Sign-Up For Official USMB #9: Battle For Cityville

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Active Member
Sep 22, 2014
The good people of Cityville love their pleasant little hamlet. But something strange is going on in the town as of late. Money disappearing from the General Fund. Strange lights in the sky. People are acting strange and just a bit off. While the Steering Committee for the town has had enough. But not everyone agrees on what should be done. In fact, everyone is certain that some people on this steering committee must be responsible for all the strangeness! Kick them out before they have a chance to take over the town!

This game is not bastard.
This game does not have any unusual mechanics but it may have roles you've rarely seen.

This game is an experiment that I don't think I've ever seen done before. How this game ends will have an influence on my next game. Not just for which faction wins but also which role or roles are still alive.

1. Wolfsister77
2. Nutz
3. Wake
4. AyeCan'tSeeYou
5. Avatar4321
6. House
7. FA_Q2
8. RosieS
I would @people so they are aware of this thread. I can give you some names tomorrow. I am in 4 right now at MS which is already the MAX I can handle, but if you can get a few people, I might consider it. I need to sleep now so I can help you tag people tomorrow.
Entertain me

~I hope you find the game entertaining. Editing your post for lulz!
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Also, lulz, if you are serious about this, you should PM Cereal_Killer and ask for mod powers here.

~I have mod powers! I wouldn't have started the sign-up thread without them. I don't really know how I can prove it though. j/k:lol:
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OK, You'll get a few if I tag some people for you that have played or showed an interest, just give me a minute to find all the names.
I'd in if I knew the mod's usual username.

Not a fan of ninja alts.
I don't know who ika is, but I'm inning just to have the chance to play with you guys again.

Work success is bittersweet, because I don't have much of a life outside of it now...
Well, the lucky thing is I've gotten to play with House, Grandma, Titus, and mathblade at MS which is fun. Wake, not so much yet.
Well, the lucky thing is I've gotten to play with House, Grandma, Titus, and mathblade at MS which is fun. Wake, not so much yet.

I don't think I have the brains to play too many Mafia games at once. Put myself on a self-imposed ban where I only play one game at a time there. How the heck you guys manage to play more than two games at a time is beyond me. Which is ironic because I multi-task like a master on the hospital floor. Mafia just requires a lot of brains, time, effort, and patience. I wish I had more, dang it. :p
Well, the lucky thing is I've gotten to play with House, Grandma, Titus, and mathblade at MS which is fun. Wake, not so much yet.

I don't think I have the brains to play too many Mafia games at once. Put myself on a self-imposed ban where I only play one game at a time there. How the heck you guys manage to play more than two games at a time is beyond me. Which is ironic because I multi-task like a master on the hospital floor. Mafia just requires a lot of brains, time, effort, and patience. I wish I had more, dang it. :p

Still working on the patience stuff, LOL. It helps a lot when the playerbase/mods are fun. But yeah, I for sure realized my max.
We need moar people.

Some are just shy atm. :D
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