We Need Secret Service Protection For Biden's Critics

Trump was totally isolated. His social media accounts were cut off. He couldn't have had anything to do with it.
Please rethink that statement.

On January 8, 2021, President Donald J. Trump Tweeted: “The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA ...

Trump wasn't suspnded from Twitter until well AFTER January 6th.

Jan 9, 2021 — Twitter has suspended President Trump from its platform, the company said
Please rethink that statement.

On January 8, 2021, President Donald J. Trump Tweeted: “The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA ...

Trump wasn't suspnded from Twitter until well AFTER January 6th.

Jan 9, 2021 — Twitter has suspended President Trump from its platform, the company said
FACT: They cut off his account temporarily on Jan 6th.

His ban was later made permanent.
He called them to DC on that particular day when Congress was in a joint session counting the EC votes for the 2020 election. Then he and his crew riled them up with lies about the 2020 election and sent them to the Capitol building. He then ignored request from his own side to call his MAGAMOB off and he refused to do anything for over 3 hours.
The speech was advertised in advance.
How hard would it be for the Pentagon to stage a false-flag event?
Why did the FBI have to admit that they had dozens of agents in the crowd? Why were they there and what did they do to cause the riot?
Why was known ANTIFA operatives breaking windows in the Capital, yet none of these FBI agents bothered to stop them?
Why did witnesses say they saw busloads of people being ushered onto the Capital grounds?
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He called them to DC on that particular day when Congress was in a joint session counting the EC votes for the 2020 election. Then he and his crew riled them up with lies about the 2020 election and sent them to the Capitol building. He then ignored request from his own side to call his MAGAMOB off and he refused to do anything for over 3 hours.
I heard that Steve Bannon was holding Trump down with his fat arse while Mike Lindell kept a My Pillow over his mouth for those three hours.
Trump couldn't do anything. Social media used his plea for calm as an excuse to ban his accounts.

Pelosi refused to allow troops around the Capital.
"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election, Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild" he wrote and Sent Dec 19th.

The Speaker of the House was unaware of Benedict Donald's plan to send his MAGAMOB to the Capitol.
I heard that Steve Bannon was holding Trump down with his fat arse while Mike Lindell kept a My Pillow over his mouth for those three hours.
Not what I heard at all. I heard Roger Stone was there too, and he put on Donnies favorite Nixon mask and they had their way with the Orange fluff-butt.
"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election, Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild" he wrote and Sent Dec 19th.

The Speaker of the House was unaware of Benedict Donald's plan to send his MAGAMOB to the Capitol.
She knew it was coming and she even had a film crew scheduled to film her when "IT" happened.
She planned it and the Pentagon carried it out.
The evidence of this is all over the place. More and more of it comes out every day.
Not what I heard at all. I heard Roger Stone was there too, and he put on Donnies favorite Nixon mask and they had their way with the Orange fluff-butt.
I also heard Trump was James Bond and tried to steal "The Beast" so he could rush in and save the day on Jan 6th.
"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election, Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild" he wrote and Sent Dec 19th.

The Speaker of the House was unaware of Benedict Donald's plan to send his MAGAMOB to the Capitol.
You could have put cots in there for the so-called insurrectionists to sleep. If anyone would have gotten hurt, it was because they accidently walked into each other. No politicians were in danger. And the videos prove this. Karma will come to Prog voters when the great screwing occurs.

Strange how so many conservatives are just dropping dead these days. If you wonder why there are so many critics of Trump....it's partly because some of them don't want to end up like Biden critics. A list of guests of Epstein's Island has been floating around....and most of them seem to be on it.
I'm sure that nobody will take this possibility seriously....until the media starts talking about it. And chances of that happening are slim....because nobody wants to end up dead.
See a doctor
I also heard Trump was James Bond and tried to steal "The Beast" so he could rush in and save the day on Jan 6th.
No no no, James Bond wouldn't have to steal his own ride. He'd have had a jetpack on standby to just zoom on over to the insurrection at the Capitol.

Whoa be unto Congresses ass if James Bond were on the case.
OMG, OMFG, He called out the whirlwind to seek justice and revenge. Everybody knows how deadly those are........not.
It's inflammatory rhetoric like this that has caused people on the left to think they can act like animals toward anyone wearing a red hat, or anyone they think might support Republicans.
Atlanta is under attack from ANTIFA right now from the crazies you guys claim don't exist.
Nothing but one act of sabotage after another by Democrats.
Poisoning conservatives is the next logical step.

See a doctor
I don't need to...I've already been tested.
The problem with you silly fucks is you cannot read the tea leaves.
Nor do you have the training I have on the subject, so you're unable to spot the indicators that it's going on.
I'm just trying to figure out how they get the poison to their targets.
Need I remind you people of all of the rightwing folks that have been dropping dead the last several years...including Supreme Court Justice Scalia.

What's striking, and is the primary factor protecting these people who are pulling this off, is the fact that it all just sounds so insane.
Well, I've seen plenty of insanity first-hand....and I have a more open mind than the rest of you. Seems you folks on the left only hate the military industrial complex when your taskmasters are telling you to hate it. Right now you're acting as cheerleaders for it.
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No no no, James Bond wouldn't have to steal his own ride. He'd have had a jetpack on standby to just zoom on over to the insurrection at the Capitol.

Whoa be unto Congresses ass if James Bond were on the case.
No....James Bond had to steal a Jet or an aircraft of some sort to stop the proliferation of nukes to terrorists.
Improvise. Adapt.

What amazes me is the fact that there are so many Deep-staters on both sides just spreading the lie that is was Trump, not Biden, who tried to steal the election.
Bill Maher showed that last Friday night.
Nobody on either side of the isle argues with this false assumption.
Trump couldn't do anything. Social media used his plea for calm as an excuse to ban his accounts.

Pelosi refused to allow troops around the Capital.

The problem here is you people on the left swallow every lie the leftist media relays to you.
You don't care what the facts are.
good one.

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