Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf…

So you're demanding I watch a 90 minute video you've never bothered to. Strike 1.
That's you belief. You can jam your beliefs straight up your ass.

You've presented no evidence to back your claim.

And unlike you with your 'imagining that Trump will someday argue fraud in court', I don't accept your imagination as evidence.

Especially after your source (you) has been proven wrong........with Trump arguing fraud in public, but his lawyers expressly NOT arguing fraud in court.

You've been played.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has. Strike 2
Trumps lawyers argue. Not Trump. And they have all pointed out ballot fraud over and over again.
Look at Michigan, for instance.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has.
His lawyers have.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has. Strike 2
Trumps lawyers argue. Not Trump. And they have all pointed out ballot fraud over and over again.
Look at Michigan, for instance.

They babble about fraud in their opening arguments.....but make it VERY clear that they're not actually arguing that any fraud occured as part of their legal arguments.

In a recent Pennsylvania federal case, Giuliani alleged “widespread, nationwide voter fraud” in his opening remarks. But under questioning from the judge, he retreated. “This is not a fraud case,” Giuliani later admitted. In the same case, Trump lawyer Linda Kearns said explicitly that she is “not proceeding” on allegations of fraud.

You're being played.

If you believe that fraud is part of their legal arguments in us. As I've already demonstrated Trump's claims being contradicted by his own lawyers in court.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has.
His lawyers have.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to show us. Show us Trump's lawyers arguing fraud as part of their legal argument.
They babble about fraud in their opening arguments.....but make it VERY clear that they're not actually arguing that any fraud occured as part of their legal arguments.
I heard Rudy's closing arguments in Michigan yesterday and his arguments today in Georgia. I think I've figured out what Rudy is up to.

He is trying to put enough suspicion in state senators' minds--and in the minds of their constituents who are calling and hollering about it everyday to their state legislators--to persuade them to intercede and choose their own electors, Trump electors, of course. That is all Rudy is doing with Stop the Steal. The whole dog and pony show for us "public" is to put pressure on our state legislators. He only filed three suits. This is all about public misinformation, creating confusion and suspicion in our minds. It's the only prayer he's got left.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has. Strike 2
Trumps lawyers argue. Not Trump. And they have all pointed out ballot fraud over and over again.
Look at Michigan, for instance.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has.
His lawyers have.
If you believe that fraud is part of their legal arguments in us. As I've already demonstrated Trump's claims being contradicted by his own lawyers in court.
Read the citation I provided. You might learn something.
But I doubt it.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has. Strike 2
Trumps lawyers argue. Not Trump. And they have all pointed out ballot fraud over and over again.
Look at Michigan, for instance.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has.
His lawyers have.
If you believe that fraud is part of their legal arguments in us. As I've already demonstrated Trump's claims being contradicted by his own lawyers in court.
Read the citation I provided. You might learn something.
But I doubt it.

You've offered no citation.

Try again.

If you believe that fraud is part of their legal arguments in us.
You've offered no citation.

Try again.

If you believe that fraud is part of their legal arguments in us.
I've provided Sidney Powell's reply to leftist fraud and cheating in Michigan.
If you can't figure things out then fuck you! It's your problem.

Powell isn't Trump's attorney. She's been disavowed by the Trump legal team.

Show us Trump's lawyers every alleging fraud in any of their legal arguments.

You can't. As they never have.

You've been played.
Powell isn't Trump's attorney. She's been disavowed by the Trump legal team.
Powell is pursuing the same out come as Trump. It's like Eisenhower and Patton in Italy in WW II.

A common enemy tracked down by two differing campaigns. Stop being so fucking stupid..

[QUOTE}Show us Trump's lawyers every alleging fraud in any of their legal arguments.

You can't. As they never have.

You've been played.[/QUOTE]
This is the last time I will repeat myself. Read the legal briefs I provided.
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[/QUOTE="Skylar, post: 26057576, member: 49869"]
Powell isn't Trump's attorney. She's been disavowed by the Trump legal team.
Powell is pursuing the same out come as Trump. It's like Eisenhower and Patton in Italy in WW II.

A common enemy tracked down by two differing campaigns. Stop being so fucking stupid..

[QUOTE}Show us Trump's lawyers every alleging fraud in any of their legal arguments.

You can't. As they never have.

You've been played.
This is the last time I will repeat myself. Read the legal briefs I provided.
As the the saying goes, "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” Studies of election rigging here and abroad show that large scale fraud that actually affects election results occurs not at the polls but in the counting centers and in the media. If we want to make elections more secure we should should concentrate on ballot counting centers and stopping the disinformation campaigns from domestic and foreign sources. These are the ways elections are actually stolen.
Getting rid of machines that can be manipulated so easily is vital. The Dominion machines were designed
to be vote flipping machines. What should we expect when incredible voting fraud occurs?
Paper ballot block chain voting is the way to go.
The Dominion machines used in Georgia produce a paper ballot for ever vote cast providing a complete audit trail. Those paper ballots were used in the hand audit and in the machine recount.

View attachment 424184

You are completely wrong

Let Cynthia McKinney , one of the first victims of electoral fraud in Georgia explain it to you
Just more Trumpsters repeating Trump's lies, with zero evidence. Tell a big enough lie often enough and people will believe it. Keep it up, and the Russians and Chinese will appreciate your work discrediting our election process.
Yup. And they don't give a shit.

Its why I have zero interest in placating the irrational election deniers: even when their conspiracy is tested and proven wrong, they ignore the evidence and cling to their conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence.
Not true according to affidavits provided by many witnesses. There were many instances of people voting
over and over again in Domain machines.
Maybe you should check the facts, speaking of people who have no use for evidence.
I checked the facts. There have been 42 lawsuits in about a dozen states attempting to expose voter fraud and failure to follow state regulations. Only one of the 42 cases succeeded, revealing a couple of dozen ballots that were questionable and were referred to the state election commission for investigation. The change in the vote tally was zero. Invariable when eye witnesses of voter fraud were presented, it did not stand up in deposition or court. People saw boxes of ballots being carried to a vote counting room which they claim were fake because they were not brought in through the receiving area but those ballots were conditional ballots that had been pulled for verification and returned when verified. Then there were a large numbers of cars outside a polling place with out of state licenses leading to claims of illegal voters which turns out to be voters from a local college who were registered to vote.

People that are convinced of wrong doing who look hard enough will usually find something they consider evidence because they are blind to all other possibilities since that is not what they are looking for. In the 42 Trump law suites there has been very little evidence presented and in most cases there was none.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has. Strike 2
Trumps lawyers argue. Not Trump. And they have all pointed out ballot fraud over and over again.
Look at Michigan, for instance.
That you imagining that Trump will argue fraud in court someday, doesn't change the fact that he never has.
His lawyers have.
Pointing out voter fraud and offering no evidence is exactly the technique used in many countries to destroy democrat elections. I never thought it would happen in the US.
I checked the facts. There have been 42 lawsuits in about a dozen states attempting to expose voter fraud and failure to follow state regulations. Only one of the 42 cases succeeded, revealing a couple of dozen ballots that were questionable and were referred to the state election commission for investigation. The change in the vote tally was zero. Invariable when eye witnesses of voter fraud were presented, it did not stand up in deposition or court. People saw boxes of ballots being carried to a vote counting room which they claim were fake because they were not brought in through the receiving area but those ballots were conditional ballots that had been pulled for verification and returned when verified. Then there were a large numbers of cars outside a polling place with out of state licenses leading to claims of illegal voters which turns out to be voters from a local college who were registered to vote.

People that are convinced of wrong doing who look hard enough will usually find something they consider evidence because they are blind to all other possibilities since that is not what they are looking for. In the 42 Trump law suites there has been very little evidence presented and in most cases there was none.
Your research is all very interesting. Keep everyone posted.
Pointing out voter fraud and offering no evidence is exactly the technique used in many countries to destroy democrat elections. I never thought it would happen in the US.
Your claim that no evidence of voter fraud has been presented in this election is just the epitome of uninformed blather or blatant lies being inserted to prop up a candidate who excites or inspires no one at all.

Spare me your hyperbole about America falling so low. It's ironic use of the big lie makes me gag.
I checked the facts. There have been 42 lawsuits in about a dozen states attempting to expose voter fraud and failure to follow state regulations. Only one of the 42 cases succeeded, revealing a couple of dozen ballots that were questionable and were referred to the state election commission for investigation. The change in the vote tally was zero. Invariable when eye witnesses of voter fraud were presented, it did not stand up in deposition or court. People saw boxes of ballots being carried to a vote counting room which they claim were fake because they were not brought in through the receiving area but those ballots were conditional ballots that had been pulled for verification and returned when verified. Then there were a large numbers of cars outside a polling place with out of state licenses leading to claims of illegal voters which turns out to be voters from a local college who were registered to vote.

People that are convinced of wrong doing who look hard enough will usually find something they consider evidence because they are blind to all other possibilities since that is not what they are looking for. In the 42 Trump law suites there has been very little evidence presented and in most cases there was none.
Your research is all very interesting. Keep everyone posted.
Voter fraud exist but it's rare. This is a crime that just doesn't pay. You can't sell your vote because we have a secret ballot. An organized effort to steal a presidential election would typically require require hundreds of thousands if not millions of votes in most presidential elections. Even if you kept something this big a secret, where is the profit. Politicians are not know for keeping their promises and few political pundits would be willing to take the risk and those that would be so far out in LA LA land, they couldn't be trusted.
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