Silence Is Consent


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Joe Biden refused to answer when asked, 'Do you support or condemn those currently ripping down monuments, from Catholic missionaries to General Grant?'

The Biden campaign was given over 24 hours to respond - they refused to do so.

'Biden is scared to death of this issue and it shows. Right now, he’s threading a needle of remaining in hiding while stepping out only for the occasional, little covered stump speech. The worst thing that can happen to his campaign is for him to have to take some stands on these issues of chaos.'

Dems are going to do everything in their power to keep the lockdowns going and Biden free of any actual debates right up to election day.

Amazingly, people are going to vote for Biden even though he will probably bring about the end of the world.......for no other reason than to beat Trump.

I laugh because I know people are going to get exactly what they deserve. The entertainment value is going to be priceless.
Joe Biden refused to answer when asked, 'Do you support or condemn those currently ripping down monuments, from Catholic missionaries to General Grant?'

The Biden campaign was given over 24 hours to respond - they refused to do so.

'Biden is scared to death of this issue and it shows. Right now, he’s threading a needle of remaining in hiding while stepping out only for the occasional, little covered stump speech. The worst thing that can happen to his campaign is for him to have to take some stands on these issues of chaos.'

Even Kegs didn't try something this lame.
Joe Biden refused to answer when asked, 'Do you support or condemn those currently ripping down monuments, from Catholic missionaries to General Grant?'

The Biden campaign was given over 24 hours to respond - they refused to do so.

'Biden is scared to death of this issue and it shows. Right now, he’s threading a needle of remaining in hiding while stepping out only for the occasional, little covered stump speech. The worst thing that can happen to his campaign is for him to have to take some stands on these issues of chaos.'

Even Kegs didn't try something this lame.

I agree. It was a simple question - neither Biden nor his campaign staff bothered to say 'Yes, Biden opposes the lawlessness'.
If you did not always lie when you spoke you would be silent.

Why would you accuse me of lying?
Show me evidence of any widespread resistance by the conservatie Right to the Left's "Transformation" and I'll apologize

Other than a FEW ISOLATED protests, I would say the conservative rights has been deadly silent.

Not sure where you're coming from.
When asked if he opposes the lawless taking down of monuments Joe had no comment....but he bragged and laughed on videotape when he confessed to extorting the previous Ukraine PM...

What's the matter, Joe - BLM got your tongue, or is your brain malfunctioning again?
If you did not always lie when you spoke you would be silent.

Why would you accuse me of lying?
Show me evidence of any widespread resistance by the right to the Left's "Transformation" and I'll apologize
Perhaps you are confused because the opposition from the right is peaceful, through legal channels, not lawless, violence carried out by the left...You would have an equal reaction by the right in opposition? You must be eager for an actual civil war...

Fueled and financed by Soros, Maduro/Venezuela, and other outside enemies of the state, the domestic terrorists have turned to violence and criminal / terrorist acts instead of obeying our law and respecting authority - which they seek to undermine / destroy.

If these terrorists / criminals want to get rid of a monument there is a legal process for doing so. Instead, like extremely violent children throwing a tantrum, they are destroying property that is not theirs. These little terrorists need to learn that no matter how mad you get you are NEVER allowed to touch/hit anyone else, and they are not allowed to destroy property that is not their. To drive this point home I would ;love to see these little SOBs arrested and put in jail for 5 - 10 years - restore law and order.

It these terrorists want to do this shit there are a lot of 3rd world shit holes they can go to and do so all they want.

Africa said it would take them.

Better yet, go to China or Russia and start this shit....see how long THAT would last.
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Joe Biden refused to answer when asked, 'Do you support or condemn those currently ripping down monuments, from Catholic missionaries to General Grant?'

The Biden campaign was given over 24 hours to respond - they refused to do so.

'Biden is scared to death of this issue and it shows. Right now, he’s threading a needle of remaining in hiding while stepping out only for the occasional, little covered stump speech. The worst thing that can happen to his campaign is for him to have to take some stands on these issues of chaos.'

This is what will destroy him in 2020. He has to kiss black ass so much that he can't answer rationally.
Yes, silence is consent.

That cuts both ways, of course.
Biden like many politicians does not believe what he spews. It is about power and money. However, there is a good chance that he was forced out of the political limelight to become the Prog standard bearer. But he does not believe this stuff. And all the people affected by these politicians.
"neither Biden nor his campaign staff bothered to say 'Yes, Biden opposes the lawlessness'."

If he says that then he loses a lot of support from the far Left, who is running the party these days. In fact, I think he probably does oppose it but is afraid to say so. There's a lotta gutlessness going around on both sides, but not Trump though. There's some things he just doesn't have the authority to do.
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