Sigh. White Women Are So Politically Incorrect

Check all statements you believe to be true

  • White women are people too.

  • Anything consisting of all white people is automatically racist.

  • If there isn't sufficient racial diversity, it shouldn't be done.

  • Mostly, this whole racism thing is getting more and more stupid.

  • None of the above.

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White male fragility needs some loving.

Maybe but this thread is about white women.

All woven together isn't it.

Not really. Sometimes it helps educate when we can narrow the focus to a single component within a much larger dynamic. When you try to talk about everything all at the same time, it tends to get muddled and quickly off track.

Sounds to me like white males have quite a lot they think needs fixed/educated and they are the ones to do it.
Who couldn't have seen this stuff coming...

As counterproductive and intellectually dishonest as PC and Identity Politics can be, it's always a hoot watching how the various competing grievance groups jockey for position in the Hierarchy of Victimhood.

So yeah, white women are probably among the lower rungs right now.

I was just trolling about, Mac.
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

In a Facebook statement, the group said it opted to nix the third annual march “after many conversations between local social-change organizations and supporters of the march,” saying they would work on how to “broaden representation in the organizing committee.”

“Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” said the statement. “Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach.”​

So, the organizers, apparently after getting an earful for being less than inviting to minority women, wisely decided to take some time to reach out to minority women.

Maybe, gravitating towards "something more like reason, logic, common sense" might happen once such decision is no longer willfully misrepresented as a declaration of white women to be "the new scourge of America", or white women declared to "have have no ability to think". Maybe, just maybe, once everyone realizes there's an actual argument to be made, and that merely playing the victim isn't an argument at all, things might actually change for the better.

Are you making that argument? Do you honestly think the organizers set out to be welcoming to white women only?

Do you really think the organizers, who happened to be white, set out to be unwelcoming to minorities? What if the minority women didn't want to be part of anything organized by white people? Who are the racists in that case??
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White male fragility needs some loving.

Maybe but this thread is about white women.

All woven together isn't it.

Not really. Sometimes it helps educate when we can narrow the focus to a single component within a much larger dynamic. When you try to talk about everything all at the same time, it tends to get muddled and quickly off track.

Sounds to me like white males have quite a lot they think needs fixed/educated and they are the ones to do it.

Explain please. What do white males need to fix or be educated on that everybody else doesn't need to fix or be educated on? And how does that relate to the OP?
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

It isn’t absurd. It’s part of a larger attempt at genocide.
Of course it is. It's part of justifying the murders of young white women.
Do you really believe that? Because I haven't seen that mentality in the most foolish political correct nonsense I have dealt with.

Well...just as an aside...people pursuing genocide dont always announce it.
Do you really believe that? Because I haven't seen that mentality in the most foolish political correct nonsense I have dealt with.

Well...just as an aside...people pursuing genocide dont always announce it.

Well genocide was a component of political correctness in Nazi Germany 80 years ago. But that was a totally different thing than modern American political correctness which definitely has its dangerous and insidious side, but definitely does not include genocide..
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

This is just the natural downward spiral of Identity Politics' Biggest Victim Sweepstakes. More and more of the Ingroup will be defined as the Outgroup as they engage in their ideological cannibalism.
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?
Wait, you think white women are a persecuted minority?

I checked my OP very VERY carefully and can be very confident that I did not suggest that, say that, imply that.
So..... You don't really understand what you said?
Well genocide was a component of political correctness in Nazi Germany 80 years ago. But that was a totally different thing than modern American political correctness which definitely has its dangerous and insidious side, but definitely does not include genocide..

It definitely does.

"Genocide is the attempt to destroy any recognized, stable, and permanent group as it is defined by the perpetrator: [It] is a concerted effort to eliminate its individual members and to destroy the group’s ability to maintain its social and cultural cohesion and, thus, its existence as a group. The perpetrators’ genocidal goals -- i.e., intent, which is central to the 1948 UN definition but is often analyzed too legalistically and narrowly -- can be uncovered by examining policies, actions, and outcomes"
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

This is just the natural downward spiral of Identity Politics' Biggest Victim Sweepstakes. More and more of the Ingroup will be defined as the Outgroup as they engage in their ideological cannibalism.

And that's the thing. The very group that accuse the mainstream right of racism and discrimination and intolerance have become the most racist, discriminatory, and intolerant group in American history.

Not to mention incomprehensibly dumb as evidenced by the reason given for cancelling that march. (Which I don't really believe is the real reason.)
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?
Wait, you think white women are a persecuted minority?

I checked my OP very VERY carefully and can be very confident that I did not suggest that, say that, imply that.
So..... You don't really understand what you said?

I know very well what I said. Will I resist those who try to mischaracterize it or extrapolate it into something else? You can pretty well count on it.
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

This is just the natural downward spiral of Identity Politics' Biggest Victim Sweepstakes. More and more of the Ingroup will be defined as the Outgroup as they engage in their ideological cannibalism.

And that's the thing. The very group that accuse the mainstream right of racism and discrimination and intolerance have become the most racist, discriminatory, and intolerant group in American history.

Not to mention incomprehensibly dumb as evidenced by the reason given for cancelling that march. (Which I don't really believe is the real reason.)

I suspect the real reason is that they had very few people signing up to participate at all.
Well genocide was a component of political correctness in Nazi Germany 80 years ago. But that was a totally different thing than modern American political correctness which definitely has its dangerous and insidious side, but definitely does not include genocide..

It definitely does.

"Genocide is the attempt to destroy any recognized, stable, and permanent group as it is defined by the perpetrator: [It] is a concerted effort to eliminate its individual members and to destroy the group’s ability to maintain its social and cultural cohesion and, thus, its existence as a group. The perpetrators’ genocidal goals -- i.e., intent, which is central to the 1948 UN definition but is often analyzed too legalistically and narrowly -- can be uncovered by examining policies, actions, and outcomes"

Okay I can accept that if you mean destroy in some other context than physically killing those you don't want to exist. But genocide has a murderous context for me. Even ethnic cleansing politically speaking has a different context from genocide.
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White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

This is just the natural downward spiral of Identity Politics' Biggest Victim Sweepstakes. More and more of the Ingroup will be defined as the Outgroup as they engage in their ideological cannibalism.

And that's the thing. The very group that accuse the mainstream right of racism and discrimination and intolerance have become the most racist, discriminatory, and intolerant group in American history.

Not to mention incomprehensibly dumb as evidenced by the reason given for cancelling that march. (Which I don't really believe is the real reason.)

I suspect the real reason is that they had very few people signing up to participate at all.

That is my suspicion as well. They probably needed a righteous/noble/politically correct justification that wouldn't leave them with egg on their faces. :)

But the fact that they considered their likely made up excuse as justification for cancelling the event is in itself just simply mind boggling to any rational person.
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

This is just the natural downward spiral of Identity Politics' Biggest Victim Sweepstakes. More and more of the Ingroup will be defined as the Outgroup as they engage in their ideological cannibalism.

And that's the thing. The very group that accuse the mainstream right of racism and discrimination and intolerance have become the most racist, discriminatory, and intolerant group in American history.

Not to mention incomprehensibly dumb as evidenced by the reason given for cancelling that march. (Which I don't really believe is the real reason.)

I suspect the real reason is that they had very few people signing up to participate at all.

That is my suspicion as well. They probably needed a righteous/noble/politically correct justification that wouldn't leave them with egg on their faces. :)

But the fact that they considered their likely made up excuse as justification for cancelling the event is in itself just simply mind boggling to any rational person.

Indeed. They're trying to save face, but it's incredibly transparent.

There is another aspect as well. There are only 130-135K people in Humboldt county, which is heavily wooded "logging" country. Given the impact of enviro-nonsense on the logging industry and resultant unemployment, I suspect some of this Prog nonsense is not going over too well. Add to this the recent fires and changes Trump has put in place to allow logging and thinning of federal forest land, and the tolerance for Prog nonsense decreases further.

IOW, the loony ladies are a eensy beensy teensy fringe group.

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