Sigh. White Women Are So Politically Incorrect

Check all statements you believe to be true

  • White women are people too.

  • Anything consisting of all white people is automatically racist.

  • If there isn't sufficient racial diversity, it shouldn't be done.

  • Mostly, this whole racism thing is getting more and more stupid.

  • None of the above.

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White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

This is just the natural downward spiral of Identity Politics' Biggest Victim Sweepstakes. More and more of the Ingroup will be defined as the Outgroup as they engage in their ideological cannibalism.

And that's the thing. The very group that accuse the mainstream right of racism and discrimination and intolerance have become the most racist, discriminatory, and intolerant group in American history.

Not to mention incomprehensibly dumb as evidenced by the reason given for cancelling that march. (Which I don't really believe is the real reason.)

I suspect the real reason is that they had very few people signing up to participate at all.

That is my suspicion as well. They probably needed a righteous/noble/politically correct justification that wouldn't leave them with egg on their faces. :)

But the fact that they considered their likely made up excuse as justification for cancelling the event is in itself just simply mind boggling to any rational person.

Indeed. They're trying to save face, but it's incredibly transparent.

There is another aspect as well. There are only 130-135K people in Humboldt county, which is heavily wooded "logging" country. Given the impact of enviro-nonsense on the logging industry and resultant unemployment, I suspect some of this Prog nonsense is not going over too well. Add to this the recent fires and changes Trump has put in place to allow logging and thinning of federal forest land, and the tolerance for Prog nonsense decreases further.

IOW, the loony ladies are a eensy beensy teensy fringe group.

I don't doubt it. I just looked up the demographics for Humboldt County:
White alone - 83.5%
Black alone - 1.4%
American Indian - 6.3%
Asian alone - 2.9%
Pacific Islander - .3%
Two or more races - 5.6%

Not a lot of 'color' to recruit from there figuring American Indians generally aren't interested in political demonstrations that don't involve them specifically and Asian Americans don't count as 'people of color' since they are one of the most successful and prosperous demographics. :)
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

This is just the natural downward spiral of Identity Politics' Biggest Victim Sweepstakes. More and more of the Ingroup will be defined as the Outgroup as they engage in their ideological cannibalism.

And that's the thing. The very group that accuse the mainstream right of racism and discrimination and intolerance have become the most racist, discriminatory, and intolerant group in American history.

Not to mention incomprehensibly dumb as evidenced by the reason given for cancelling that march. (Which I don't really believe is the real reason.)

Become? It was always there. The democrats have been bragging for years that they have the "demographic advantage".

Compounding the problem nationally for Republicans, the decline in the white percentage of the electorate has coincided with stronger Democratic identification and voting patterns among nonwhite voters, as well as increasingly more liberal social views among higher educated white professionals.
Path to 270:2016

It goes on to say "Our analysis suggests that even though this strategy is highly risky given demographic patterns, it could work by potentially flipping states with large numbers of conservative white voters..."

What risky strategy? "The Democratic path to victory lies in holding the demographic and geographic wall of support that has fueled victory in the past two presidential elections. ..Compounding the problem nationally for Republicans, the decline in the white percentage of the electorate has coincided with stronger Democratic identification and voting patterns among nonwhite voters.."

Finally they admit something no knuckle dragging liberal would admit to in public. Barack Hussein was unpopular and relied on a coalition of disaffected groups to defeat the majority.

"This much is clear: Despite demographic trends that continue to favor them, the challenging political situation for the Democrats—presiding over an uneven economic recovery, time-for-a-change sentiment, anti-government populism, and sub-50 percent approval ratings for President Obama—means that a third consecutive presidential term is hardly a sure thing...The heart of the Obama coalition is the minority vote. In 2012, President Obama received 81 percent support from communities of color, a group that made up 27 percent of all voters.13 The question is, will the Democratic candidate be able to replicate that performance in 2016?"

Go read the report yourself. They crow about the decline of white voters. A wikileaks email leak showed a discussion between Democrat strategists excitedly anticipating a hispanic takeover of Florida voting. And anyone wonders why they want a porous border?
Try a thought experiment...replace every mention of minority groups with "white". What if a party said in an internal document "we have to get out more whites because we depend on whites to win the election. We should work to increase white turnout and do what we can to gain a demographic advantage over minorities"

Their racism is nothing new. What is new is talking about it by going around the ruling elite media.

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