Silk using Diamond's death to make even more money.

The unexpected death of Diamond from the hard right wing sister duo Diamond and Silk has become just another way to make money for the remaining sister, Herneitha Rochelle Hardaway Richardson (Silk). Only hours after the death, the Diamond and Silk web site posted a link to a Gofundme type site where over $67,000 has been collected so far with Herneitha Rochelle Hardaway Richardson (Silk) named as the recipient of all the money collected. No official reason has been given for her death so far, but there has been much speculation that she succumbed to Covid 19, which she claimed didn't exist. Other speculation proposes her death was the result of Karma, which was triggered by the vast trove of misinformation and Q-Anon conspiracies, which most of her act was based on. What we do know is that people close to her claim she wasn't sick, but just collapsed and died shortly afterward. No prediction of how long the money making site will stay up. A reasonable guess might be until the money stops coming in.
Memo to a dumb lib... when people die on the left make sure you fallow the money with them too okay?... the libs are still profiting off MLK for cyin out loud... hypocritical much?....
The unexpected death of Diamond from the hard right wing sister duo Diamond and Silk has become just another way to make money for the remaining sister, Herneitha Rochelle Hardaway Richardson (Silk). Only hours after the death, the Diamond and Silk web site posted a link to a Gofundme type site where over $67,000 has been collected so far with Herneitha Rochelle Hardaway Richardson (Silk) named as the recipient of all the money collected. No official reason has been given for her death so far, but there has been much speculation that she succumbed to Covid 19, which she claimed didn't exist. Other speculation proposes her death was the result of Karma, which was triggered by the vast trove of misinformation and Q-Anon conspiracies, which most of her act was based on. What we do know is that people close to her claim she wasn't sick, but just collapsed and died shortly afterward. No prediction of how long the money making site will stay up. A reasonable guess might be until the money stops coming in.
Since when do families not collect money for dead ones?

You people are nuts.
Don't even know what an earwig is. No, typical 3 bedroom brick.
Idk what a "typical 3 bedroom brick" is. We don't have those here. How many square feet?

This is an earwig:


They say they're harmless, but I find that hard to believe, that's a nasty looking bug.

This one doesn't even look as nasty as the ones I'm used to seeing.
I have never heard of them, or the website Blavity that supposedly claimed Diamond died of Covid-19 and also that she was hospitalized for Covid-19 in November.
Was Lynette Hardaway's cause of death COVID? What we know, what we don't
Was she treble/quadruple vaxxed, how about you and the op??? All available data conclusively indicates that the only people dying of covid are the fools who submitted to the murderous jabs, Biden Boost up today, ensure career stability for morticians and funeral directors tomorrow...:banana:
unless of course she said stuff you agreed with then she would be ok....right?....
A conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory. It just so happens that most come from Qanon supporters, like those sisters who brought the mentality of Amos and Andy to the MAGA world.
I guess if you repeat a lie long enough it becomes the truth to some folks.

Floyd was arrested in 2007 for his involvement in an armed home robbery and was sentenced to five years in prison, but court records do not indicate that Henriquez was pregnant at the time of the incident, or that Floyd threatened to kill her baby.
You know, I could run that down and prove your bullshit wrong, but why bother when it's obvious you're just being a peckerhead?

Armed home robbery, he should have hanged for that.
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Why is is wrong to talk bad about the recently deceased? Because even Atheists have subconscious understanding that there is an Afterlife.

All of us will face Judgement.

According to Talmud, someone who calls for G-d's Judgement on others will be judged more harshly themselves. Thus, a 100% observant and righteous person can judge others.

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