god does know!!!!!! God is outside time!!! Time was created for man!!

Luckily, I just have time to have sex with a catholic priest before I go to bed.
The nuns are all on the rag.:D

TYPICAL DEMON INSPIRED TRASH THINKING!!! Count the cost as GOD says you will give account for every word!!!

The church of England's accounts are fun reading. Let's say, they don't need church roof funds with the sack of cash they have.
The love of money is the root of all evil (yes, I paraphrased)
Catholic priests shagging every choir boy they can get into the vestry.
Massive historical corruption in the church, worldwide.
Popes with bastard children.
The massive edit job on the bible.

and a million other things.

The church has very little do do with morality.
Luckily, I just have time to have sex with a catholic priest before I go to bed.
The nuns are all on the rag.:D

TYPICAL DEMON INSPIRED TRASH THINKING!!! Count the cost as GOD says you will give account for every word!!!

The church of England's accounts are fun reading. Let's say, they don't need church roof funds with the sack of cash they have.
The love of money is the root of all evil (yes, I paraphrased)
Catholic priests shagging every choir boy they can get into the vestry.
Massive historical corruption in the church, worldwide.
Popes with bastard children.
The massive edit job on the bible.

and a million other things.

The church has very little do do with morality.

OPEN YOUR EYES!!! SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS AN ABOMINATION sweeping around the world just as GOD'S WORD said we are to expect in the last days when good would be called evil and evil good!!!

So when is the last day going to be? So I know when to strip off all my clothes and masturbate in front of the conservatives here.

Please tell me.

Hi [MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION]

I think you'll know when the end of the world is near
when I quit posting in 20 page paragraphs and

if you notice, GISMYS is posting more msgs on certain threads
sharing in normal tones of talk, that I can actually understand!

The more you see GISMYS (and I)
both speaking more like normal people

that means the world as we know it is close to an end....

(and if you see Luddly Neddite
take me off ignore
then you KNOW it's over!!!!)
Luckily, I just have time to have sex with a catholic priest before I go to bed.
The nuns are all on the rag.:D

TYPICAL DEMON INSPIRED TRASH THINKING!!! Count the cost as GOD says you will give account for every word!!!

The church of England's accounts are fun reading. Let's say, they don't need church roof funds with the sack of cash they have.
The love of money is the root of all evil (yes, I paraphrased)
Catholic priests shagging every choir boy they can get into the vestry.
Massive historical corruption in the church, worldwide.
Popes with bastard children.
The massive edit job on the bible.

and a million other things.

The church has very little do do with morality.

That is just a drop in the bucket if one includes all major trinity religions.
The clergy ordered-- one of the following--(mayans, axtecs, or incas)--wiped off of Gods earth because they practiced fornication--meanwhile back in Europe, the clergy were the #1 attendees of the brothels( fornicating)
Witchhunts---perverts who shaved witches private parts searching for devil marks, and who knows what.
Stand on both sides of a war of hatred, while teachers( clergy) pray to the same god on both sides--this is one of the biggest hipocrosy ' ever witnessed by creation--to actually believe Jesus would condone this.
Its hard for me to believe how so many can be mislead.
TYPICAL DEMON INSPIRED TRASH THINKING!!! Count the cost as GOD says you will give account for every word!!!

The church of England's accounts are fun reading. Let's say, they don't need church roof funds with the sack of cash they have.
The love of money is the root of all evil (yes, I paraphrased)
Catholic priests shagging every choir boy they can get into the vestry.
Massive historical corruption in the church, worldwide.
Popes with bastard children.
The massive edit job on the bible.

and a million other things.

The church has very little do do with morality.

personal I prefer to give religion a miss, man invented deodorant to make him smell nice.God in all his wisdom has come up with nothing to remove the stench of corruption etc that surrounds him.
"The more you see GISMYS (and I)
both speaking more like normal people

that means the world as we know it is close to an end...."

I think the world is safe then because there is NOTHING normal about gismys lol
Last edited:
TYPICAL DEMON INSPIRED TRASH THINKING!!! Count the cost as GOD says you will give account for every word!!!

The church of England's accounts are fun reading. Let's say, they don't need church roof funds with the sack of cash they have.
The love of money is the root of all evil (yes, I paraphrased)
Catholic priests shagging every choir boy they can get into the vestry.
Massive historical corruption in the church, worldwide.
Popes with bastard children.
The massive edit job on the bible.

and a million other things.

The church has very little do do with morality.


Will Al Qur'an do?
OPEN YOUR EYES!!! SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS AN ABOMINATION sweeping around the world just as GOD'S WORD said we are to expect in the last days when good would be called evil and evil good!!! =SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS AN ABOMINATION STILL sweeping around the world.
==The massive destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah still visible

“Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.” Genesis 19:24,25

The five cities of the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah have been located and the evidence is staggering. For the first time in modern history we have found round balls of brimstone, or nearly pure sulfur, embedded in an ashen area near the Dead Sea, which show clear signs of having once been ancient building structures.

The massive destruction of both the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their unrepentant homosexuality and sexual perversions remains as a stark and uncomfortable reminder that God will not forever remain silent about this matter.

Sodom still speaks! America, under the policies of president Barack Obama, has wholeheartedly embraced the LGBT Movement and works tirelessly to advance its pernicious doctrine of death and rebellion to the Holy God of Israel. What we today call Pride is what God destroyed these cities for, and why God will once again cause fire and brimstone to rain down.
The thing which has been, declares the scriptures, is the thing which shall yet be.
“Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.” Genesis 19:24,25

The five cities of the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah have been located and the evidence is staggering. For the first time in modern history we have found round balls of brimstone, or nearly pure sulfur, embedded in an ashen area near the Dead Sea, which show clear signs of having once been ancient building structures.

Hang on a mo.

If a brothel opens in a small town, would God smite the whole fucking town, even the churches, as punishment for having one whore house?
If so, is god in the IDF and is collective punishment a crime in heaven?
“Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.” Genesis 19:24,25

The five cities of the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah have been located and the evidence is staggering. For the first time in modern history we have found round balls of brimstone, or nearly pure sulfur, embedded in an ashen area near the Dead Sea, which show clear signs of having once been ancient building structures.

Hang on a mo.

If a brothel opens in a small town, would God smite the whole fucking town, even the churches, as punishment for having one whore house?
If so, is god in the IDF and is collective punishment a crime in heaven?

THERE WERE NO "GOOD" PEOPLE IN SODOM!! GOD is outside time and HE sees time now from beginning to the end of this age!!
OPEN YOUR EYES!!! SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS AN ABOMINATION sweeping around the world just as GOD'S WORD said we are to expect in the last days when good would be called evil and evil good!!!

You are way to preocuppied with other people having sex.
THERE WERE NO "GOOD" PEOPLE IN SODOM!! GOD is outside time and HE sees time now from beginning to the end of this age!!

So, God dehumanised a whole population and collectively punishes all for the actions of some, or many.
What you're saying is, all the people in that area were guilty of sexual crimes; a highly unlikely scenario.
If all that sex was going on, there would be babies and young children around, so god is guilty of collective punishment by destroying the homes of innocents, just because the guilty lived there as well.
He also murdered children in his campaign to rid the world of perverted sex.

Now, here's a killer.
If god is infallible, how come he fucked up on this one?
After all, his attempt to remove perversion failed as many people still engage in sodomy, sex with nuns, sheep and so on.

If god isn't infallible, he isn't god, just some dude with a power complex.

Perhaps you could answer my points, with special note explaining why god killed babies.
OPEN YOUR EYES!!! SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS AN ABOMINATION sweeping around the world just as GOD'S WORD said we are to expect in the last days when good would be called evil and evil good!!!

You are way to preocuppied with other people having sex.

The marrage bed is honorable but sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!
OPEN YOUR EYES!!! SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS AN ABOMINATION sweeping around the world just as GOD'S WORD said we are to expect in the last days when good would be called evil and evil good!!!

You are way to preocuppied with other people having sex.

The marrage bed is honorable but sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!

So two gay dudes are OK as long as they're married?

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