Silly Times With Crazy People

They've gotten everywhere by losing and then screaming victory at the top of their lungs. It's just the one trick pony again.
Demoquacks.....proving once again they are petulant little children. They don't get their way so they whine, bawl, pout and throw temper tantrums.
The Democrats refuse to learn how to at least be proper clowns.

Dems call for investigation of 'chaotic' Trump transition

First question of the investigation: Why does Ivanka keep sitting in on meetings between foreign leaders and diplomats, and her dad?

Is this the Friends & Family Plan Foreign Policy? What a joke. Four year clusterfuck coming our way.
The President-Elect better have his friends and family involved, since he's skipping his intel briefings.
Of course, since he knows more than the Generals, that's probably okay.
His team says he's too busy, but actually, how long does it take? He should MAKE the time, since he doesn't sleep anyway. He could shuffle things around and still get up to speed on what's happening in the world so he isn't sitting there with his thumb up his ass on Day One.
Maybe that's just the teacher in me, but he really should make the time, imo.

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