk, Threatie McThreat. All talk. Is this an example of how you relate to people in real life? Order them to STFU and then threaten them?

It doesn't matter who Paglia voted for. On this board, she has always been the darling of the right. Go put her name into the search function.

That's not debatable, yet you're here trying to deny it. At this stage, you're just a pyschological study, an example of how a mind focused on butthurt loses all moral grounding.

'm all for public hanging for pedos, regardless of political affiliation.

Can you say the same,

As I'm not a dickless pajama boi, no I can't. It takes no bravery or morality to go the mob violence route. Quite the contrary, your actions there are the actions of a gutless coward.

or are you going to pretend leftist pedos don't exist

As your side started the namecalling with the OP, you should have been prepared for someone to give it back tenfold. Instead, you're blubbering like little bitches about how awful I am, and that makes you look like hypocrites and big ... kitties.
Oh, sorry, I should have made it clear, not that it would have made a difference to your paid outrage -- I support public hanging for pedos convicted after due process.

You know, due process? That think the left hates?

Meanwhile, you deliberately avoided an opportunity to condemn leftist pedos. It would have been easy. You didn't even have to agree with hanging them. You just straight up did NOT condemn them.

Is that because you support them?

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